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And They Call Us Crazy?


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Got a few of these god botherers in Phuket.

They are from the same cowardly vein as the NGO's that come here saying they are preventing slavery and prostitution when they should be in Burma, Cambodia and China.

They love the nice safe feel of Thailand and run scared of carrying out their mission where it may have some effect.


Who is Brother Tony harming? Leave him alone.

Back in the day when I hung out there and someone pissed me off, I'd confront them and 'ask them to leave' or be scared of them and leave myself.

I'd have welcomed someone like Tony - it was those blasted peanut sellers that annoyed me. What about the little girls selling roses - they should be arrested.

Why is it that so many people get worked up over Christian evangelists in Thailand? If the guy was up there doing the same thing but talking about Buddhism would there still be all the same negative reactions? If he was a Thai instead of a foreigner would there still be the same reactions? Thailand seems to have a very large percent of anti-Christian foreigners when compared to most countries on this earth.
Good question. Religious nuts are fun apart from those guys on the bikes - refuse to have a good argument.

yes ,

those ###### little girls selling rose's drive me insane, and then theres that young thai dude on the koh san

that does the thumb wrestling and always kicks the farangs arse and they have pay him double. :D

then that nutty thai lady living in koo koo land, comes along and sits there staring at you until you give her a smoke :o

i got to tell you people out there in thai visa land that all these crazy people drive me bleeding crazy. :D

but thats what i love about the los, is that one will never be bored and brother tony is just another one of those characters that make thailand what it is.

im not a religous person, dont take his message on board but respect his right to stand in the middle of the street and do his thing.

he does not solicite for money, does not steal from people and does not kill people.

his only crime is believing in his faith, pissing a few people off with his booming loud voice and trying to convert some sad punters.

if one believes in him self, is confident and secure in his life, he will see brother tony as a harmless punter doing his own thing.

if one has real problems in ones life they could possibly be converted into his doctrins.

but i believe this is not the answer, as the answer is found within ones self and we all must dig deep to find it.

becoming fanatical and placing ones whole life into one religion will rarely lead to happiness.

thank you very much :D

the reverend,


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Here is a video that was published on www.youtube.com of us preaching the word of God in Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy:
. Much of the video films the response that we get from the preaching. And they call us crazy? I would rather be crazy for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than the devil. I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

What exactly is it about Thai culture that you hate so much that you want to destroy it? What is so wrong about Buddhism that makes you want people to turn away from it? How many wars have been fought in the name of Buddhism?

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So I am told but Bhuddism is actually a philosophy and not quite a religion.

So the 'no wars' from Bhuddism doesn't add up.

People will find a reason for fighting a war no matter what. Religion can just be a convenient excuse a lot of the time.

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So I am told but Bhuddism is actually a philosophy and not quite a religion.

So the 'no wars' from Bhuddism doesn't add up.

People will find a reason for fighting a war no matter what. Religion can just be a convenient excuse a lot of the time.

Well, I think it's both, but even more than either of those I think it is psychology.

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Here is a video that was published on www.youtube.com of us preaching the word of God in Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy:
. Much of the video films the response that we get from the preaching. And they call us crazy? I would rather be crazy for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than the devil. I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

What exactly is it about Thai culture that you hate so much that you want to destroy it? What is so wrong about Buddhism that makes you want people to turn away from it? How many wars have been fought in the name of Buddhism?

So it's fine for foreigners to sell ot Thais Toyotas, Isuzus, McDonalds burgers, KFC chicken, Nokia cell phones, etc. but as soon as someone tries to bring in a different religion they're evil? Doesn't make any sense. Nobody is forcing the Thais to buy all these imported goods and nobody is forcing Thais to accept some new religion. It is up to each individual. How selfish can you be to try to limit the Thais to one particular philosophy or religion? Everybody on this planet has the right to learn about various religions as they desire and to choose whichever one they think is right. If you believe your religion is correct then you can ignore anyone who tries to convert you to another. If you have doubts that your religion is correct then maybe you will listen to someone else's thoughts and perhaps convert. Why is it that in Thailand the vast majority of people are Buddhists whereas in Indonesia the vast majority are Muslim? And so forth with so many different countries that are predominately one religion? It is because people blindly accept the same religion as their parents did and the religion is carried down from one generation to the next. Just because some religion has been around in a culture for a long time doesn't mean it's right. I say good for someone who is willing to look at all the religions and then decide for themselves which one is best and good for people who are willing to tell other cultures about religions they may never have heard about before. Knowledge should never be kept from those willing to accept it, be it religion, science, or any other type of knowledge. You however seem to want the Thai people to remain ignorant of other religions. How selfish of you!

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It seems a lot of you are more intolerant than Buddhism while using Buddhism as an excuse for these preachers not to preach here. Buddhism is a tolerant philosophy/religion. Missionaries are allowed by the Thai government to work in Thailand. However, the brother may not have the proper visa. Does everyone here have the proper visa? Probably not.

Getting away from those nitpicky issues, Thailand is tolerant of other religions all the while keeping Buddhism as the main religion. But I think at the core, Buddhism says that all should be happy in their own religion, and have the choice to live as they choose in this respect. So, it's not anti-Thai or anti-Buddhist to preach another religion in Thailand in my view. This is not an Islamic country where you can't do such things.

That said, in watching this video, a man is trying to have a conversation with the preacher and then he doesn't listen and just starts praying for him. The man was being very civil in his tone as well. This is not an effective technique, brother Tony. People don't want to be ignored and effectively you ignore someone if you do this. He ran off not because you were praying, but because you weren't listening to him and having a conversation. If you really want converts, you'd have much more success having a real, reasonable conversation with them then by preaching to them in this manner. It just doesn't seem to make much sense to me, and I think that's why many are making fun of your group on this thread.

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Are you a preacher as well?

What in Ox's words suggested he/she was preaching? Just being reasonable as far as I can tell. I felt my post was somewhat along the same lines, and I wasn't preaching, just trying to by reasonable and open-minded.

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Here is a video that was published on www.youtube.com of us preaching the word of God in Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy:
. Much of the video films the response that we get from the preaching. And they call us crazy? I would rather be crazy for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than the devil. I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

I'm nobody's fool and I do not have a brother called Tony! Many non-buddhist religions do great work in Thailand to help the poor, underpriveleged,bar girls and underage boys and girls caught up in the sex industry here,etc,etc but do not feel the need to post your kind of "preaching" here. I am not in the least bit religious myself but do volunteer with a catholic organisation who do a lot to help and educate the children from slum areas, and some non-Thais, withut feeling the need to thrust religion on everyone who takes an interest in their worthy cause.

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Far be it from me to criticize of a man of God, do whatever you feel is right, but please hear my comments as a bit of a critique. Truly the field you have chosen is rather stony ground.

First it might be a benefit for you to meditate a bit on Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

And also Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Also don’t cast your pearls before swine.

I have trouble imagining that when you bring this video to your supporters you have much success in getting them fired up about your technique. ( they might however think you are quite brave, if that’s what your trying to show) For one thing, the sound quality is atrocious. I know I can hear someone hollering out the Gospel, but I really can’t make out what is being said. So all I, and all the viewers of youtube see, is some guy in crowd yelling, and a bunch of people getting quite offended. If you’re going to use video, then learn how to use it. Bad audio is the death of any media project. Start off by getting a handheld mike with low gain.

Has this been a successful tactic for you? Do you see people convicted of their sins, or do you see what we are reading here, a bunch of folks who feel even more justified in their hatred of the Christian message. Not by the message mind you, because no one can hear it; but by what appears to them as complete arrogance and insensitivity.

When Christ went to the bars, he sat with the people, got to know their names and shared his heart with them. This is exactly what drove the Pharisees nuts; they thought he should be yelling at them from the street like you were.

Your's is the most thoughtful post on this subject that I had read. Brother Tony's actions might be acceptable in the United States or the U.K., where sidewalk preachers are more common. To try this tactic in Thailand, where raising one's voice is considered culturally unacceptable, invites distain and avoidance. Perhaps converting the Godless heathens is not Brother Tony's primary goal. Perhaps drawing attention to oneself is the real goal. In this, he seems to have succeeded.

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The recurring theme ... the end is near, repent, ... has been put forth to us from day one, be it placard-wearing delusionals at the street corner to Armani clad evangelists on satellite feeds.

Handing out a brochure is one thing, causing a public disturbance is another.

I believe Jesus primarily preached to the young ... you can't put new wine in old flasks ...

It's too late for us at the bar, but if you guys could at least nail down this end of world thing would be appreciated, we've been hearing it for eons, yet the sun always rises.

Just trying to plan my day, Thanx :o:D

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I tried to listen to the Tony in the video. I could not understand him. I think that must be normal.

Doesn't the book say beware of false prophets? So, it should be normal that there are sceptics.

There are editing splicing and tagtime evangelism. Are we missing something? Could it be footage of the ladyboys saying hello to Tony?

And what is with wearing the ties when he obviously has no corporate job to dress up for. Everbody else at night is just wearing casual clothes. What is the message? That our brother is better than us? cleaner? overdressed for what occasion?

The End. Is near what? Soi Nana? Is it a new bar?

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Why is it that so many people get worked up over Christian evangelists in Thailand? If the guy was up there doing the same thing but talking about Buddhism would there still be all the same negative reactions? If he was a Thai instead of a foreigner would there still be the same reactions? Thailand seems to have a very large percent of anti-Christian foreigners when compared to most countries on this earth.

The mere fact that so many people get worked up over this sort of thing seems to point towards it having some effect. By that I mean that the people who it bothers may have a guilty conscience and that is why it is bothers them.

I am one who suffered "spiritual violence" by Christians as a child and one of the reasons I like Thailand so much is because there are so few Christians here. I do not see Christianity as neutral nor do I consider some people to be "good Christians". I want nothing to do with it and I certainly don't have a "guilty conscience" as mentioned by the poster above; what a narrow-minded judgment!!

Could not have said it better....... there is no middle ground with Christian zealots, hate them, simple!

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Here is a video that was published on www.youtube.com of us preaching the word of God in Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy:
. Much of the video films the response that we get from the preaching. And they call us crazy? I would rather be crazy for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than the devil. I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

Bring Ted Haggard with you next time, ...... He might like the ladyboys in Soi Nana 555555

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