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EC 'petitions charter court' to dissolve Future Forward over Thanathorn loan


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I have a very bad feeling about this and I would not be surprised if this does not backfire on the PM and his cronies.  The EC is only doing what they were told to do, but sadly neither the EC or the present Government have the sense to stop this fiasco of oppression.  I believe the FF Party have a very strong following and mainly of the youngsters.  You only have to look at Hong Kong.  I would like to wish everyone a happy new year, but sadly I don't think that will happen with a depression and revolution on the horizon.

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3 hours ago, Eligius said:

I agree with your sentiments, Nchuckle - but in all fairness I would say that the Thais are also (very justifiably) SCARED of striking back. They have seen what happened as recently as 2010 (plus all the other times when thousands of Thais rebelled and many hundreds did not live to tell the tale).


Yet Thailand is a country of nearly 70 MILLION - so ....


Indeed, Thais have had to en dure many dictatorships since 1932. And when people rose up against the elite rulers (army generals other such folk) the results were nasty. So it's a combination of fear and the feeling that attempts to establish a democracy are all rather futile. But if they would rise up in numbers,  things could change. Question is,  who takes the first step and risks taking a bullet, assault or unexplained disappearance?

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4 hours ago, Donutz said:

Question is,  who takes the first step and risks taking a bullet, assault or unexplained disappearance?

Thanathorn and his friends are taking the first step.He has been found guilty of being an opposition and no other party have been found guilty of being an opposition they are all doing what they're told.The patience of the young may well be tested with this assault on their hopes of a future where the people get to have a say. 

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If the dissolution goes ahead the rest of the opposition will have to resign from the parliament as without the Fast Forward Party there is to big a majority for Prayut and his band will have a hefty mandate to dictate the terms of Democracy in Thailand.Best leave him to play by himself and explain to the world how Thailand is a Democracy,not that the rest of the world really gives a rat's rear end.

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

There must be a difference between loans for FFP and direct funding to Pheu Thai. Thanathorn should not have been greedy and not asked for interest on the money.

With zero interest they could argue it's not really a loan but more like a gift. To me it seems to have been the smart thing with proper interest.  He could always donate  an equivalent amount back to FFP.

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10 hours ago, Eligius said:

Quite honestly, my friend Donutz, it really does not matter one jot whether Thanathorn lent the money at interest, or interest free; whether he lent 120 million baht, a trillion baht, or 5,000 baht: the junta would still seek to throttle and silence him (as an active politician) over it.


The junta and it's lapdogs have thrown and will throw anything at Thanathorn and FFP, both to see what sticks and to spoil the image of FFP for those who are on the fence. But even if it's ultimately futile for FFP to try and stay within the (rather questionable) rules dictated to them, at least they can keep their head up high. Their very attempt to do things the right way may, I hope, at least gain them some support or sympathy from people who other wise wouldn't have done so. Perhaps it only gets them a single inch forward on the way to democracy, winning popular support from the people so that one day these so called 'khon dee' can be permanently evicted from their power base.  But the road ahead seems long and filled with traps and struggles. 

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