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OA visa question

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18 hours ago, OJAS said:

Is there really any good reason why a new car has to be in your name rather than your wife's? IMHO you may be making life unnecessarily difficult for yourself if this is the main reason for you needing a fresh non-immigrant visa of the OA or O variety.


I have, in effect, personally purchased 2 cars in my wife's name since moving out here in 2008, with zero adverse consequences arising from these vehicles being in her name rather than mine!


Yes there is a reason. Why women (we are not married) went in as a guarantor for a friend that purchased a car maybe like 8 years ago (way before we had meet each others). The friend did then make the monthly payments to my understanding for like 500.000 of in total like 800.000 but did then just stop pay  for unknown reasons. The case is waiting to come up in court but have not been so far. I went with my women and talked with a lawyer that was pretty sure that they are waiting until it gone +9 year and then will bring up the case against my women and person that bought the car. My women has a very low educations level and has get in several traps thrusting friends... Is not good that she owns a new car because that will be the first thing they will take from her. She owns a house but is more difficult to take. There is a 10 year limit but by just open the case there is get another 10 years. Lets see what will happen and I am of course on my women side...My women have of course been try talking with her ex friend that bought the car and the company that the car was bought from,but is very unclear what will happen. Her ex. friend has a job unlike my women. My women don't even have a bank account in her name but we share an account in a Swedish bank to which we each have our own bank cards connected to as to take out money in ATM also in Thailand. We do however use the Thai bank ATM card that is in my name to take out money in ATM's in Thailand.


About if to purchase a car is like a wish but is not a must have for us. If SEK vs Baht excahnge rate would move the right way and a lot = maybe yes to buy a car. If no exchange rate changes and the Baht is even get stronger = no way!     

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