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Canadian Tourist Visa - Is my girlfriend's case strong enough?

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Is my partner's case strong enough to get approval for Canadian tourist visa this time? Her first try was rejected because they didn't believe she would return to Thailand. I was not involved in the first try and the agent we used took the liberty to submit her application as soon as they received the minimum required documents so we didn't have a chance to send over supporting documents.


I want to bring my partner to Canada for a week to take her to Niagara Falls and then to introduce her to my cousins and relatives in Quebec. We've been together 2 years. I have dual citizenship (Canadian & Thai). My girlfriend has a stable job at a company she's been working at for a bit over a year. She has a letter of employment from the company and a supporting letter from her direct superior explaining the importance of her role. She owns a house and we've gotten the title deed translated. She's got her bank statement (back dated 6 months) with more than enough funds for 1 week in Canada. She's traveled to 10+ countries including Singapore and Japan, but hasn't been to any non-Asian countries yet.

I was born in Bangkok, and I live and work here. I own a house here and car here. My parents live in Bangkok. My father (Canadian) has been living here for over 29 years. Neither my father nor I own any property in Canada. We will be staying at my Aunt's house in Quebec.


Does this give them enough assurance that my girlfriend will return to Thailand with my father and I? What else should I include? Thank you in advance for any advice.

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I would have thought so, but have to admit that I have no experience of applying for a Canadian visa.


Maybe apply again without using an agent, ensure that she provides evidence of her home here and resubmit proof of her employment including the note from her employers approving her leave of absence.


Provide evidence of your relationship, including your employment, do you live together?


Did the refusal say any more than they were not satisfied she would return?

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Looks good.

Years ago I was advised by some CDN embassy staff to never use visa agents. They said the application is do simple there is NO need to use an agent. Because of that they tend to scrutinize those applications more.

Adding an itinerary will help as well.



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My wide had her Canadian tourist visa application rejected when my wife was PR in the UK and had already been approved for PR in Canada. US visa was approved with not issues...


Canada is probably the most difficult country to get a tourist visa for, looks like you've done everything you can.

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The use of an agent seem to bother them,12 years ago my girlfriend was refused for a holiday Visa because they think she would not come back to Thailand,3 years later applied for PR was approved after 3 months and on their website they  say 27 months process so hard to tell for your case but wish you good luck...

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We applied for a Canadian tourist visa for my then fiancé a few years back. Did it ourselves with no agent. Didn’t have any problems and in fact from memory we got two back to back. No issues.

Would try again not using an agent. Canada seems a lot more relaxed than the US on tourist visas. 

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You seem to have a strong case.  Don’t use an agent they will add no value to the process.  Keep in mind that the visa process is handled by a third party and approvals are granted outside of Thailand.  Unless you are married to the girl then they won’t even look at you or your background.  Being single already puts the application on a back foot. I also suspect that the age of the applicant matters ... though they could never say this.  Young, attractive and single sets off alarm bells for the people doing the approving.

I am not an expert but if your partner is not married to you I would give the application at best a 50/50 chance of going through.  The approval process is ultimately subjective and depends on the judgement of the reviewer/approver.  Lots can go wrong especially when the mandate from the ministry is focused on border protection and not accommodation.  Put another way, nobody in that process gives a toss whether you and your girlfriend are happy.  They cut no slack.


Good luck.

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She should get it no problem. Write a letter stating all the things you wrote in this post and submit that as a letter of invitation. Also submit some financial info for yourself. Translate everything. Apply online without an agent. She should be good. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings in the letter about how much it would mean to show her your home country. 

We got a visitors visa for my niece who was unemployed and lived n Isaan. I wrote a nice invitation letter saying we wanted her to see Canada so she has a larger perspective of the world. I submitted all my financials as she was broke. We got it no problem on the first try. She came for 6 months. 

The only concern they may have is that you’d get her on Canadian soil then propose to her and submit a request for PR based on engagement. 

It’s a route some people take to jump the waiting line. Explain that both her and your parents are in Thailand in the letter as this may show a solid intent to return. 

Good luck. 



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Didn't use to be so difficult.They started to tighten the screws when people living here from the Caribbean would sponsor a relative here on a tourist or visitor visa then wouldn't leave the country on the required time.They would hire a immigration lawyer to try and stay here using legal aid.When that didn't  work they would go underground and stay illegally helped by their friends and relatives causing problems for immigration.so they clamped down on the visa's.Now it's difficult for someone who will abide by the rules to sponsor someone on visitor or tourist visa.

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As I have said and others have attested to. It's a simple process and cut out the agent.

I have to disagree that getting a visa is difficult. We applied 2x when the wife was still the GF and the process was straightforward, not even an interview was required. We applied once after getting married and we got the visitors visa the same day. Applied in the morning, they told us to come back in the afternoon. They gave the wife her passport and said approved.

For her PR, it took 6months and that's after they had asked me to resubmit as I had made a mistake. Again no interviews.

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Sounds good. If you have children(s) that are in school and stay behind this might help. Canadian immigration is probably the most difficult to clear for Thai. I read that they deny about 70% of applicants. 

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