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‘Recovering’ China ready to help Thailand beat Covid-19


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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

I think eating bat soup is more decadent than gay bestiality. Ah, those tiny little differences between Asian and Western thinking.

For your information, the Chinese generally do not eat bats. And you can get infected by bats not by eating them anyway. In 2018 in Kerala, India, 17 people died from viral encephalitis caused by the Nipah virus. Patient 0 had eaten a fruit that was partially eaten by a bat.

You being not a Chinese, obviously do not know that in Chinese culture, the bat is a symbol of good fortune.

Why the Chinese are batty about bats and westerners are not.

Edited by Selatan
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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

It's a flying rat. 

That dumps "good fortune".

A bat cave run by Thai monks shows it's hard to banish virus risk



In three hours, they can amass as many as 500 buckets of bat dung. The guano is packaged and sold at an adjacent temple as fertilizer, reaping more than 75,000 baht ($2,400). Just 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of the nutrient-rich material can fetch as much as the daily minimum wage.


Edited by Selatan
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On 3/12/2020 at 1:09 AM, NCC1701A said:

the commie spin doctors are working over time now with China to save the day.


how about the commies pay for the two trillion dollar haircut the worlds economy just took?


Your mask looks more like a pair of knickers.

Much better looking than a mask too!!!

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14 hours ago, Selatan said:

Thanks for that. Led me to Nipah which I hadn't heard of before:




The disease was first identified in 1998 during an outbreak in Malaysia while the virus was isolated in 1999. It is named after a village in Malaysia, Sungai Nipah.


So how's the bat soup down south, spicy?

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8 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Thanks for that. Led me to Nipah which I hadn't heard of before:




So how's the bat soup down south, spicy?

The Malaysian government back in 1998, bungled in their initial response, thinking it was a Japanese Encephalitis (JE) outbreak. So, thousands of pigs were vaccinated with the JE vaccine. Because syringes were reused during the vaccination exercise, the disease spread even faster and the pigs and their farmers continued to die, devastating the pig industry. Malaysian medical researchers discovered that a new virus was the culprit, which was later named the Nipah virus. After the crisis ended, another researcher found the same virus in fruit bats, so the pigs somehow have gotten the infection from the fruit bats, which then infected humans. A pig might have eaten a fruit that fell into the pig sty, which either had bat saliva or urine on it.

The Chinese generally do not eat wildlife, unless they are into alternative medicine if they have some kind of chronic health problems. For example, some believe that crocodile meat is good for asthma. The rural Malays are known to hunt flying foxes (giant fruit bats) for food and I believe some Chinese do eat them. Never heard of anyone had gotten sick from eating them. After all, the Malays and the Chinese don't eat raw meat. The only wildlife that I think many Chinese have eaten before is wild boar meat, but it is eaten not for medical reasons. Venison is also widely eaten, but nowadays deer are mostly reared in farms.

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On 3/12/2020 at 11:25 PM, Traubert said:

That's because people aren't graphs.


Out of 80982 cases, 62889 have recovered fully and gone home. I'd call that an improvement. There is a world outside the internet.



Oh I just thought of another point highlighted on the internet. The world's stock market has fallen the greatest in it's history. Please tell us all what is causing that if not the worsening effect of covid19. Lets us know when the market has hit rock bottom also, so we can buy and get a bit back that our portfolio is losing.

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On 3/14/2020 at 1:40 AM, Selatan said:

The Malaysian government back in 1998, bungled in their initial response, thinking it was a Japanese Encephalitis (JE) outbreak. So, thousands of pigs were vaccinated with the JE vaccine. Because syringes were reused during the vaccination exercise, the disease spread even faster and the pigs and their farmers continued to die, devastating the pig industry. Malaysian medical researchers discovered that a new virus was the culprit, which was later named the Nipah virus. After the crisis ended, another researcher found the same virus in fruit bats, so the pigs somehow have gotten the infection from the fruit bats, which then infected humans. A pig might have eaten a fruit that fell into the pig sty, which either had bat saliva or urine on it.

The Chinese generally do not eat wildlife, unless they are into alternative medicine if they have some kind of chronic health problems. For example, some believe that crocodile meat is good for asthma. The rural Malays are known to hunt flying foxes (giant fruit bats) for food and I believe some Chinese do eat them. Never heard of anyone had gotten sick from eating them. After all, the Malays and the Chinese don't eat raw meat. The only wildlife that I think many Chinese have eaten before is wild boar meat, but it is eaten not for medical reasons. Venison is also widely eaten, but nowadays deer are mostly reared in farms.

you are talking garbage, the chinese eat anything that moves and doesnt in some cases, the wuhan wet market where this virus started sells a huge mix of wild animals of every description as has been stated even by the chinese, the chinese appetite for wild or rare animals is responsible for many animal deaths and why some animals have become extremely scarce, then  of course their is their fetish with dog meat as well. Suggest you get your facts sorted as they are very poor and not correct

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On 3/11/2020 at 8:00 PM, DrTuner said:

Shh. You're not supposed to remember that, or the US bombing of Bangkok, or how Thais folded in record time to the Japanese and got de facto invaded, etc, etc..

And apparently you were brainwashed, too.  Why have allied bombing missions become US bombing missions?  

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On 3/11/2020 at 10:54 PM, snoop1130 said:

He said Beijing was grateful for the friendliness of the Thai government and people, whom he noted have always come to China’s aid in crises.

 can one actually find some instance of this actually ever occurring? Can't find on Google...


 "...he's making it up as he goes along!..."



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On 3/11/2020 at 7:44 PM, Yadon Toploy said:

Except in WWII when the Thais were allied alongside the Japanese.

Which forms the model on what can be expected for regional power relationships for Thailand it would seem. Only Vietnam will defy the new regional hegemon. 

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