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If You Came To Los Looking For 'the Good Life'......


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Yes, found the Good Life in Thailand, but also found that I have to keep looking for a new "Good Life" all the time because things change so very quickly in LOS.

Twice already, I moved into a brand new condo and, within 2-3 years, watched owners, tenants, and/or neighbors turned a nice spot into an undesirable place.

This also apply to nice beaches and islands.

Although some things get better, many good things may not stay so good for as brief as 3 years.

You used to hear people, both Thai and expats, talk about the good old days, ten or twenty years ago. Now, they sometimes talk about the good old days only three or four years back.

So, in my experience, the window between "Now" and "The Good Old Days" have a tendency to get pretty short in LOS.

And that could affect the "Good Life" you're looking for or have discovered.

that is a very good observation and so true, as things change very quickly in los and the world in general.

but we must realise that this is the way of the world and my home town changes every bleeding week, as there building all the time. :D

i think the trick is to totally flexable and come to terms that nothing is forever, especially when it comes to women and lovely thai beach resorts.

be prepared to move condo's if your small community gets crazy and be prepared to find a new girl friend when your relationship goes tits up. :D

in other words, dont buy a condo ( just rent) and dont get married ( just rent) :D:bah: .

( only joking punting friends, so calm down a bit will you. ) :o

people say "the good old days" and thats a lot of bollicks, as one should try and make every day a "good old day" and then one will never be disappointed or suffer from the delusions of days gone by. :bah:

thank you very much. :D

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ive been coming here since 2003, thanks to the bird flu thing. flight s were very cheap to entice us to come here, it worked in my case.

can you people who say things have changed give specific examples. to me it is all same same.

of course being a little no same same.

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I came here to study, loved it and moved back. I found a job and woman I love. Though I only intend on staying for a few more years and then spend the majority of my time back in the states. I think the biggest thing I miss are family, friends, and cars. I have a mustang sitting back home and I get to drive her 1 month a year. The car tax is crazy here, 60k for a WRX, 150k for a 2006 Mustang GT :blah:

But the good outweigh the bad...

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