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MMR vaccine

LoS itaint

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Be pleased to hear from any member who has had the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) in Pattaya?...Its something i have to have done & was wondering where to get it done, not at a hospital, what dosage i should have & an estimate of cost......Many thanks in advance

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Is that just for the MMR vaccine.... (for Mumps, Measles Rubella) or more to it than that?


One of the theories flying about was that children may not be so succeptible to contacting Covid-19 was because they have had the MMR vaccination. 


The idea is completely unfounded and unconfirmed - nevertheless, never say never. 

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45 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Is that just for the MMR vaccine.... (for Mumps, Measles Rubella) or more to it than that?


One of the theories flying about was that children may not be so succeptible to contacting Covid-19 was because they have had the MMR vaccination. 


The idea is completely unfounded and unconfirmed - nevertheless, never say never. 

Its purely for the MMR vaccine, nothing sinister.....I had some vaccines when i had to return to the UK but the MMR jab couldn't be done until 3 months after, its that time now hence my enquiry.

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You are aware that hospital out patient department is the normal source for all medical needs here?  Stand alone clinics, with only a few exceptions, are not normally used for more than cuts/cough/beauty type needs and being told to go to hospital.

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14 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

You are aware that hospital out patient department is the normal source for all medical needs here?  Stand alone clinics, with only a few exceptions, are not normally used for more than cuts/cough/beauty type needs and being told to go to hospital.

I am aware of that & would prefer to avoid a hospital at the mo, thats why i mentioned *not a hospital*, thanks anyhow

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51 minutes ago, LoS itaint said:

I am aware of that & would prefer to avoid a hospital at the mo, thats why i mentioned *not a hospital*, thanks anyhow

The private hospitals are not all crowded these days, quite the opposite.


Actually government health centers have this as well but unless you have soem sort of document to show, may be hard to convince them to give this to an adult.

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10 hours ago, LoS itaint said:

I am aware of that & would prefer to avoid a hospital at the mo, thats why i mentioned *not a hospital*, thanks anyhow

If because of the COVID-19 can say private hospitals are taking it very seriously and are the cleanest I have ever seen them.  Also as said very few customers (who are screened before allowed entry to public areas).  But sounds as if this is not a time sensitive need so perhaps best to wait it out a bit if you have such concerns.  I would personally have a great deal more concern at a local clinic which normally handles most of the early cough patients.  

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

he wants it for himself apparently not for a child (If I understand correctly).


I am nto sure why as if he received 2 doses in childhood no booster is required.

Thanks for your comments, I didn't receive 2 doses as a child....I have located a local Govt Health Centre that administer the vaccine but have to order it in, however they couldn't advise me of the dosage or cost which doesn't fill me with much confidence!

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