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Iranian vessels come dangerously close to U.S. military ships


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1 hour ago, canthai55 said:

The Middle East nations have every right to be concerned by the presence of American warships off their shores.

What may be seen by one side as 'Showing the Flag' is viewed by the other side as an Act of Aggression - whether real or perceived.

And based on past examples they have every right to be concerned - frightened even.

If even a modicum of good will, concern, or compassion was shown by those 'Invaders" the outcome would be decidedly different.

But that is a Forlorn Hope

Even if the US were not there... the Iranians fire on other shipping, not flying US flag, not carrying US cargo.  And were not talking about the "middle east nations" many of whom welcome US fleet presense. We are talking specifically about Iran, specifically about Iranian gunboats, and specifically that its about time the situation is delt with. A little gunboat diplomacy is in order.

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1 minute ago, Matzzon said:

What´s the problem with you? Is there something really serious? When have I said that I hate America? Never!

That only thing that is in the way for you to understand that, is your mega patriotism. Something that is built in from the early years and gone through generations. You are simply brought up to believe that USA is the most righteous country in the world, and everything they do and stand for is right. That´s a like! It´s false information, that have been fed to you. I have chosen a stance in life, where I look at every single action that different countries do. I can tell you that there is a lot, I can talk about that is wrong with Iran, Irak, Saudi Arabia, as well as Thailand, Sweden, USA, UK and all other countries in the world.

That does not mean that I hate any country or specific citizens from any country. It´s just that some will take a stance that makes them more visible and almost makes them look like they are asking for getting bashed. Same like you do here. Just accept that there are no real international waters in the Persian Gulf, and that there if only an Innocent Passage that are allowed. After that we do not have to hate anything, anyone or any country. Never done, never going to.

The thing here is that you are taking things on a personal level, because you have been brought up to stand behind and protect your countries actions whatever they might be. When applying common sense on that concept it breaks apart. The reason for that is that there are no country, person or an action that are always right. The world is not just black and white, even if you believe or want it to be. That´s just a pure fact.

You hate America, Americans, Democracy, Freedom, and you support the CCP, and the regime in Iran. That is plain as the difference between black and white. There is no shades of gray here. Obvious by your posts.

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