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Thailand reports lowest number of new COVID-19 cases since March 14


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4 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

You didn't say anything about an ocean -- you said "I have a acre of beach front property for you in Nevada."

Thank you for wearing out your keyboard on little ole me....enjoy your COVID-19 lockdown and curfew like the rest of us......get used to something you can not change.  Death takes us all when it decides too

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Ok so, phuad hua .. with my halting Thai I identified the bars in the leaked graph, please correct if I got the places wrong:




This is from 4th of April, the number of tests done:


DDC - NIH lab - ~2500
Siriraj - ~3000
Private hospitals - ~4500
Bamrasnaruda - ~5000
Chulalongkorn - ~11000
Department of Medical Sciences - MoPH - ~20000
Rajabhat University - ~27000

Because NIH lab is one of the two reference labs, those 2500 tests are the maximum number of confirmations they could have done. On 4th of April we had 2067 confirmations: https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/file/situation/situation-no92-040463.pdf


That means the NIH lab would have a whopping 82.7% positivity rate, which given the very restrictive criteria at the time to become a PUI, could well be possible (among others you would have to have had pneumonia). It would be lower at other places where getting tested is easier, but still.. 


And yes the lab in the OP from the UNICEF thread seems to be at Bamrasnadura itself, the NIH WHO reference lab is a separate BSL-3 lab, from which I posted the photo before.



Also note the other WHO reference lab from Army is not in the graph at all.


Source of the graph: 


Edited by DrTuner
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5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:
12 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

You didn't say anything about an ocean -- you said "I have a acre of beach front property for you in Nevada."

Thank you for wearing out your keyboard on little ole me....enjoy your COVID-19 lockdown and curfew like the rest of us......get used to something you can not change.  Death takes us all when it decides too

Hey you were only one member of the tag team for today. Say Hello! to your ex-wife's ex-husband's ex-wife's husband for me.

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"Reported" cases?  Who is being tested on a large scale as in other countries? Apparently only those who go to the hospital with symptoms. The infection rate is more than likely much, much higher.  Thais seem to avoid going for medical attention due to long waits, expense, distrust and fear.  Foreigners have to pay high fees to be tested. I do not see widespread precautionary measures such as safe distancing and wearing masks followed or enforced especially in the countryside. The exception is when entering large stores. I am no expert, but I anticipate a surge when hot season ends and schools reopen.  I do not know if Thailand is equipped or willing to face this possibility. Thais are fatalists; I am a realist.  I live in a rural area in self quarantine.  I even offered free masks to neighbors but my offer was mostly politely declined--"too hot." Sorry for the pessimistic viewpoint.  I pray I am wrong.


Edited by zensensei0216
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10 hours ago, Stokakrishna said:

Does anyone know how many tests do they perform daily??

About 2k in all, limited by the resources for testing (Swab kits, transport, reagents, etc):


Bear in mind one person might need more than one test.

Edited by DrTuner
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