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So, What Did You Do With Your Songkhran?

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On Friday, we set off with a couple of large drums of iced water and a dozen young ladies in the back of a friend's pickup. We spent half the day trying to get to the moat and John's place, but gave up after Charoen Muang was closed and it took well over 1 1/2 hours to get from the Airport Intersection to the first U turn past Niyom Panich. We went for a drive around the villages instead and much fun was had by all.

We left home at about 10am and got back just after 6pm, shivering ladies and children and pickup with a good 30cms of water in the base, but many smiles all around.

This will possibly be it for us this year - but we'll see.

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my Songkran started on thursday down @ Lucky Bar, as I knew going round on the pick up would be near impossible. The traffic was mostly moving but very slowly. Got my splasher 1/2 scooper bucket and got busy...... it was a great day and plenty of entertainment. We even had the local govt come around and give a young kaytoey a warning for dancing too sexy on the road, there were cameras as well filming the action as well. Had the soldiers come thru as well...all wet and smiling. I wouldnt recommend driving anywhere near the moat unless you have plenty of patience........and water :o

we parked by the night market and walked down Loy Kroy rd with ease. :D

maybe going back today after a rest day yesterday- p1p, want to drop off the dozen young ladies off today? :D

and happy new year everyone :D


A bunch of Thai friends, a Pickup truck, ten case's of Sing, 50 gal drum, five blocks of ice, a gallon of somekind of Lao Kao mix, various water guns and one hel_l of a hangover today...Had a lot of fun.

A bunch of Thai friends, a Pickup truck, ten case's of Sing, 50 gal drum, five blocks of ice, a gallon of somekind of Lao Kao mix, various water guns and one hel_l of a hangover today...Had a lot of fun.

crikey....ten cases of Sing, a gallon of Lao Kao? Next time be sure to invite me please!

:o KD


At my keyboard wearing ear tips, trying to finish a urgent job for a part of the world where Songkran means nada, taking a look once in a while out of the window and pondering suicide ...my life sucks ..where's the hanging man icon? :o


Had some fun at "Redioactive" at Kad Suan Kaew and then the next day threw water at Thapae Gate before watching the procession. Good fun and all very good natured from what I saw. :o

Had some fun at "Redioactive" at Kad Suan Kaew and then the next day threw water at Thapae Gate before watching the procession. Good fun and all very good natured from what I saw. :o

Today, my two daughters, aged 12 and 13, were dropped off in front of Kad Suan Gaew to enjoy Songkran. They were there on Thursday and Friday, and enjoyed the water festival, while I sat up in Sizzler, in the dry, and watched. Today, we have a different approach to the festival. The "promoters" of Nite and San Miguel were trying to sell their products to both of my daughters, plus their friends of the same age. Now, as I understand, we cannot buy alcoholic beverages during mid-morning and afternoon hours so as to prevent teenagers, drunks, foreigners, and various other malcontents from being a traffic hazard or fatality. Now my question is, Who is "promoting" the selling of alcoholic beverages in front of Kad Suan Gaew to any age individual that has 50 baht in their pocket? Granted a few Thai capitalists offered my eldest daughter a beer, which I, as her father, have done in my house several times, and which after the first time, she said, "NO, it tastes terrible." I will be d***ed if I need to accept this kind of baiting of our youth! These are the same Thai people that say the foreigners are coming to their Buddhist country and corrupting their citizens, ladies, etc. I think the Mayor, Governor, and Prime Minister of our beautiful country, who guaranteed clear weather for Songkran, lowered traffic fatalities, and the tourism coming to Chiang Mai will increase and spend more money than in previous years ("maybe" he didn't say that), should be looking closer to home than to the Heavens. The Prime Minister and other government officials who have decided that traffic deaths will decrease this year maybe should look at some of our majour alcoholic suppliers as doing their share for the national Songkran carnage.

Had some fun at "Redioactive" at Kad Suan Kaew and then the next day threw water at Thapae Gate before watching the procession. Good fun and all very good natured from what I saw. :o

Today, my two daughters, aged 12 and 13, were dropped off in front of Kad Suan Gaew to enjoy Songkran. They were there on Thursday and Friday, and enjoyed the water festival, while I sat up in Sizzler, in the dry, and watched. Today, we have a different approach to the festival. The "promoters" of Nite and San Miguel were trying to sell their products to both of my daughters, plus their friends of the same age. Now, as I understand, we cannot buy alcoholic beverages during mid-morning and afternoon hours so as to prevent teenagers, drunks, foreigners, and various other malcontents from being a traffic hazard or fatality. Now my question is, Who is "promoting" the selling of alcoholic beverages in front of Kad Suan Gaew to any age individual that has 50 baht in their pocket? Granted a few Thai capitalists offered my eldest daughter a beer, which I, as her father, have done in my house several times, and which after the first time, she said, "NO, it tastes terrible." I will be d***ed if I need to accept this kind of baiting of our youth! These are the same Thai people that say the foreigners are coming to their Buddhist country and corrupting their citizens, ladies, etc. I think the Mayor, Governor, and Prime Minister of our beautiful country, who guaranteed clear weather for Songkran, lowered traffic fatalities, and the tourism coming to Chiang Mai will increase and spend more money than in previous years ("maybe" he didn't say that), should be looking closer to home than to the Heavens. The Prime Minister and other government officials who have decided that traffic deaths will decrease this year maybe should look at some of our majour alcoholic suppliers as doing their share for the national Songkran carnage.

Didn't see that on Thursday when I went, but I agree that trying to sell alcohol to under age people is plain wrong. If things changed today, then it is a shame.


A bunch of TVers got together at John's Place on Saturday afternoon.

We battled the enemy into submission, and later, there were fair maidens and beer enough to quench the mightiest thirsts. A good time was had by all! :o

A bunch of TVers got together at John's Place on Saturday afternoon.

We battled the enemy into submission, and later, there were fair maidens and beer enough to quench the mightiest thirsts. A good time was had by all! :D

Ulysses G. is being very modest and succinct in his description of the goings-on today.

First off, the man can do a very credible Boogaloo line dance, with the inimitable John's Place girls, cutely attired in their fetching (dripping wet) Campari t-shirts.

Crow Boy and myself were involved in an epic battle that rivaled the Trojan Wars in duration. It started as a skirmish, escalated to a "police action", then became all out ARMAGEDDON.

Suffice to say, two combatants ended up in the moat that day- and they were not us....

Realthaideal also acquited himself valiently, both in the beverage consumption department, and as well as the quality of his water rifle marksmanship.

I think I am going to stay in tomorrow, drink a hot cup of tea, and read a novel. :o


On Last flight I picked up 5 goody bags from Thai Airways (1st class r/r..lon-Bk-Auz)which contained these small hair spray "thingies" but filled with water .

The idea being to whoosh it onto your face as a sort of cooling thing when feeling "a bit hot and bothered"......good idea I suppose but I wondered where they all had dissappeared to until last night ...Songkran/Hogmanay........... :D

Makes a change from chucking water and ever soooo civilized..........doncha.....

Left a glass of JW Blue out for Rama 5 but noticed that he hasnt drunk it yet...wonder if I ....better not me thinks........... :D:o


All in all Songkran has been fairly quiet this year, I did the moat run two days running and the crowds were a lot smaller than I remember. Not much drunken behaviour with the exception of the occasional farang.

A polite Songkran ....


All my water throwing was packed into Friday, around the moat. Was heartened to see that so many Thai's approached this Songkran with a very genteele and traditional style and the picture only changed when nearing the bars and the farang enclaves.

We spent half the day trying to get to the moat and John's place, but gave up after Charoen Muang was closed and it took well over 1 1/2 hours to get from the Airport Intersection to the first U turn past Niyom Panich.

Yeh, that doesn't work. Past Niyom Phanich does work in the morning, but not during the height of it. And Charoen Muang you should NEVER try. Thapae & Ratchasamnoen also frequently get blocked due to parades and stuff.

Anyway, I know you come from South of town, so for next year please find back this post and do the following for getting in & out without getting caught in ANY traffic jam:

Hang Dong Road -> Straight on at Airport Plaza towards Hai Ya -> At Hai Ya traffic lights turn RIGHT into the soi. -> Follow Soi past temple, then turn LEFT into Wiang Ping Road -> Follow Wiang Ping Road all the way past Mae & Dek (Mother & Child) Hospital, to the traffic Light intersection where you turn LEFT again, cross Mae Kha Canal and hit the Southern end of Kamphaeng Din -> Turn RIGHT on to Kamphaeng Din, keep going, cross Sridonchai Rd, past Mae Ping Hotel, Cross Loi Kroh Road still on Kamphaeng Din, then just before the Shinawat offices dive LEFT into the last Soi there (avoding Thapae Rd), and keep in those sois until you get to the area where a number of sois intersect, roughly the area where the Inter Inn is. That's where you park. I saw all the meter taxis also taking this route.

ALTERNATIVELY, you could take a left on to Sridonchai Road (doesn't work during the maximum party time because you spend some time going towards the moat) but it's sort of worth it because you can then dive RIGHT into one of the sois closest to the moat and end up at the side entrance of DK book center, where you can park.

Also easy to get out again from there.

If you don't want to walk (and get wet) for the last bit to John's Place then you would have to make the U-turn into the old city, but with Ratchadamnoen often iffy you'd have to do it on the Southern side... I guess Chiang Mai gate is best then. (first U turn West from ChianG Mai gate, or AT chiang mai gate, but then you'd have to bend the law a bit and go straight on to Prapokklao Road.


Anyway, here's what me and the Mrs. did today for the last party day for Songkran. A friend of mine was visiting but I guess yesterday he forgot one of the key rules for Songkran in Chiang Mai, namely: "Keep your mouth shut when moat-hurlage is coming your way" and along with too much alcohol, he wasn't feeling 100%

So it was just me and the Mrs.. We went to Huay Tueng Thao around noon.. Sort of worried it would be jam packed crazy, but actually it was NICE! Lot of people, but no huge jams in front of the ticket booths.. Turned LEFT away from the party zone to the sedate old farts zone, and I was again surprised that it WAS very nice and peaceful! Got a nice raft, got Som Tam, got Sang Som, the Mrs. called a massage lady to come visit at the raft and she had nice massage right there. Perfect!! I bet even the Retired Old Farts brigade claiming to lock themselves in during Songkran could have managed that!

After that it was about 3pm so we went for a final water fight stint along the moat. It was a bit quieter today, also because the Thapae Gate area was locked to traffic (but, sticking to My Route as outlined above, not a problem for us), and while I wasn't planning on going to the bar area around Kotchasarn / Loi Kroh (which was a bit too much 2 days ago) it was PERFECT now! Not too many drunk stupid people, just the girls, plus people really appreciating Songkran... Got lots of free drinks, I went up and down that street for a bit and came back to find the Mrs. dancing in the street (free Malibu Nam Som containing more Malibu than Nam Som does that too her...) And worse, gossiping with the bar ladies, no doubt about me! That was a slightly worrying scene, but of course I'm reasonably well behaved there and indeed it turned out they had nothing but praise for me.. :D

Played and partied until sunset, then went home, with all those sunburns and weird muscle-aches you only pick up during Songkran. (thumbs, arms, :o

On Friday, we set off with a couple of large drums of iced water and a dozen young ladies in the back of a friend's pickup. We spent half the day trying to get to the moat and John's place, but gave up after Charoen Muang was closed and it took well over 1 1/2 hours to get from the Airport Intersection to the first U turn past Niyom Panich. We went for a drive around the villages instead and much fun was had by all.

We left home at about 10am and got back just after 6pm, shivering ladies and children and pickup with a good 30cms of water in the base, but many smiles all around.

This will possibly be it for us this year - but we'll see.

I thought you were doing the "bah humbug - not going out with those hooligans who are destroying a delightful festival with their loutish behaviour"? Now I read that you were cavorting with a dozen young ladies wearing wet clothing in the back of a pickup and more to the point you didn't invite us! Where is the meaning of mates missing from that bit of news.

I had a big night on Thursday and ended up doing shots of Jack Daniels with Singha chasers until 3:30am with a bar tab of 1680 at my local - he had a good night. For some reason I didn't feel up to playing on Friday so stayed home until the evening and went off to get some serious food into me. Had a rack of ribs at CM Saloon and a chat to Ron. A couple of beers until midnight and back home.

Saturday I loaded up the water chucker and headed into town to do my bit for lowering the tone of the city and headed up to John's Place where I met a couple of reprobates who tried to lead me astray. Had a great time there and as things wound down headed off towards home but got waylaid on the way and so it was another late one.

Sunday I was up at sparrow fart to head of to our Temple for tambun, add our bucket of sand to the stuppa, and let loose a couple of birds, eels, a tortise, some fish, and in case that wasn't enought we added a bucket of snails - my temple bill for that lot was higher than my bar tab for the previous night. Had lunch wearing our good clothes and as we walked out got bombed with water. Rode home and decided to take my revenge on the neighbours dogs by plugging in the big amp and playing guitar for a couple of hours. Local hounds stunned into submission I got out the full set of Star Wars and watched them back to back.

Monday - headed into Central to see if I could get a couple of books but gave up - I hate shopping at the best of time and wasn't in the mood. Went back home and spent the next 4 hours reaping sonic punishment on the local dogs.

Tuesday - beat the dogs into submission with a 6 hour session - haven't heard a peep or squeek out of them since

Back to work today and happy for rest


I thought you were doing the "bah humbug - not going out with those hooligans who are destroying a delightful festival with their loutish behaviour"? Now I read that you were cavorting with a dozen young ladies wearing wet clothing in the back of a pickup and more to the point you didn't invite us! Where is the meaning of mates missing from that bit of news.

p1p tricked us! :o

Saturday I loaded up the water chucker and headed into town to do my bit for lowering the tone of the city and headed up to John's Place where I met a couple of reprobates who tried to lead me astray. Had a great time there

Let's get this straight. I am Lieutenant Reprobate. You, on the other hand, are Field Marshall Reprobate..... :o

On Friday, we set off with a couple of large drums of iced water and a dozen young ladies in the back of a friend's pickup. We spent half the day trying to get to the moat and John's place, but gave up after Charoen Muang was closed and it took well over 1 1/2 hours to get from the Airport Intersection to the first U turn past Niyom Panich. We went for a drive around the villages instead and much fun was had by all.

We left home at about 10am and got back just after 6pm, shivering ladies and children and pickup with a good 30cms of water in the base, but many smiles all around.

This will possibly be it for us this year - but we'll see.

I thought you were doing the "bah humbug - not going out with those hooligans who are destroying a delightful festival with their loutish behaviour"? Now I read that you were cavorting with a dozen young ladies wearing wet clothing in the back of a pickup and more to the point you didn't invite us! Where is the meaning of mates missing from that bit of news.

Just shows that even I can succumb to bribery and corruption if the price is right..... :D

Had a great time on the day, but been nursing a most interesting case of Bangkok belly / Thai trots since then! :o

On Friday, we set off with a couple of large drums of iced water and a dozen young ladies in the back of a friend's pickup. We spent half the day trying to get to the moat and John's place, but gave up after Charoen Muang was closed and it took well over 1 1/2 hours to get from the Airport Intersection to the first U turn past Niyom Panich. We went for a drive around the villages instead and much fun was had by all.

We left home at about 10am and got back just after 6pm, shivering ladies and children and pickup with a good 30cms of water in the base, but many smiles all around.

This will possibly be it for us this year - but we'll see.

I thought you were doing the "bah humbug - not going out with those hooligans who are destroying a delightful festival with their loutish behaviour"? Now I read that you were cavorting with a dozen young ladies wearing wet clothing in the back of a pickup and more to the point you didn't invite us! Where is the meaning of mates missing from that bit of news.

I had a big night on Thursday and ended up doing shots of Jack Daniels with Singha chasers until 3:30am with a bar tab of 1680 at my local - he had a good night. For some reason I didn't feel up to playing on Friday so stayed home until the evening and went off to get some serious food into me. Had a rack of ribs at CM Saloon and a chat to Ron. A couple of beers until midnight and back home.

Saturday I loaded up the water chucker and headed into town to do my bit for lowering the tone of the city and headed up to John's Place where I met a couple of reprobates who tried to lead me astray. Had a great time there and as things wound down headed off towards home but got waylaid on the way and so it was another late one.

Sunday I was up at sparrow fart to head of to our Temple for tambun, add our bucket of sand to the stuppa, and let loose a couple of birds, eels, a tortise, some fish, and in case that wasn't enought we added a bucket of snails - my temple bill for that lot was higher than my bar tab for the previous night. Had lunch wearing our good clothes and as we walked out got bombed with water. Rode home and decided to take my revenge on the neighbours dogs by plugging in the big amp and playing guitar for a couple of hours. Local hounds stunned into submission I got out the full set of Star Wars and watched them back to back.

Monday - headed into Central to see if I could get a couple of books but gave up - I hate shopping at the best of time and wasn't in the mood. Went back home and spent the next 4 hours reaping sonic punishment on the local dogs.

Tuesday - beat the dogs into submission with a 6 hour session - haven't heard a peep or squeek out of them since

Back to work today and happy for rest


Thats the saddest thing ive ever read on so many levels



Let's see...

1) he makes his local owner happy

2) has ribs at CM Saloon (good choice)

3) engages in a little wet fun with friends

4) plays music with abandon; shuts up soi dogs for a change

5) goes to temple with fiancee; makes offering to higher being

6) after all the above, gets up and goes to work

Maybe I'm missing something here. I don't see any "sad" here at all.

Perhaps someone else here is sad, and just can't bear to see others enjoy life.

Have A Nice Day! :o


Ha Ha Ha, you velly funny! No worries mate, get together with me and my friends sometime, and I am sure you will find us very likeable and decent people. Best Wishes, and I do mean it when I say have a nice day :o


Crowboy is intelligent, honest and sincere.

He is a good guy and he and his Aussie buddies invented Songkran as we now know it back during the Vietnam War and let some American soldiers string along so they would get blamed for it.

He is a living legend! :o

Saturday I loaded up the water chucker and headed into town to do my bit for lowering the tone of the city and headed up to John's Place where I met a couple of reprobates who tried to lead me astray. Had a great time there

Let's get this straight. I am Lieutenant Reprobate. You, on the other hand, are Field Marshall Reprobate..... :o

Actually I only ever made it to Major before resigning my commission

It was a good day and we did well to repel the invaders.


Crowboy is intelligent, honest and sincere.

He is a good guy and he and his Aussie buddies invented Songkran as we now know it back during the Vietnam War and let some American soldiers string along so they would get blamed for it.

He is a living legend! :o

Why thankyou UG - just one small correction I was here in '78 by which time the Vietnam War had ceased. It was a bit odd because almost all of my command had served in the conflict and it was still something that occupied the Thai conciousness. The "interim military government" at the time was obsessed with Communists. Laos and Burma were major concerns and then Kampuchea was waiting to explode.

That Songkran was a lot of fun and I remember it was scorching hot and very dusty - we had come back from patrols in the mountains and everyone was about 6 kilos lighter than when we left two months earlier.

We were all lean, green, and very keen so it was a way of releasing the pent up energy. I know we got very carried away but there was no maliceous intent but I honestly believe we and to the greatest extent me, am responsible for the start of the downfall of this festival by turning it from a gentle hand washing ceremony to the huge water fight it has become over the years.

For those who missed the original post to which UG is refering I have inserted the link here Crow Wars

As a follow up to this, I was talking to one of the supervisors at work yesterday and I told him the same story - he told me he was one of the kids on the moat that we hosed. Said it was great fun but he had a bruise on his chest that took a week to fade. He was laughing about it as we spoke and when I told him I had been looking to get hold of a fire engine over the Songkran period thought it would be great fun but that we would most definitely be arrested this time. I said "have to catch us first"

I still love Songkran festival and enjoyit ever year. It has that special character for me that mixes the Thainess with Farung fun.


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