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So about that Moderna vaccine that was touted

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Vaccine experts say Moderna didn’t produce data critical to assessing Covid-19 vaccine.


"While Moderna blitzed the media, it revealed very little information — and most of what it did disclose were words, not data. That’s important: If you ask scientists to read a journal article, they will scour data tables, not corporate statements. With science, numbers speak much louder than words."


Personally I like to see the data and not scare tactics, nor empty praise. 


Data such as: 

-320,000 deaths out of 7.5 Billion people.

-IFR rate of around .2-.3%

-Average age of deaths from covid in California higher than the natural death age.



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The primary take-away from the Moderna announcement was that human subjects produced antibodies. But they were very careful to state that the results were too preliminary to determine if those antibodies were sufficient to produce an immunity.

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it was nothing else but a publicity stunt to jump their stock.... same type of publicity stunt Trump did when he said he has been taking hydroxychloroquine, no facts and no data whatsoever to back it up, only speculations

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that was a publicity stunt and the majority of people know it that's why they keep asking for proof



A reporter asked McEnany on Tuesday why the letter "seemed very carefully written" to avoid saying Conley actually prescribed hydroxychloroquine for Trump.


First, reporters usually question presidents.  That's their job," tweeted Princeton historian Julian Zelizer. "Second, the assumption that this president can't ever be trusted points to the problem with Trump not the news media."



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7 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

big pharma is the dot com of time past, morons gambling on vaccine news lol..

I wouldn't say all are morons. A couple of profs, one at MIT and another Harvard, are billionaires from investing early in Moderna. Depends on how informed you are about the business. But you are right most playing pharma stocks are day traders watching for a spike in the hype.

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2 minutes ago, Why Me said:

I wouldn't say all are morons. A couple of profs, one at MIT and another Harvard, are billionaires from investing early in Moderna. Depends on how informed you are about the business. But you are right most playing pharma stocks are day traders watching for a spike in the hype.

That makes sense for it was the same in dot com, inside knowledge was invaluable. A few prospered from the many who had gambled and lost everything. There are few scruples when it comes to reaping profit from the idiocy of others..

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58 minutes ago, timendres said:

The primary take-away from the Moderna announcement was that human subjects produced antibodies. 

Actually what they said was that eight (four in both the low and high dose groups of) participants had antibodies, no word about the other 37 participants.  So this has made people suspicious, is this just a ruse to drive up the stock market price?

Furthermore this was a phase I trial where a low, statistically insignificant, number of people is injected in order to test the safety of the vaccine. Many experimental vaccines fail at phase II where a larger number of people is tested and efficiency is assayed. In general, the fact that antibodies are produced does not mean that they protect against, or even reduce the symptoms of COVID-19. 

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13 minutes ago, timendres said:

The primary take-away from the Moderna announcement was that human subjects produced antibodies. But they were very careful to state that the results were too preliminary to determine if those antibodies were sufficient to produce an immunity.

I think it is also important that " had immune responses at a level similar or greater than recovered patients, "


Unless recovered patients do not develop any immunity, in which case we are screwed, I would conciser that a significant development. 

The concern  as I understand it is that they have not released supporting Data, but as I see it there are is no data to disrepute their claim . So I guess a wait and see attitude is prudent. 

In the mean time there is money to be made. Moderna stock soared to $80 on the news then declines 10.4% to $71.67 on speculation concerning data release. I think they are under a lot of pressure to release supporting data, and if their data supports their claim..........  My finger is hovering over the "Buy now button"

BUT. we have the moderna executive  Slaoui who resigned from the board of Moderna last week, to head trump's  Operation Warp Speed and needs to divest and sell  approximately $12.4 million worth of stock options he has with moderna. So I wonder if the timing of this release might not have something to do with that. I wonder how much of it he sold at $80. 

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

we have the moderna executive  Slaoui who resigned from the board of Moderna last week, to head trump's  Operation Warp Speed and needs to divest and sell  approximately $12.4 million worth of stock options he has with moderna. So I wonder if the timing of this release might not have something to do with that. I wonder how much of it he sold at $80. 

Hmm, interesting observation. You might very well be right.

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