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Suvarnabhumi Airport Perfect?

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Hi there Guys,

I don't know if you've noticed that all problems seem to have been solved.

Are there no more :

Aggressive Taxi touts?

Limousine scams?

Thefts at kept luggage?

Near disasters on escalators?


Defective boarding bridges?

Space infringements by King Power?

Unfriendly immigration officers?

Insufficient toilets?

Comedies of error?

Is the terminal no longer sinking?


Come on guys let's revive this topic. It used to be so much fun.



p.s. please note that I spelled the name of the airport correctly.

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Yesterday's news, we now have drunken Irishmen and Belgians groping good Thai women, Germans doing the 12th floor flying lesson and Italians leaving second floor bars without using the stairs and that's onlt the edited highlights. I'm afraid the antics of farangs over Songkran will keep Camp Swamp off page 1 for a while more. :o

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Not sure about aggressive taxi touts, I have just gone through the airport and was astounded to have been harrassed by a taxi tout, complete with his pictures etc at the CAROUSEL whilst waiting for my luggage.

That has to be a first, they will be waiting at the jetways next. So much for security !!!!!!

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