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I am in the process of applying for my childs first British passport. (half Thai, half British)


I am almost there with getting all those documents. However, I cant think of where I can get a proof of address for my child, aged 2 years.


I have been going back and forth with the passport office via email and today they thrown me a curve-ball with this final requirement.


Any clue as to where I can get this final document please?


Documents that I have already are:


My passport, copied via the British embassy, with official stamps.

My proof of residency via the British embassy.

My British birth certificate.

My mothers British birth certificate.

My fathers British birth certificate.

My parents marriage certificate.

My child's Thai birth certificate, translated to English via the official translator in Bangkok.

My Thai wife's birth certificate, translated to English via the official translator in Bangkok.

My marriage certificate, translated to English via the official translator in Bangkok.

My wife's marriage certificate, translated to English via the official translator in Bangkok.

My wife's change of name certificate, translated to English via the official translator in Bangkok.

My marriage licence, copied by an official notary public.


I am hoping this final request of proof of residency is all that I need. Because its taken over a month to get all these documents together.


Any help is greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.



With all the documents you have on hand you should be able to have your wife add the children to her Tabien Ban (Blue house book).  If you are renting maybe you can have your landlord amend the lease in some way to show they are resident.  The Tabien Ban route is best and will certainly work - it's how I did mine.


Thanks for your reply.


We are renting our current house while we are building our new house, which wont be finished for a few more months and we just sold our other house in Cha-am last week.


But our child is registered on the old house's Tabien Ban. The new buyer is ok with them remaining on the blue book until our new house is finished being built.


The person we are renting our current house from is not the most accommodating of landlords, so I very much doubt they will be willing to add our children to their Tabien Ban.


My proof of address is registered at the house we are currently renting. Done so via showing the Immigration office a copy of our lease and having a home visit, plus numerous photos taken of my family while in the house and in front of the address sign. In addition to showing them copies of current and past electrical bills. Than the proof of address was taken to the British embassy and used as evidence for the British embassy to issue me with their own official proof of address.


So having my childs proof of address at any other residence will undoubtedly create a complication when it comes to their passport application.


Ideally, I need some proof of address for my child at the house I am currently renting. As it matches all the other documents that will be being submitted.


Are there any other solutions?


Thanks again for your input. Its greatly appreciated.


@smokieladdoI would ask VFS why they require proof of address?

This comes up often and it is NOT a requirement to show proof of address, the documentation requirements in table A are very clear.

I have made the relevant parts bold in the quotes below, the first one being that it is and/or


All applicants must provide one document showing photo identity and one document as evidence of name and address and/or residency dated within the last year.

The guidance goes further with:


If you are applying for a Child First British Passport the following documents are also accepted. The document provided should show a link to the
parent applying and show that the child and parent are resident where they are applying from.
• Parents’ identity cards
• Child’s school records
• Medical/hospital records (birth records)
• Mother’s antenatal records

The requirement that UKPO are asking for is that the applicant is legally resident in the country that they are making the application.

Your Child's Thai birth certificate provides this by definition.

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