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Lucid Dreaming

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Don't know if this is anything to do with my recent nasty bout of insomnia but the other night I was asleep and found myself able to control my dreaming knowing I could wake up when I chose.

This has happened before but is very rare, about once a year, but when it happens it is a wonderful experience as I find myself in a world with no consequences to my actions and I can do anything I want or go anywhere I choose and do things i wouldn't dream of doing in the real world and have a great time.

My dream included making love in a crowded shopping mall with a supermodel I had just met on an escalator and being chased by police on a Harley Davidson and crashing it deliberatly into a glass fronted shopfront, knowing that I couldn't die because I was asleep in my bed in my room in my apartment.

I do not use drugs and I am not trolling and anyone who has had a similar experience is invited to share it and maybe enlighten me to the cause of these controllable dreams so that I could train myself to do it when I want.

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I have many. I think the more you have the easier it is to get into these dreams. Usually takes something to trigger it.

In My first lucid dream, I was in America and got arrested of a cop. He put me in the back of the car and started driving. As we were driving along, I noticed we were driving on the left hand side, and USA drives on the right. I pointed this out to him and told him I knew this was a dream. He admitted it was indeed a dream. I told him to stop and let me out, and he did. After that I started trashing a shopping mall with his shotgun. Brilliant.

But everytime I start making out with a fit bird, the dream dissolves just as I get it in. Every sodding time. Maybe I feel guilty about shagging innocent women in my dreams... :D

lol.....i must sound like a nut. :o

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I have many. I think the more you have the easier it is to get into these dreams. Usually takes something to trigger it.

In My first lucid dream, I was in America and got arrested of a cop. He put me in the back of the car and started driving. As we were driving along, I noticed we were driving on the left hand side, and USA drives on the right. I pointed this out to him and told him I knew this was a dream. He admitted it was indeed a dream. I told him to stop and let me out, and he did. After that I started trashing a shopping mall with his shotgun. Brilliant.

But everytime I start making out with a fit bird, the dream dissolves just as I get it in. Every sodding time. Maybe I feel guilty about shagging innocent women in my dreams... :D

lol.....i must sound like a nut. :o

Excellent - It's really refreshing to hear a similar experience!

So I can, 'train myself' to have lucid dreams? I think that you must have to keep a small percentage of yourself awake but it's easier said than done.

The first one I had was about ten years ago and I was dreaming that I was back at school and about to do P.E. with a teacher I hated, Mr Bradnack.

I don't know how I knew but I was aware that it was a dream and yet it was so real.

I had forgotten my sports kit and he told me I would have to play hockey in my underwear so I called him a fat <deleted> and told him to <deleted> off.

Unfortunatly I didn't know how to get out of the dream and back to reality and as a result I had to endure being taken to the headmasters office by my earlobe and sitting through a two hour detention before I woke up.

I now know that had I been experienced in controlling my dreams, I could have beaten up both teacher and headmaster, set fire to the school and had sex with Mrs Edwards my Drama teacher in the playground in front of everyone, then stole one of the fire engines when it arrived, driven it to Endor and got my cock out in front of Darth Vader.

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I now know that had I been experienced in controlling my dreams, I could have beaten up both teacher and headmaster, set fire to the school and had sex with Mrs Edwards my Drama teacher in the playground in front of everyone, then stole one of the fire engines when it arrived, driven it to Endor and got my cock out in front of Darth Vader.

:o lol

You can belive this or not. I dreamt I was in a supermarket, and there was a huge que at the checkout. I knew I was dreaming and had to wake up to go to work. Instead I had to wait my turn and didn't wake up till an hour after I was supposed to be at work. I didn't bother my boss with this explaination. :D

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This has happened before but is very rare, about once a year, but when it happens it is a wonderful experience as I find myself in a world with no consequences to my actions and I can do anything I want or go anywhere I choose and do things i wouldn't dream of doing in the real world and have a great time.

My dream included making love in a crowded shopping mall with a supermodel I had just met on an escalator and being chased by police on a Harley Davidson and crashing it deliberatly into a glass fronted shopfront, knowing that I couldn't die because I was asleep in my bed in my room in my apartment.

We can thank Mother Nature for the muscle paralysis that occurs during REM :o:D

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Lucid dreaming is real, its something i looked into some time ago...

Unfortunately i cant remember any of my dreams, so my investigations didnt get too far... Wish i could trigger a lucid dream, with my imagination i could have a right hoot!

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wow ! amazing stuff !

i had these before myself, like you said very rare ,maybe once or twice a year

i remember doing a hard days work on the farm and went to bed with no dinner

that night...

i dreamt i was hitch hiking, and got picked up by a big truck

which happened to be driven by dolly parton,

i knew it was a dream as i sweet talked her to pull over the rig,

anyway, we had sex...but half way thru i sneezed

and then she wanted me to get out of the truck ,

thats all i remember, a bit of a crappy dream

just had to say it



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