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Living In England.........


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A couple of weeks ago an even younger girl was cautioned for drawing hopscotch numbers on the pavement!

Friday or Saturday a teenager was taken to court for barking at a dog, a higher court threw the case out.

This country is certainly going to the dogs (excuse the pun), 10 years of T Blair Esq has really messed the UK up. My misses had to jump through hoops to get a settlement visa, and jump through even more for ILR (including making sure she speaks reasonable English), yet Eastern Europeans that speak NO English at all get welcomed with open arms.

The first chance I get to make the final move to LOS can't come quick enough.

I hope you get to make the leap soon Sierra, for you and your missus sake! I've only had an interest in politics and howthe countrys been run for 12 years (since I been paying taxes as an adult) and IMO the damage has been done in that time. Had your missus been an able bodied male between the ages of 18 - 40ish and of Eastern European origin she'd of been in no probs, with food vouchers and a free house to boot. How many females do you see scaling the fence in Calais or queuing up at various imm. centres for handouts? Exactly. If these people are really fleeing persecution and oppression in their own countries, would they all leave behind their wife, daughter, sister, mother, grandmother? I know I wouldnt. Sorry for going a bit off topic but I need a good rant this morning

EDITTED: typing too fast lots of spelling mistakes

they are not fleeing persecution, Polish particularly and a few other eastern european states are now full members of the EU and thus are able to travel and work in the UK. They are not able to get state benefit - they come to work and generally fill a big hole in the workforce. I dont completely agree with it - particularly as the British government completely underestimated the amount that would arrive. Having said that it does annoy me when people spout of the same tired myths about free housing etc etc - its completely ill informed. asylum Seekers and refugees in the Uk are primarily from African and middle eastern war torn countries - and increasingly China - they are entitled to very limited state help.

Can you name a time in the last 100 years when immigration was not being blamed for Britains problems by those who feel left behind?

The Polish come and fill a big hole in the workplace? You obviously have no friends who work as labourers, brickies etc and are struggling for work because this recent influx of economic migrants are doing the same for half the price. Even the travellers who tarmac drives are using migrant workers instead of their own. Apologies for missing African and Middle Eastern countries off my list of economic migrants, I didnt want to mention the amount bringing HIV/AIDS into the country from sub-Saharan countries or the endless supply of fanatical extremists arriving on our shores to join those already here.

As for being left behind, I earn well and have a succesful job and loving family (no children of my own) it just saddens me to see how England is changing, and fast. In years to come people will look back at the last ten years and see how England went from a once proud, fighting, patriotic country to Europes (and the rest of the worlds) dumping ground.

Dont get me wrong I'm English and always will be but at the rate of change we are currently experiencing, can you honestly say you'd be happy for your children/grandchildren to grow up here?

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Bleeding foreigners ...again...why did they come......errr...

The Romans came to britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed this country

Below you can learn about Roman history in Britain, and get an insight into the innovations they brought here, the changes they made to everyday life and how and why they built the foundations of a new civilisation throughout the land. :o


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A couple of weeks ago an even younger girl was cautioned for drawing hopscotch numbers on the pavement!

Friday or Saturday a teenager was taken to court for barking at a dog, a higher court threw the case out.

This country is certainly going to the dogs (excuse the pun), 10 years of T Blair Esq has really messed the UK up. My misses had to jump through hoops to get a settlement visa, and jump through even more for ILR (including making sure she speaks reasonable English), yet Eastern Europeans that speak NO English at all get welcomed with open arms.

The first chance I get to make the final move to LOS can't come quick enough.

I hope you get to make the leap soon Sierra, for you and your missus sake! I've only had an interest in politics and howthe countrys been run for 12 years (since I been paying taxes as an adult) and IMO the damage has been done in that time. Had your missus been an able bodied male between the ages of 18 - 40ish and of Eastern European origin she'd of been in no probs, with food vouchers and a free house to boot. How many females do you see scaling the fence in Calais or queuing up at various imm. centres for handouts? Exactly. If these people are really fleeing persecution and oppression in their own countries, would they all leave behind their wife, daughter, sister, mother, grandmother? I know I wouldnt. Sorry for going a bit off topic but I need a good rant this morning

EDITTED: typing too fast lots of spelling mistakes

they are not fleeing persecution, Polish particularly and a few other eastern european states are now full members of the EU and thus are able to travel and work in the UK. They are not able to get state benefit - they come to work and generally fill a big hole in the workforce. I dont completely agree with it - particularly as the British government completely underestimated the amount that would arrive. Having said that it does annoy me when people spout of the same tired myths about free housing etc etc - its completely ill informed. asylum Seekers and refugees in the Uk are primarily from African and middle eastern war torn countries - and increasingly China - they are entitled to very limited state help.

Can you name a time in the last 100 years when immigration was not being blamed for Britains problems by those who feel left behind?

The Polish come and fill a big hole in the workplace? You obviously have no friends who work as labourers, brickies etc and are struggling for work because this recent influx of economic migrants are doing the same for half the price. Even the travellers who tarmac drives are using migrant workers instead of their own. Apologies for missing African and Middle Eastern countries off my list of economic migrants, I didnt want to mention the amount bringing HIV/AIDS into the country from sub-Saharan countries or the endless supply of fanatical extremists arriving on our shores to join those already here.

As for being left behind, I earn well and have a succesful job and loving family (no children of my own) it just saddens me to see how England is changing, and fast. In years to come people will look back at the last ten years and see how England went from a once proud, fighting, patriotic country to Europes (and the rest of the worlds) dumping ground.

Dont get me wrong I'm English and always will be but at the rate of change we are currently experiencing, can you honestly say you'd be happy for your children/grandchildren to grow up here?

There is a genuinely worthwhile debate to be had over immigration - the issue is a complex one with pros and cons from both sides. However you seem to happily rant using half baked facts and myths dreamt up by UKIP and BNP that doubt it would be a constructive one with you - so i'll decline thanks. As someone said recently 'you can't reason with people beyond reason'!

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Bleeding foreigners ...again...why did they come......errr...

The Romans came to britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed this country

Below you can learn about Roman history in Britain, and get an insight into the innovations they brought here, the changes they made to everyday life and how and why they built the foundations of a new civilisation throughout the land. :o


I for one thank the Romans for how they changed this country, I don't think the recent huge influx of immigrants will do quite the same for the country!

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Bleeding foreigners ...again...why did they come......errr...

The Romans came to britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed this country

Below you can learn about Roman history in Britain, and get an insight into the innovations they brought here, the changes they made to everyday life and how and why they built the foundations of a new civilisation throughout the land. :o


I for one thank the Romans for how they changed this country, I don't think the recent huge influx of immigrants will do quite the same for the country!

C'mon 'sierra01', migrant will never be the mainstream (not all English are anyway)....they will not change the English culture (you pomms are too bloody hard for this to happend), its innovations to science and technology, its sense of humour (the best in the world), its theatre (the best in the world), among others great English virtues...

What really England should do, is what it did 200 years ago, take the crap and convicts and send it to Australia. Double gain, clean one country and improve another! (betya I gain some aussie enemies with this joke....again!!!!)

Edited by torito
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It's the open door policy that I'm against, the recent influx has added over 10% to Bognor's population. Little or no increase in health care services, policing, housing and jobs, a recipe for disaster. Why we can't be more selective i don't know, other countries manage to.

As far as I know when they bring their cars over with them there are no checks as to whether they eventually get insurance, MOT or road tax. Late last year one knocked down and killed an old lady near Tesco's, then ran away. No tax, insurance, MOT or licence. Result...7 month sentence, out in 3 1/2 months...and...wait for it...NOT deported.

It's good to have other cultures/nationalities here but it has to be within reason. Thailand's immigration policy angers most of us I think, though on the whole it keeps away most of the worst.

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A couple of weeks ago an even younger girl was cautioned for drawing hopscotch numbers on the pavement!

Friday or Saturday a teenager was taken to court for barking at a dog, a higher court threw the case out.

This country is certainly going to the dogs (excuse the pun), 10 years of T Blair Esq has really messed the UK up. My misses had to jump through hoops to get a settlement visa, and jump through even more for ILR (including making sure she speaks reasonable English), yet Eastern Europeans that speak NO English at all get welcomed with open arms.

The first chance I get to make the final move to LOS can't come quick enough.

And ethnic minorities have more rights than most others it seems !,..i slammed the door and turned off the light when i left..
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I really doubt if UK could top USA for "nit-picking" idiotic crap. They often have no sense what is appropriate & not. Some case of a primary school students (6ys) taken away in handcuffs. Another student charged with a "hate crime" recently from leaving a ham sandwich (in a bag) next to a Moslem student. The list goes on & on, yet they seemed powerless to curb the wacko student in Virginia Tech, when warning signs were aparently evident to teachers, staff, & family for a long time.


Whats the latest regarding that Muslim teacher in the UK told to remove her Hijab when teaching her class and she refused, it was all going to court...

I love reading threads like this, they always quash any desires I get to return

She won her case at the human rights and now teaches looking out through the letterbox in her burper !
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Wow, only one anti-US post out of nine in an OP about England...

How about this--maybe the kid should obey the laws and not graffiti the walk. Seems like some cities have found that stopping graffiti before it gets going is an important element of holding down real crimes.

Also, should the cops be choosing whom to cite, or is it less bad if they cite all offenders even if in a few exceptional cases it seems overboard?

And this--as with the seemingly crazy overboard enforcement examples from the US, don't the relative rarity of such incidents (a dozen or so in millions?) actually do more to prove there is no problem than the total absence of any reports of such incidents, which instead would suggest we're not hearing the truth?

Good point, Nipping it in the bud like,.. i took the train from devon to london, the last 50 miles in to paddington was a public toilet like scene where anything possible was muraled up and looked awful, they ( the "artists ! " ) must have started somewhere ...
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I dunno what the latest is on the muslim lady but that interview was fantastic! Do you recal that the teacher was all about her rights and being adament that she would not under any circumstances be without her veil in the presence of men?

Then the interviewer dropped the bomb on her when he asked if she had worn the veil to her interview (which had male staff member(s) present). ..


...question repeated.

..She answered that he had not worn her veil.

You gotta laugh...

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Gone are the days when the local bobby would have clipped you round the ear instead!

My dads dad (passed away before I was born) was the local 'bobby' in the 50's and and I've had a few people come up to me in the local and buy me a pint telling me how my late grandfather had dragged them outside and give them a hiding for fighting!

I grew up as a teen being a little bit anti-police (as we all do) and now I think they're hands are too tied with red tape and paperwork but thats the Governments fault.. I know if I was a copper right now in the UK it would be toooo hard to refraim from dishing out beatings.. i know its wrong but how else do you treat someone who's just robbed/mugged/beaten an old lady close to death?

You treat them with compassion, feed them, give them cigarettes, bail them as quick as you can and get back out on the road to catch some real villians, " THE SPEEDING MOTORISTS " !
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There is a genuinely worthwhile debate to be had over immigration - the issue is a complex one with pros and cons from both sides. However you seem to happily rant using half baked facts and myths dreamt up by UKIP and BNP that doubt it would be a constructive one with you - so i'll decline thanks. As someone said recently 'you can't reason with people beyond reason'!

Getting a little awkward for you is it !!


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