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Setting Up A Pop3 Account


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I have just bought an O2 Atom Exec PDA with Windows Mobile 5.0 software.

I want to be able to recieve my work emails via the company server. I can connect to the internet no problem, however whenever I try to download POP3 emails from my work server I get a message saying that I cannot connect to the server or something.

I think the problem is related to the fact that on my laptop and desktop versions of "Outlook" I can input the Incoming and Outgoing "Port Settings" 9000 and 25 respectively. However my PDA doesn't seem to have the ability to input these numbers.

Any suggestions how I can get it working please?


Edited by ashacat
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In the settings where you enter the smtp server and pop servers you'll have to follow the address by :xxxx where the xxxx is your portnumber.

In your case only for the pop server since you say that the smtp server is at the standard port (25)

Something like this: pop.mailserver.com:9000

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