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Genuine Charity Or Farang Begging Scam?


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Twice in the past month I have noticed a pleasant-smiling young farang woman in Kad Suan Kaew, going from table to table in Tops food court and in the restaurants on 2nd floor. She carries cards written in English and Thai and anodised keyrings/bottle-openers. She deposits both on the table and smiles, then withdraws discreetly for a minute or so to allow customers to read her written spiel.

The gist is that she is collecting for the deaf/dumb, and that YOU can help by making a donation and getting the piece of anodised metal.

Since the young woman does not speak, she is evidently one of the deaf/dumb people herself. This makes it impossible to communicate with her to ask more about her cause.

Has anyone else encountered the young woman, and does anyone know whether the charity actually exists?

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Twice in the past month I have noticed a pleasant-smiling young farang woman in Kad Suan Kaew, going from table to table in Tops food court and in the restaurants on 2nd floor. She carries cards written in English and Thai and anodised keyrings/bottle-openers. She deposits both on the table and smiles, then withdraws discreetly for a minute or so to allow customers to read her written spiel.

The gist is that she is collecting for the deaf/dumb, and that YOU can help by making a donation and getting the piece of anodised metal.

Since the young woman does not speak, she is evidently one of the deaf/dumb people herself. This makes it impossible to communicate with her to ask more about her cause.

Has anyone else encountered the young woman, and does anyone know whether the charity actually exists?

does she have a work permit? :o

on a more serious note, she might be a thai national?

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Some farang looking teens are doing the same in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Same MO, trinkets, card saying $4 or MORE will be gladly accepted. Nice way to finance a South East Asia holiday and pay for pricey running shoes, brand name clothes and genuine Oakley sunglassses that she was wearing.

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I've seen the deaf/mute Thai people with the cards as well. Not in CM, mind, Bangkok, but this scam is everywhere, even on Koh Phangan. My husband says that most of these people that go around asking for money in this way are scamming and thus gives to none of them. Regardless of what the charity appears to be

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I already got scammed in bangkok, I bought a bottle opener for 50 baht in The Mall, then i saw him and his buddy eating at mcdonalds 20 min later On a Big Mac.... On kao sarn too, they sell these open decorative cards for 100 Baht , so i got scammed twice, the card was a good gift though.... BEWARE

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Twice in the past month I have noticed a pleasant-smiling young farang woman in Kad Suan Kaew, going from table to table in Tops food court and in the restaurants on 2nd floor. She carries cards written in English and Thai and anodised keyrings/bottle-openers. She deposits both on the table and smiles, then withdraws discreetly for a minute or so to allow customers to read her written spiel.

The gist is that she is collecting for the deaf/dumb, and that YOU can help by making a donation and getting the piece of anodised metal.

Since the young woman does not speak, she is evidently one of the deaf/dumb people herself. This makes it impossible to communicate with her to ask more about her cause.

Has anyone else encountered the young woman, and does anyone know whether the charity actually exists?

About 2 months ago I encountered a situation exactly as described except that it was a man and he was going from table to table in Black Canyon and KFC in the Northern Tesco Lotus mall. His keyrings/bottle openers were dolphin shaped. He certainly was farlang.

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It happens everywhere even in singapore where the law forbids them to do it. IMO this is not charity and i would not say its a scam if they sell u their artwork be it a card, key chain or wat ever for a small fee.What i understand is its a way of earning extra income be it for themself or their family we do not noe.IF u think its a scam den dun buy from them but if u feels tat its just some loose change den why not...cheers chongaew

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My gut tells me these people are con artists even if they do give a token amount to charity (I suspect at best they work on a commision basis same as alot of people collecting for charities in the UK do).

When I do donate it is usually to some one who is clearly in need that I meet on the street.


Edited by mosquitoman
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This is a VERY old scam,,,,first met it in the UK about 20 years ago.....young people going from door to door....showing a card...and selling things like dusters....which were hugely overpriced....what we did then was to say, within their hearing, that we were going to check with the police......they immediately leave.....................

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This is a VERY old scam,,,,first met it in the UK about 20 years ago.....young people going from door to door....showing a card...and selling things like dusters....which were hugely overpriced....what we did then was to say, within their hearing, that we were going to check with the police......they immediately leave.....................

perhaps mentioning immigration, work permits, tourist police, etc as the goods are placed on the table might send the girl with the seraphic smile scurrying for cover....

people who scam in this way don't do expats any favors. I have not not seen any Thais buying the goods, but some of gestures...eg quick shakes of the head, no eye contact... betray their annoyance and possibly disgust.

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Genuine Charity ? Scam ?

Charity is a very strange words .

let break it down a little .

in simple to my understanding it some what mean to help people in needs within my reach .

or to show or do good will , not sure what it really mean in a dictionary .

anyway .

my view .

Charity is not just for the poor and needy .

we love to choose words to show different event .

or to express differently . but sometime this is just another way for us to say , i am lost and i need some kinda action to shown my existence , i once heard a saying that you can't help everyone in needs in the world . cos there is just too many .

so you should help within your reach .

do chartity out of yours heart . not for the sake of doing it .

strange how one of the post said he spotted some deaf and mute eating a big mac .

you mean . if you are deaf and mute you can't eat big mac ? or if you are deaf and mute you are consider different .

and can't enjoy life ?

let see.

if a poor begger . come across a rich man , which buy him a versace tee shirt , armani jean . he can't beg anymroe ,

cos he would had lost that i am in needs look . that will attact people who feel that their better and is just nature to offer people under or below our living standard a helping hand ?

i seldom question . why i donate , and when i do i do it cos i feel that my money can help them in some way . or just cos i feel that it make me look good ,.

i buy flower from those flower seller cos i feel like it , i don't see them as a begger or some kinda people seeking help .

be it 10 baht or 40 baht . or 100 baht .

if the person is using an item to exchange for your cash . HE or she is TRADING .

in a TRADE , both party agree and then you get a deal .

so . is no point shouting SCAM . cos you did gain from the deal .. and is a willing party .

most offer there can be abit sticky and pest you a little to buy their product . and some people do buy them just to get rid of them . or to impress others or in way to show that i am a kind man .

so no excuse to other way .

a simple NO , is alway helpful .

if you don't want to buy .

the real people who need charity is really those who have lost their way . and you need not use money to help them .

all you need is a understanding heart . i believe all human is born good , is the world that shape them and turn them evil .

many years ago . there is no phone in donation .

and during a new year or holiday the local TV board cast did a TV donation event . and with great sucess .. of about 10 million or so donation .

guess that .

3 month later there is more TV donation program and with great price , lucky draw condo , new car , Gold bar .

this is the real crap .

you even got to pay the phone company to dial a 1900 number to make a donation set at $10 - $20 - $50 $100 $200 $300 $500 $1000 -$2000 $5000

guess what -

from what i know about donation law is that as a event or fund riasing company , there are allow to take 60 % or or it and give only 40 % or less to the needy . the rest can be use as event cost and running cost .

If you want to be kind , go visit the old folk , smile more , take the effort to be kind , buy some food and them go offer it - alot of hidden agenda is well plan to target rich lazy people who want to feel good doing charity .

the market is simple . if we stop giving to such seller there would not be such action .

if we don't eat pork or chicken , do you think . there will kill it ?

cause and effect . is just a product of this conuse nature we human have .

well . be kind from your heart not from your pocket .

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Ta22, as usual you have offered a very thought-provoking post (and I mean that in a highly complimentary way). Made me think about why I give, and to who, and for what reason. I admit I am prone to donate to very old people I see begging. I don't have much sympathy for the young, able bodied, or the "mom" with "rent-a kids". Not to say they are less worthy; it just doesn't feel right. If I was offered the card from the supposed deaf/mute farang, I think (now) after reading the above posts, I would write a note. Why are you doing this? Are you really in need? This is a poor country with a lot of people barely surviving; single moms with 3 kids working 2 jobs- why should you be here asking for money? And see their reaction. And if it feels right, sure I'll "buy" the worthless keychain, whatever. They might be in need, too, just in a very different way....

Edited by mcgriffith
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It happens everywhere even in singapore where the law forbids them to do it. IMO this is not charity and i would not say its a scam if they sell u their artwork be it a card, key chain or wat ever for a small fee.What i understand is its a way of earning extra income be it for themself or their family we do not noe.IF u think its a scam den dun buy from them but if u feels tat its just some loose change den why not...cheers chongaew

Where the hel_l did you learn English? My Thai gf is interested!....Just kiddin, nuff respeck to all da massif


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We seem to have drifted off to talking about Thai beggers, This thread is about Farang begging in Thailand, a compleatly different thing.

" If I was offered the card from the supposed deaf/mute farang, I think (now) after reading the above posts, I would write a note. Why are you doing this? Are you really in need? This is a poor country with a lot of people barely surviving; single moms with 3 kids working 2 jobs- why should you be here asking for money? And see their reaction. And if it feels right, sure I'll "buy" the worthless keychain, whatever. They might be in need, too, just in a very different way...."

Gee, I thought I WAS talking about farangs begging in Thailand. Sorry If I didn't make that clear... :D

And Ta22 likes to post in very broad terms. Sort of a philosophical treatise, in a nutshell. Don't worry, you'll get used to it! :o



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i had seen farang mother and child selling bread in khaosan road , as far as 6-7 years ago or more . if i recall correctly .

farang and thailand make no different . Begging is really not a bad job .

if you look at it .. is really a worthful job that pay well . if you put your effort to lookin bad . and taking away your pride of cos .

some years ago i was staying in bangkok . - there is this begger . trust me you would pay him .

for one reason . he would come sit beside you to have his food .

some time looking like some stuff he dig from a trash bin or a plastic bag with bine and mix food in it .

and gosh , a rubbish truck smell better then him .

he would come show you his hand . hinting you he is begging .. if you refuse he just smile at you and sit beside you .

the smell is so powerful that my hand automatically take out 20 baht and give it to him .. and he will smile back say to you " Thanks you in english , showing he yellow almost tarnishing grey teeth . and walk off . TO THE NEXT TABLE >


Case study . some year ago a man use his children to sell tissue pack .

what he do is get his 2 cute girl .. to go about busy MRT ( train station ) to slel them in pack of 2 for $1 ( $22 baht )

singapore is hot and people seeing this cute girl selling usually buy it .

Guess what .

He is singapore top tissue seller . He can sell about 5000 - pack EVERYDAY .

go imagine how rich is he ..

when he was arrested for using child worker . which is the only reason of arrest of him .

he own some relaly nice cr and a nice condo already .

some years ago - where i spend some time at the local Game shop - with computer game

i am a counter strike player .

i come across a Farang boy .

he hang out at the local game shop and at night he sleep on the street .

i notice and took him back to my condo and force him to shower and wear clean clothes .

and offer him a place for stay for about 1-2 month at my places .

after a while he request some money from me and went to bangkok .

i still wonder how is he now . he can hardly speak english . beside the fact that he look farang . and all i know is his father is inthe US and he is with his step mother or something .

which he don't like .

you see. some time helping people is more then just reaching into your pocket .

well to reach for yor pocket is just one clean and easy way that w do .. which i gaven the top example of how the smelly man come to beg for money and i gaven him cos if he hang around i would vomit out my dinner .

and i really worry he go will go eat it .

so .

nowaday there start using really cute cite child 2-3 years old - i so pity them .. sometime i really wanna ask if i can buy their child and give them a better childhood . but then .. who am i to choose a life for them .. when i feel that my life is not that perfect after all .

so everyone have their path .. maybe this young traning of selling flower can help them in the futrue -

who know .

never assume youa re better then any needy people . cos seriously speaking .

alot of them . is we who is in needs to find out who we are .. from the act we do .


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Maybe all(or a lot)of these "beggars" are "cheaters"maybe not,but i think must of us (surely me)like to think they are,this made us(me) feel more comfortable and not so guilty about all the squalor around us.

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some of them are deaf/dumb but some use a normal telephone ?

a lot of deaf/dumb people use a normal telephone to send sms's to each other.

Yes good point but I should have made it clear that the people I have seen on the phone were holding it up to their ear ans discreatly speaking into it trying their best to hide from view,

It is possible of corse they do have limited hearing and speach ? but then again ?

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Yes good point but I should have made it clear that the people I have seen on the phone were holding it up to their ear ans discreatly speaking into it trying their best to hide from view,

It is possible of corse they do have limited hearing and speach ? but then again ?

Many hearing aids accept signals from certain makes or models of mobile phone. I have a deaf friend who uses one. The vibrator alerts him to an incoming call and it is possible, just, to have a normal conversation with him.

Wouldn't help if they were mute though.

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