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I'd say be very careful, theres a lot of good thai women out there- I know, I've met a few- but the only ones who regularly come in contact with farangs (foreigners) are hookers, or bar girls, or trannies, or any combination of the three. go to the right place, you can meet the wrong girl. go to the wrong place, and it's not even a girl, it just has tits.

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I'd say be very careful, theres a lot of good thai women out there- I know, I've met a few- but the only ones who regularly come in contact with farangs (foreigners) are hookers, or bar girls, or trannies, or any combination of the three.

Most probably you aren't referring to it but it's a good occasion to clarify that by exposure to Western culture and values I didn't mean "P4Pish" venues and encounters, I mostly meant getting an education/growing up :D

In other words, you have to look for atypical, "un-Thai" Thais :o

P.S. And yes, they are out there, in growing (yet still very small) numbers. And not only in "the big city".

Edited by BAF
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This thought occurred to me just before I slept for the night.

These conversation, just somehow reminds me about racism.

About how Adolf Hitler justified his decisions to bring in all the Jews for genocide. (I know...a bit far fetched, but heck, I am sick, tired & my mind wandered to possibilities. :o )

Is some of us, here, on this forum, not looking at the Thai Girls like they are some kind of vermin instead of the human beings that they are?

Their culture, their environment and their course of actions molded by those around them to behave a certain way to achieve a certain goal?

Much like the farangs or all the guys in here. Does the thai girls compare unfavourably to your home country gals? How different are they?

They too, ask for respect, love, freedom to do what they want or what they think they are brought up to do. Are we being too hypocritical here to condemn them all?

Does it means that your home country, does not have females cheating their boyfriends, their husband, for a home to stay, a car to drive, some cash to spend? And if so, What the Fark are you looking for gals from Thailand?

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That funny. I live in the Isaan 250+ km from THE CITY and I find the people out here that have less exposure to westerners are much more welcoming than purported by some. I have made some great friends through exploring my own interest in bikes, fishing and RC planes and boats. also many students have become friends whom I dine and travel with. I'd trust them with my money but they often won't let me pay. classic example I went with three ladies all accountants (my students) to Ayuttaya and while there we had lunch. I ordered some very expensive shrimp. wen they pointed out it was pricey I ordered more so they could share figuring they meant they would not spend that kind of money on food. after I asked for the bill and paid it in full. later at the palace one came up and tried to give me 3/4 of the bill. there were 4 of us. I said no way! I would never have order expensive food if I thought you were going to pay my meal was 60% of the whole dame bill for four of us! After explaining that they would feel bad if they didn't pay I agreed to go 50/50 with them I picked up half ad they split half 3 ways. You see not all beautiful educated successful women want your money. I know this and love thailand of rits generosity. I am happy to be a guest here. The people make it a wonderful place. I feel that the ones who see farangs as a mark are the ones who HAVE been exposed to western culture. the type of culture that is found in P4P environments. ANd many think we are all cut frm the same cloth. Shame. But I like dispelling the myth.

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These conversation, just somehow reminds me about racism.

About how Adolf Hitler justified his decisions to bring in all the Jews for genocide.

And this reply just somehow reminds me about plain total PC stupidity :D

They too, ask for respect, love, freedom to do what they want or what they think they are brought up to do.
Asking for respect, love and freedom, eh? And what's the Thai guys' answer..? :D

BTW, with me they are absolutely free to "do what they are brought up to do"! :o

Are we being too hypocritical here to condemn them all?

Still talking about "ALL"?!?

Now I see how you could come up talking about racism...

Does it means that your home country, does not have females cheating their boyfriends, their husband, for a home to stay, a car to drive, some cash to spend? And if so, What the Fark are you looking for gals from Thailand?

Personally, I have NEVER been looking for GFs or wives in Thailand, I've just been enjoying there (together with the resident Thai guys) the benefits granted to (relatively) well heeled guys by Thailand's cultural setting and Thai "values" and "principles"... :D

And since I find Caucasians much more physically attractive than Asians, I really wish I could find back home the same social norms and cultural issues as in Thailand and the same males/females kind of relationship!!!! :D

If only what you believe was true... Jeez, you're so clueless it hurts :bah:

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Quote loz: You see not all beautiful educated successful women want your money.

Oh really, hey loz, could you please toss a couple my way? I'm tired of paying for rough trade.

Edited by qwertz
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That funny. [...] I feel that the ones who see farangs as a mark are the ones who HAVE been exposed to western culture. the type of culture that is found in P4P environments.

That's even more funny since I thought I clarified that P4P environments aren't the kind of exposure to Western culture and values which I was meaning...

And anyway: "You see not all beautiful educated successful women want your money."

What kind of educated successful women (and how many) are there and are you meeting in Isaan 250+ km from the city?!? :o

As for how "friendly" they are, that has just about NOTHING to do with what we are discussing here.

P.S. Never met or known of any real upcountry beautiful educated successful woman (not that many of them around, to begin with, especially young and/or successful "on their own") who wants to associate (especially on her home turf) with "baksidas" purely for the pleasure/curiosity of it.

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get real guy. odds are she a hooker........lol.

we all know yours is different.....lol.

from what i hear not mut hope for 40 year old in thailand. they considered so way over the hill its not funny....lol.

Yes.....so first we need a physical to ensure that she is really a she.......


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get real guy. odds are she a hooker........lol.

we all know yours is different.....lol.

from what i hear not mut hope for 40 year old in thailand. they considered so way over the hill its not funny....lol.

Yes.....so first we need a physical to ensure that she is really a she.......


Hey, keep us posted okay. :o

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Arh yes.


Would successful, young beautiful thai woman need to meet you then?

They don't want to meet me, that's why I asked him to toss a couple my way. :o

Argh yes.....I might also liked to ask him to toss a few successful, mature straight single men my way. :D

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That funny. I live in the Isaan 250+ km from THE CITY and I find the people out here that have less exposure to westerners are much more welcoming than purported by some. I have made some great friends through exploring my own interest in bikes, fishing and RC planes and boats. also many students have become friends whom I dine and travel with. I'd trust them with my money but they often won't let me pay. classic example I went with three ladies all accountants (my students) to Ayuttaya and while there we had lunch. I ordered some very expensive shrimp. wen they pointed out it was pricey I ordered more so they could share figuring they meant they would not spend that kind of money on food. after I asked for the bill and paid it in full. later at the palace one came up and tried to give me 3/4 of the bill. there were 4 of us. I said no way! I would never have order expensive food if I thought you were going to pay my meal was 60% of the whole dame bill for four of us! After explaining that they would feel bad if they didn't pay I agreed to go 50/50 with them I picked up half ad they split half 3 ways. You see not all beautiful educated successful women want your money. I know this and love thailand of rits generosity. I am happy to be a guest here. The people make it a wonderful place. I feel that the ones who see farangs as a mark are the ones who HAVE been exposed to western culture. the type of culture that is found in P4P environments. ANd many think we are all cut frm the same cloth. Shame. But I like dispelling the myth.

If they are gainfully employed, they likely have some money of thier own. I am sure they appreciated the opportunity for some of your western culture to rub off on them. Any of them want to sign up to be your girlfriend? Please send pictures.

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These conversation, just somehow reminds me about racism.

About how Adolf Hitler justified his decisions to bring in all the Jews for genocide.

And this reply just somehow reminds me about plain total PC stupidity :D

They too, ask for respect, love, freedom to do what they want or what they think they are brought up to do.
Asking for respect, love and freedom, eh? And what's the Thai guys' answer..? :D

BTW, with me they are absolutely free to "do what they are brought up to do"! :o

Are we being too hypocritical here to condemn them all?

Still talking about "ALL"?!?

Now I see how you could come up talking about racism...

Does it means that your home country, does not have females cheating their boyfriends, their husband, for a home to stay, a car to drive, some cash to spend? And if so, What the Fark are you looking for gals from Thailand?
Personally, I have NEVER been looking for GFs or wives in Thailand, I've just been enjoying there (together with the resident Thai guys) the benefits granted to (relatively) well heeled guys by Thailand's cultural setting and Thai "values" and "principles"... :bah:

And since I find Caucasians much more physically attractive than Asians, I really wish I could find back home the same social norms and cultural issues as in Thailand and the same males/females kind of relationship!!!! :D

If only what you believe was true... Jeez, you're so clueless it hurts :bah:

mmm, maybe you would like to bind their feet too?? :D

but since you dont Trust the Thai culture, why would you want to find the same back in your home??

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take it from me thai girls who arent married by lates 20 are not wanted by thai men. considered old hags. im the messenger dont get huffy with me.

you have lots to learn about thai culture.

ps. why in yr open post you say you felt a bit owned by her, you never even met. explain sir i didnt get it.

I am familar with Asian culture and age. I dated a Chinese woman in Beijing for over a year and dated several Koreans in the past. In all cases it was happen stance and not my search for an Asian woman. You are right, I do have lots to learn about Thai culture and will embrace the learning process. Having prior experience with other Asian cultures will be of benefit ofcourse. There are differences to be noted, but similarites nonetheless.

The reason I felt the posessiveness was that she did not want me to talk to other Thai women after I expressed more then a conversational interest in her. The obvious nature of that comment was so that I would not meet some young beautiful Thai girl and run off with her. She started to become somewhat accusatory in her comments, as if I had already done something to her. I am sure this was the result of some bad past experience including the guy she was interested in during the time we did not talk. As I said, I am not nieve. But after discussing this with her, she understood that my intention was not finding some sexual trist with someone from a different generation who I would never have anything in common with.

He he . ugeneralise here as well, .. dun think 'asian'. its like putting swede/ukrainian/spanish chicks in the same bin ! they R different. Why don't u come here once, for a week or so. bring ur brain with u as well, not only heart . B careful, VerY careful ( don't commit 2 much 2fast) observe & enjoy . Get ur puss & get 2 know her well. ie. friends & family.. thais in their 40s would b somewhat more reliable, just because of lack of opportunities(which is not 2 b mistacken for genuine feelings). Diamonds can b found in dirt, but u hav 2 know the trade :o

best of luck

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mmm, maybe you would like to bind their feet too?? :o

You old perv... :bah:

but since you dont Trust the Thai culture, why would you want to find the same back in your home??

Because getting married and having children have never interested me!! :D

Could I find the same "culture", values and principles, social dynamics and male/female kind of relationship back home I could have Italian girls with the ease and in the numbers I used to have Thai girls in Thailand :D

Anyway, search for my past posts, I'm now back in Italy and married to a Thai... A totally unexpected thing happened to me after 3.5 years in LOS... LOVE :D

I used to stay well away from (the few) girls genuinely and ONLY interested in me (when you live there, have an active and "successful" social life across their various social classes and speak the language, it's bound to happen) and only played with girls in various forms and stages of "P4Pish" situations but... accidents happen! :D

She is a very atypical, "un-Thai" Thai girl, and so is her immediate family (parents and sisters) and that's why I have let myself commit to her.

The kind of relationship we have is practically the same as I have had with past Italian and American GFs because SHE is practically the same as them.

Kind of having a farang GF with Asian looks (while my ideal is an Asian GF with farang looks!) :bah:

Edited by BAF
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She is a very atypical, "un-Thai" Thai girl, and so is her immediate family (parents and sisters) and that's why I have let myself commit to her.

Kind of having a farang GF with Asian looks (while my ideal is an Asian GF with farang looks!) :o

But you have settled for her instead, now that's what I call commitment.

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She is a very atypical, "un-Thai" Thai girl, and so is her immediate family (parents and sisters) and that's why I have let myself commit to her.

Kind of having a farang GF with Asian looks (while my ideal is an Asian GF with farang looks!) :o

But you have settled for her instead, now that's what I call commitment.

There are much worse reasons than that for commitment over there, maigo6.

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She is a very atypical, "un-Thai" Thai girl, and so is her immediate family (parents and sisters) and that's why I have let myself commit to her.

Kind of having a farang GF with Asian looks (while my ideal is an Asian GF with farang looks!) :D

But you have settled for her instead, now that's what I call commitment.

It can be interpreted the wrong way only by the same ones who don't understand the difference between ALL and MOST... :o

Ie, the fact that I find Caucasians, as a rule, more physically attractive than Asians (like I have said) does not mean that there aren't many Asians whom I find EXTREMELY physically attractive, much more than many Caucasians.

The fact that I think Asian GFs with farang looks are generally way better than farang GFs with Asian looks does not mean that I can't be extraordinarily happy with a farang GF with Asian looks nor that each and every Asian GF with farang looks is better than each and every farang GF with Asian looks.

Hard to get for those who can't grasp the "subtle" difference between ALL and MOST, I know... :D

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She is a very atypical, "un-Thai" Thai girl, and so is her immediate family (parents and sisters) and that's why I have let myself commit to her.

Kind of having a farang GF with Asian looks (while my ideal is an Asian GF with farang looks!) :D

But you have settled for her instead, now that's what I call commitment.

There are much worse reasons than that for commitment over there, maigo6.

Think you are confusing reasons for commitment (love) with conditions for commitment (not having to deal with the typical Thai issues you face when you get yourself involved with Thais and Thai families) :o

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take it from me thai girls who arent married by lates 20 are not wanted by thai men. considered old hags. im the messenger dont get huffy with me.

you have lots to learn about thai culture.

ps. why in yr open post you say you felt a bit owned by her, you never even met. explain sir i didnt get it.

I am familar with Asian culture and age. I dated a Chinese woman in Beijing for over a year and dated several Koreans in the past. In all cases it was happen stance and not my search for an Asian woman. You are right, I do have lots to learn about Thai culture and will embrace the learning process. Having prior experience with other Asian cultures will be of benefit ofcourse. There are differences to be noted, but similarites nonetheless.

The reason I felt the posessiveness was that she did not want me to talk to other Thai women after I expressed more then a conversational interest in her. The obvious nature of that comment was so that I would not meet some young beautiful Thai girl and run off with her. She started to become somewhat accusatory in her comments, as if I had already done something to her. I am sure this was the result of some bad past experience including the guy she was interested in during the time we did not talk. As I said, I am not nieve. But after discussing this with her, she understood that my intention was not finding some sexual trist with someone from a different generation who I would never have anything in common with.

He he . ugeneralise here as well, .. dun think 'asian'. its like putting swede/ukrainian/spanish chicks in the same bin ! they R different. Why don't u come here once, for a week or so. bring ur brain with u as well, not only heart . B careful, VerY careful ( don't commit 2 much 2fast) observe & enjoy . Get ur puss & get 2 know her well. ie. friends & family.. thais in their 40s would b somewhat more reliable, just because of lack of opportunities(which is not 2 b mistacken for genuine feelings). Diamonds can b found in dirt, but u hav 2 know the trade :o

best of luck

Rather cude... First, I have no need to travel half way around the world to get 'puss'. Second, I have been getting to know her for nearly 3 years, and the purpose of meeting is not to confirm some virtual online love, it is, as I clearly stated several times, to pursue our 'interest' in each other. The simple reason being is that she has not given me a reason to not trust her after a long period conversing. Granted, she may have more to gain coming from a third world country to a first world country if we progressed to that point, but surely she would lose much, such as seeing her family and friends. Thus, after nearly 3 years talking, neither one of us is jumping into a fire to quick. Finally, I stated there 'are differences to be noted, but similarities nonetheless', which would not put all Asian women in one 'bin'. The similarites such as religion, face, to name just two, are not so different across the cultures I have experienced, Chinese, Japanese, Phillippino, Korean, to name a few. Albiet, Thai is a rather new culture to me I have already seen the similarities. The differences are ofcourse many, which is really what this is about.

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