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"ban The User Above You"

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Grovey baby!!! This game's CR@P!



i know kayo, I know :D

by the way, who is this "grovey baby" you speak of? i know not of him. I am Grover.

Ban Kayo for being a serial party pooper.

farangsay, you are banned for not pointing out that in addition to kayo being a serial party pooper, he is a shameless flasher and a part time porn star.

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farangsay, you are banned for not pointing out that in addition to kayo being a serial party pooper, he is a shameless flasher and a part time porn star.

Ban Grover for using the word porn

Err.. you kind of shot yourself in the foot there buddy.


And , yes , you are banned.

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Err.. you kind of shot yourself in the foot there buddy.

Ban farangsay for the crushing remark :D


but I got to ban luckyluke for not banning farangsay effectively enough.

Farangsay is banned for shooting himself in the foot with his sig... (yes his sig, not his member title) :o

Edited by Grover
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Err.. you kind of shot yourself in the foot there buddy.

Ban farangsay for the crushing remark :D


but I got to ban luckyluke for not banning farangsay effectively enough.

Farangsay is banned for shooting himself in the foot with his sig... (yes his sig, not his member title) :o

ban grover for starting this game :D

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Grovey baby, is a metamorphosis of the colloquial expression, "Groovy Baby" as popularised by Austin Powers.

So, Grovey baby, I'm glad you can see that this game is still cr@p. :o

Any Grovestar, this part time porn star must leave now...

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Grovey baby, ;) is a metamorphosis of the colloquial expression, :D "Groovy Baby" as popularised by Austin Powers. :D

So, Grovey baby, :D I'm glad you can see that this game is still ©r@p. :D

Any Grovestar, :bah: this part time porn star must leave now... :bah:


:o but, Please do not Ban us, The Smiles Brigade

Yours truly,

Kan Win

Edited by Kan Win
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I'm glad you can see that this game is still ©r@p. :D

:o I KNOW :D

but next time you come here you gotta at least play otherwise we will all be forced to put you on ignore. :D

ban Kan Win for not restraining himself when using the emoticon facility.

I also noticed he did not participate properly in the game. So ban him for that too !

Edited by Grover
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