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Guys Who Introduce Their Girl With A Title


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QUOTE(Maigo6 @ 2007-05-09 21:11:13)

It's a male thing..........a male would love to have sex any time he wants to, but in most circumstances he cannot therefore he is willing to pay Females for sex. because of that, the bitterness emerges after the foul deed is done.

He enjoys it at the time, but after.........................................well, it's not much different to a wank really, it's meaningless to the woman who probably hates him anyway, and meaningless to him, but he has had to pay for it, so then males use these derogatory words to describe women they pay, trying to make themselves feel better and less sad than they actually are by dragging her name through the dirt.

Like it was the womans fault that he travelled thousands of miles to pay for sex with poor people.

Inside he hates himself for sinking so low, and of course being male, he blames the very person he was exploiting for his own gratification.

This sounds like some screwy sociopath in American Psycho, not like most guys.

I don't have these negative feelings at all. If a girl is sweet and kind and wants me to enjoy myself, I will. When I am finished, I feel happy and grateful and want to sleep. Same as any girl!

I thought it was the sociopaths that don't feel guilt ?
QUOTE(WaiWai @ 2007-05-10 10:01:03)

Would what they think not reflect largely what they think of you ?

Well I am a fairly seedy character, so yes, it would.


Edited by WaiWai
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i wonder how many of the guys with good girls from good families have spent time, or still spend time with the bad girls from the bad families?

I do.

Heaps mate.

what's your point. This is asia. Have your cake and eat plenty more too.


I like this guys style, lol :o

Yes, it hit a nerve; as a woman, I don't like to see other women, providing a service, demeaned because they provide that service. Simple, n'est-ce pas?

As people have tried in vain to point out to you, nobody was being demeaning. The terminology used has no derogatory meaning whatsoever, unless in fact the lady being talked about is not a prostitute. I call a spade a spade, why not call a hoe a hoe?

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i am one of those trying to educate miss rain.

anyone ever notice its a mama in charge of controlling the pleasure girls. its all business miss rain. if you want to call it exploiting girls , you may, but exploitation is not limited to boys of girls. women exploit women just as much as men do.

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The terminology used has no derogatory meaning whatsoever, unless in fact the lady being talked about is not a prostitute. I call a spade a spade, why not call a hoe a hoe?

I thought a hoe was something used for tilling the soil? :D

Or is it digging the dirt? :o

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anyone ever notice its a mama in charge of controlling the pleasure girls. its all business miss rain. if you want to call it exploiting girls , you may, but exploitation is not limited to boys of girls. women exploit women just as much as men do.

Sure ... people exploiting people. See the "slavery" thread.

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i dont see the majority of pleasure girls in bangkok as slaves. they do it of their own free will.

if they were slaves they wouldnt be any fun. guys dont keep comming back to be with slaves. guys might want to purchase one to become a slave however.....lol.

although there is one girl who work s one of the rainbow bars who always seems to have a dark skin guy there when she works. methinks he her pimp, thus she can be construed to be a slave.

so are athletes slaves, they are just a piece of meat just like our angels of mercy.

Edited by blizzard
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they do it of their own free will

or because they have few other options for earning a medium-good salary ?

Many do not in Thailand, other developing countries or even developed countries but they do not run off to join the "circus" in such high % as in say Thailand?

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i agree with you sir, but slavery is something else.

slaves as i understand it dont have a choice.

Correct; I didn't mean these people were slaves, just to question how much "free will" they have to exercise.

There might be a very small % of the population who enjoy such work, but for the most part I cannot possibly imagine anyone doing such work if other good choices were available.

By definition, the clients are people they'd not be with by free choice. That's why they require payment. If they'd had some chance at an education, this would not be necessary. Education gives people choices.

Edited by WaiWai
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i am one of those trying to educate miss rain.

anyone ever notice its a mama in charge of controlling the pleasure girls. its all business miss rain. if you want to call it exploiting girls , you may, but exploitation is not limited to boys of girls. women exploit women just as much as men do.


OMG! Thanks for the laugh, blizzard. That is priceless! I always thought one had to know more than another if he were to educate them. Great giggle! :D

BTW, I never mentioned exploitation. I have no problem with ladies selling themselves, as long at is their own choice made through their own free will, and in most cases, I believe that is true here. I objected to some offensive terminology, that was all. I see that certain of you do not find the "H" word offensive. I do. I guess, however, it's subjective. I'm sure the KKK don't find the "N" word offensive, despite the rest of the population finding it so... :o

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actually men and women of color dont find the n word offensive. its only offensive when white guy says it. i guess they dont like white man invading their culture.

how many times a white guy uses a term like n....r and loses his job and then chris rock or richard pryor uses it and everyone laughs.

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Seems about time some levity was brought to this thread!

Some girls work in factories,

Some girls work in stores.

My girl works in a short time bar,

with 50 other whores.

As seen on a T-Shirt some years back! :o

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Blizzard - You must be from another planet coz that's one of the craziest statements I've read on this forum. Welcome to Earth where you'll find ignorance is perhaps not as abundant as it is on your planet. :o

Anyways guess I misunderstood this thread because I thought the title implied something on the lines of "...and this is my wife....[NAME]", with the wife part being the title part!

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