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Tony Blair Resigns As Prime Minister


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Tony Blair has announced he will stand down as prime minister on 27 June.

"Love him or loathe him, we have grown used to having a leader who is always centre stage. That will change when he's gone"



I am not british, but I always enjoy listening Blair speak. Not only his style and class, but his intelligence and imagination. He has been a leader that had shown what Britain is, a nation driven by belief and excellence, a great nation (and perhaps the greatest as he said it).

Agree or disagree with his political decisions, nobody can deny that Blair has been all class and a good reflection of what Britain is today.

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Agree or disagree with his political decisions, nobody can deny that Blair has been all class and a good reflection of what Britain is today

Actually I don't agree with any of that statement. :o and I'm British

Class and a good reflection of what Britian is today.....my arse!!!!

Still would prefer him to stay on rather than hand other to that Scottish person.....

Whats this have to do with Thailand exactly btw?

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a great speaker and salesman.

i dont think history will be too complimentary about him though.

on the world stage he made his presence felt , at home he achieved nothing at all ( apart from catalysing the irish peace agreement , which was actually started by john major.

british society is in very bad shape at the moment , and i think it is mainly due to interference by the labour government with its long line of incompetent ministers and advisors.

there should be an election rather than a handover to an unpopular politician.

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Torito strikes me as the sort of chap who might wish to purchase a timeshare rental in my development down in Yala.

Should he be interested he could always contact my solicitors Messrs. Sue, Grabbit & Runne.

As a suitable metaphor for modern Britain I suppose Bliar and Golden Clown are tremendous candidates, not I suspect for the same reasons Dorito has in mind but judging from his quite extraordinary post I'm unsure if he has one.

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I agree Torito, Tony Blair is an outstanding PM, nobody got the better of him in Question Time in the commons, im english, through and through, although i havent been home for a year now, and a little out of touch with polotics at home, i cant see anybody that replaces Tony will have anywhere near the charisma he has,

Tony, if you need a job, would you like to be a super moderator on here??

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Actually I don't agree with any of that statement. :Dand I'm British

I thought that you were from Everywhere and nowhere... :o

Thats because I can choose whether I want to be British or some other nationality.....for this thread I'll be British...but it another...who knows :D

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although i havent been home for a year now, and a little out of touch with polotics at home

A little out of touch with everything methinks.....the recent local elections were hardly a glowing endorsement of his 10 years as prime minister were they? Could never stand the inane grinning idiot and his love for PR/Spin

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Thats because I can choose whether I want to be British or some other nationality.....for this thread I'll be British...but it another...who knows :o

Thats what I like of pomms...nobody beat them! :D

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I think Tony Blair will be remembered, along with Bill Clinton as one of the most successful politicians of the past half century. Both had the ability to fool most of the people, most of the time, and in politics that's becoming a rarity. Personally I give the edge to Blair, as Clinton was never as good at disguising his affectation of sincerety.

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Thats because I can choose whether I want to be British or some other nationality.....for this thread I'll be British...but it another...who knows :D

Thats what I like of pomms...nobody beat them! :D

Unlike the cheese eating surrender Monkeys......:o

EDIT: for more accurate description

Edited by moonoi
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Could never stand the inane grinning idiot and his love for PR/Spin

common people can easily talk like that of young people who lead this world.....don't think that a inane grinning idiot can be PM of Great Britain for 10 years..... :o

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Could never stand the inane grinning idiot and his love for PR/Spin

common people can easily talk like that of young people who lead this world.....don't think that a inane grinning idiot can be PM of Great Britain for 10 years..... :o

unfortunately history tells us otherwise :D

As others have said the guy was a master of PR and salesmanship, and was able to pull the wool over the eyes of the "common people" long enough to stay in power for 10 years....the reason he is going now is because he knows its best if the Labour party spend the next 2 years before the general election burying his history and forging an "All New Labour Party" under Golden Brown.

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He is a great presenter. An Excellent Speaker, a great spokesperson and I for one would have been very happy to have had him as my barrister should I have ever needed one. Its hard to separate the man from the party but as an individual I think he's a decent bloke and Britain ( well England, before someone corrects me) coulhave done FAR worse.

If I was his friend I might have grabbed firmly upon his polished Churches and tired to pull him out of Bushes hind qtrs but other than that, I say a fond farwell.

Interesting that in the Film "Love Actually" Hugh Grant played a great "tony blair" but with the gonads to stand up to Billy-Bob Bush....er I mean Thornton... I think many would have liked that performance from Blair. But hey, Nobody is perfect and its not just his call is it?

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Thats because I can choose whether I want to be British or some other nationality.....for this thread I'll be British...but it another...who knows :D

Thats what I like of pomms...nobody beat them! :D

Unlike the cheese eating surrender Monkeys......:o

EDIT: for more accurate description

Actually , while not a Blair fan , he did do rather when one considers you are

probably typical of his electorate.

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Could never stand the inane grinning idiot and his love for PR/Spin

common people can easily talk like that of young people who lead this world.....don't think that a inane grinning idiot can be PM of Great Britain for 10 years..... :o

Well, I suppose that would depend on the electorate wouldn't it?

Given that a significant portion of the voting public in the Uk have all the intellectual acuity of a snuffling hedgehog it's hardly surprising the posturing lawyer lasted as long as he did.

Are you second generation?

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although i havent been home for a year now, and a little out of touch with polotics at home

A little out of touch with everything methinks.....the recent local elections were hardly a glowing endorsement of his 10 years as prime minister were they? Could never stand the inane grinning idiot and his love for PR/Spin

The local elections reflect on how people feel about loosing a respected leader, they just didnt know which way to go!!!, and talking about inane grinning idiots, Thatcher and Major come to mind on The Muppetts!!

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Thats because I can choose whether I want to be British or some other nationality.....for this thread I'll be British...but it another...who knows :D

Thats what I like of pomms...nobody beat them! :D

Unlike the cheese eating surrender Monkeys......:o

EDIT: for more accurate description

Actually , while not a Blair fan , he did do rather when one considers you are

probably typical of his electorate.

Sadly I would have to disagree with you, if I were typical of the british electorate then he wouldn't have won a second term in office.

I love politics and have been in the past a fully paid up member of a political party (not the BNP btw). Much of Blairs/Browns early success came from continuing the conservative policies of the previous government. In the second term of this government you start to see the real labour party.

For me I like the French too btw, (the above comment was tongue in cheek) French politics being even more interesting than British. Had I been able to vote in there election I would also have cast my vote for Sarkozy.....actually wouldn't mind having him as a Britsh Prime Minister :D

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I love politics and have been in the past a fully paid up member of a political party ...

A politician?,..great!, and when did you forget to make valid points without been rude and ordinary?

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Could never stand the inane grinning idiot and his love for PR/Spin

common people can easily talk like that of young people who lead this world.....don't think that a inane grinning idiot can be PM of Great Britain for 10 years..... :o

Well, I suppose that would depend on the electorate wouldn't it?

Given that a significant portion of the voting public in the Uk have all the intellectual acuity of a snuffling hedgehog it's hardly surprising the posturing lawyer lasted as long as he did.

Are you second generation?

Not really, only one of my parents is a foreigner to Englands fair and pleasant land.

One of the problems with the voting public is apathy towards politics. They don't believe there vote will make a differance, so don't vote or vote for whoever there parents tell them or the same guy thats in now as "nothing will change". However I would say that the past local elections maybe a turning point and hopefully the voting public will take more interest in politics and there government. One can only hope and pray that the end to voter apathy in the UK is coming :D

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For me I like the French too btw, (the above comment was tongue in cheek) French politics being even more interesting than British. Had I been able to vote in there election I would also have cast my vote for Sarkozy.....actually wouldn't mind having him as a Britsh Prime Minister

You are obviosly a tory and should have been in the Muppetts too, since when has uk and france seen eye to eye?

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I love politics and have been in the past a fully paid up member of a political party ...

A politician?,..great!, and when did you forget to make valid points without been rude and ordinary?

Being a member of a political party doesn't make you a politician. I'm certainly not one of those, and never want to be.

Its far easier to be rude and ordinary :o like John Prescott :D

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For me I like the French too btw, (the above comment was tongue in cheek) French politics being even more interesting than British. Had I been able to vote in there election I would also have cast my vote for Sarkozy.....actually wouldn't mind having him as a Britsh Prime Minister

You are obviosly a tory and should have been in the Muppetts too, since when has uk and france seen eye to eye?

Really? You'll find that the UK and France have seen eye to eye on a great many issues. Its a love hate relationship :D

I'd be interested to know what makes you think I'm a tory :D but then anyone who voted for new labour in 1997 was voting for the tory party :D So that makes all labour voters closet tories :o

As I said before look at the policies of the early years and you'll they aren't the policies of a labour party....it was very shrewd move (which upset the left of the labout party)...leaving the conservative party no where to go, taking them 10 years to find themselves a half decent leader and get back on there feet as an effective opposition.

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