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To Pay, Or Not To Pay. That Is The Question?


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Ok you hear it here first…. Elsie is using you only for sex and your A-Z knowledge of kamasutra! Eventually she will throw you away.

I know what you're saying Teacup,.................. I feel so used.

She took advantage of me when I was vulnerable, showered me with gifts, wined and dined me, made me feel really special, only to drop me like a bad habit.

Teacup...thankyou for understanding, I think I .....

I'm sorry, I can't go on.

I like your home schooling method of “learn while you earn”. Any how if it doesn’t work out , pm me. Hmm….I love a self-taught boy!

ps:I would still advise you to keep all the gifts anyway.... no need for me to buy you same same things again. :o

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just pay up its no hardship? downgrade to a new honda wave,is only 40k tops,keeps everybody happy and then redress the problem and ensure the importance that you have generated and not to be called upon again in a time of crisis,yes he is only a boy but there (Thai) have many values,go for it and sort the problem out but with emphasis, you will gain respect by sorting the problem and more importantly putting your foot down with conditions. :o

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