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Poll- Do You Feel That Thailand Wants You Or Wants You Out?


Foreigners - Are we wanted or not?  

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If you made a great living here, then i really wonder what you are on about with all your winging.

A great living entitles you here in Thailand to much more than back in the west - excellent health care in top hospitals, comparatively low taxes, excellent private schools with outstanding facilities for yuor children, luxurious housing, and a government that actively supports your stay.

It seems we really are on different wavelenghts... A great living was for a single guy with responsabilities with no one but himself!

Unless you a multimillionaire (in which case you could have in the West a much better hedonistic lifestyle than in a 3rd world country) you aren't going to make, in Thailand, a great living in the terms you are spelling out here!

Let's see:

"excellent health care in top hospitals" = CRAP emergency services. In a serious emergency you have very good chances to die or to get seriously "damaged" before getting to a good hospital (and that is if you live in Bangkok). No real auto-ambulances, moto-ambulances and eli-ambulances with competent and highly trained staff and no 911 (113 and 118 in Italy) type of service and efficency.

People aren't even used to get out of the way of screaming ambulances in the "Land of Smiles"..!

If you get to one of the FEW good hospitals alive and not further injured by the work of the "voluntaries" who have "rescued" you (often = sold to the hospital) you have to face inconsistent service and, above all, no accountability for medical errors and no protection from the laws nor effective legal ways of recurring and/or seeing your (nonexistent) customer rights enforced.

"comparatively low taxes" = since only fools and deep pocketed speculators with a high tolerance for risks, IMO, keep their money in 3rd world banking systems/stocks etc I don't care about this one since my money would safely remain OUT of Thailand.

"excellent private schools with outstanding facilities for yuor children" = I just have to laugh at this one :o "Excellent"? There is nothing excellent about most Thai schools apart the very few you find (again) in the few biggest cities. Maybe the excellence is in the way they ruin your children's brain with their antiquated learning methods and the way in which they pad your children's brains with mostly WRONG factual datas and handicap your children with Thai cultural notions and norms that will disadvantage and hinder them later on in their life.

"and a government that actively supports your stay" = ??? :D You are either trying to take the piss, dreaming or referring to those multimillionaires who I don't know what they are doing in Thailand...

"luxurious housing" = the only one amongst the things you have listed which is true. Even if I must say that I have mostly been living outside of the few bigger cities where you are able to find real luxurious housing, living in relatively cheap "luxurious housings" was part of my great living in Thailand

If you made such a great living here in Thailand, i really have to wonder though why on earth you have to enter the 'nursing' profession in order to get to live in the States. Generally, nursing is not exactly the sort of job in developed countries that earns one a great living, and if you had been able to make such a great living in Thailand than i wonder why you lack any other skills to go to the states. There is a certain discrepancy in your description.
I tought I had already very clearly stated that: Nursing is, for me, the quickest, easiest, surest way to get a Green Card and, eventually, citizenship (my ultimate goal).

I will just be working part-time since, like stated, I don't need to work (it doesn't mean I am "rich", by Western standards at least, but with my level of spending I am, let's say, "comfortable").

Nursing isn't my tool to earn a great living in the US, it's my quickest, easiest and surest tool to be able to get citizenship.

If they gave me a GC as easily as working part-time as a nurse without the need to work, I wouldn't.

Interesting also that making a great living here in Thailand gave you the free time to travel all over Thailand's villages to make such profound statements on village culture and society.

Being able to much more than comfortably live wherever I wanted to in Thailand and to freely move at my whim effectively pursuing "those widely available pussy and cheap booze" was an integral part of that great living, ColPyat.

Now, either you exaggerate a little here, or you just had it all and flunked it away, which would explain your bitter posts. :D
It's much more simple than that: you are confusing YOUR ideal "great living" in LOS with MINE...
And if you "actively" tried to avoid marriage, then why did you marry? Seems that more things went wrong with your life than what Thailand had done to you, if marriage forced you to forsake a life of hedonism that you chose for yourself.

You know, there is this strange orrible thing called love... I guess you have never had the misfortune to stumble on it... :D

For great that my lifestyle and my living were, they are even greater now. I didn't think it was possible but it seems it is...

I never came to Asia to find "normality, stability and safety", and the obvious risk is that things might go wrong one day.

And neither did I, ColPyat.

That's why I left as soon as I got married and with the prospect of raising afamily and hence had my old priorities replaced by the drive to seek "normality, stability and safety".

Can't believe I'm still having to repeat the same elementary concept...

But then, i will have nobody else to blame than me, and would rather shoot myself than making the whole of Thailand responsible for my own decisions to suit my own mistaken self worth.

You may blame me that i might be irresponsible towards my wife and son, but then, if i would have made the sensible decision - i would have never met my wife, and my lovely son would have never arrived.

You have lost me here. It must be Thai logic...
I still might return to the west with my family one day, things such a school fees and rising nationalism here is a worry. But that is not the fault of the entire Thai male population - this is the natural problems of a developing nation.

The world doesn't turn around myself - and most Thais do have far more problems than we have in their own country, without the option of going somewhere else when things turn nasty.

And many Thais have much less problems in our home countries than we have in theirs, and still with the option of going back to their home country if things turn nasty...

So WF what?

Sorry if i sound harsh, but i feel you are a bit too bitter, and maybe, a few years down the line, you realize that your opinions are more than a bit influenced by your own present situation than by facts.

Are you confusing me with the OP or what?

I could be living in LOS with my wife faking a 40k monthly income, I don't because of that "obvious risk is that things might go wrong one day" which you yourself admit, because I am responsible and don't want to put my family at the mercy of the ruthless Thai govt and society should any thing "go wrong" (you see, I am "rich" enough not to have to) and because Thailand has no appeal to me as a married man.

Trying to live a normal family life there you get all the negatives of a 3rd world country like Thailand (corruption, discrimination, classism, racism, poor infrastructure, dangerous health care system, bad schooling, dirt, foul odors, noise, no laws, no enforcement, no rights, no cultural life, no real friends, no deep integration with the fabric of society, awful weather, crap food etc etc) without getting to enjoy any of the positives (widely available pussy and cheap booze)...

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So you are nothing more than another one of those "setting the standards" on themselves...
Let me make it clear.

I have had no input, influence or say of any kind in the Thai regulations regarding income required to obtain a visa. While I fully support the regulations and their enforcement, the laws, rules and regulations are wholly Thai. Don't go blaming me.

Under this "logic" all it takes to make you a worthless and unwanted "low quality" farang wannabe scum resident is a richer (than you) farang with your same mindset who sets the standards to suit his wealth.

Firstly, not my logic, your logic.

Also your own personal use of the abusive terms above.

BTW, I have more than 1 million Euro worth of properties in Italy (from which I get rental income) plus about € 350000 in cash and short term investments and my monthly disposable income is several times 40k
Contact Sunbelt Asia, they'll require proof of these claims, but will be able to use such proof to obtain visas for you without a hitch.
What do you think Thailand is, GuestHouse, a 1st world caring and undiscriminating social welfare state?!?

When have I ever suggested Thailand is an undiscriminating social welfare state. Quite the contrary, the absence of undiscriminating social welfare is one of Thailand's most commendable aspects.

It's a 3rd world cesspool with more than half its pop still at little more than subsistence farming level, it's a country which (being optimistic and with acid drugs help) provide VERY FEW social security type of services for its citizens (AND NONE FOR FOREIGNERS) and has VERY FEW safety nets available to its citizens (AND NONE TO FOREIGNERS)

Given your low opinion of Thailand begs the question, why are you concerned that they might not want you?

I can see why they perhaps would not, I'm just struggling to understand why you are so bothered about it.

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Given your low opinion of Thailand begs the question, why are you concerned that they might not want you?

I can see why they perhaps would not, I'm just struggling to understand why you are so bothered about it.

You have a point there Guesthouse.

If BAF has such a low opinion of Thailand, why the he.ll would he be bothered about their Visa policy, or any other policy?

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BTW, I have more than 1 million Euro worth of properties in Italy (from which I get rental income) plus about € 350000 in cash and short term investments and my monthly disposable income is several times 40k Baht BUT AFAIK rental and investments incomes AREN'T acceptable income for the NON IMM "O" requirements...

Why? They want you out.

I thing that you are great 'BAF', sooo much money you have...what envy!!! (bet ya you wanted to hear that!!)......but your conclusion makes no sense with your argument...

Where has gone the "investment visa", by definition designed to attract wealthier and more desiderable types?

Have they upped the requirements? 5 million, 10 million baht? NO, THEY HAVE SCRAPPED IT.

Why? They want you out.

You may be right about the investment visa......but your conclusion makes no sense with your argument...

[/b]I can see it now what the Thai govt is really scared of: endless hoards of skint foreigners living on the (non-existent) Thai dole and claiming (non-existent) Thai free housing, schooling, healtlh care like the Thais actually do where they are granted them: IN OUR HOME COUNTRIES.

aahh this is your argument, your coutry is a great country....the endless vanity arguments of some farangs in here

But you are right BAF, they want us out!..it is better to be out of this s.......y country....

when will you leave?...I think that the door is open!

Edited by torito
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Trying to live a normal family life there you get all the negatives of a 3rd world country like Thailand (corruption, discrimination, classism, racism, poor infrastructure, dangerous health care system, bad schooling, dirt, foul odors, noise, no laws, no enforcement, no rights, no cultural life, no real friends, no deep integration with the fabric of society, awful weather, crap food etc etc) without getting to enjoy any of the positives (widely available pussy and cheap booze)...


Why don't you tell us what you really think.

Or alternatively address whatever it is that drives you to such generalized rants.

I've worked as an expat for almost twenty years in a dozen different countries. I've come across a number of instances of expats ranting against their host country in exactly the same manner that you do above. They all have one thing in common.

Their rants are directed at generalized grievances that don't actually impact the individual and are invariably a smoke screen for other problems the person doing the ranting is having, or has had in the past.

So come on BAF, tell us, what's her name and how much did she take you for?

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Their rants are directed at generalized grievances that don't actually impact the individual and are invariably a smoke screen for other problems the person doing the ranting is having, or has had in the past.

'GuestHouse', whay you always insist in writing my ideas in such a nice way?, . :o

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Nobody said that Thailand is a paradise, but maybe that is what you expected. Yes, Thailand is a developing nation with huge problems. The smallest of them though are wealthy westerners not being able to use their brains and money to set themselves up here properly.
If you have all that money and you still can't figure out a way to live here easily and comfortably then I have to assume you inherited the money since you clearly don't have the brains to have earned it. Actually, I don't believe you have anything like that amount of money, since the rest of your story doesn't make much sense either.
Contact Sunbelt Asia, they'll require proof of these claims, but will be able to use such proof to obtain visas for you without a hitch.


Given your low opinion of Thailand begs the question, why are you concerned that they might not want you?


Wake up and smell the Durian guys, re-read the thread and tell me exactly where and when (please quote me) have I said that I am trying to finding ways to stay in Thailand!!

Jeez, do you guys bother to read the posts to which you are replying or you just convulsively hit the reply button and scrap together and half off base response??

All I'm doing is replying to the core topic of this thread saying that yes, Thailand does seem to want us out. Their laws and immi regs prove that.

They are chasing away folks who are GIVING to the country and its people, not TAKING from them. But that isn't, clearly, what interests them, despite your and their claims to the contrary ("high quality folks" and the rest of such crap). I am also arguing that even if that was their aim (chasing away the undesiderable = the poor, in Thais' and many on this forum's eyes) that's unjust and stupid (even economically stupid) for the reasons outlined. And please re-read my bit about reciprocation and solving ours and their problems...

P.S. since you guys seem to get off tracked rather easily, here is the gist of the reply: I am NOT trying to secure a visa to stay in Thailand, as a married man I have no desire to live in Thailand, I lost the reasons for which to live in Thailand the moment I got married.

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I think most of us will be getting our visa information from more reliable sources than the eyes clouded with anger OP. Remember a year ago when the visa reg changes were supposed to cause this mass exodus? My town has been inundated with new residents since then, and so it goes. There's quite a history of "henny penny the sky is falling" delusions over the years amongst the more confused in the farang population.

You be sure and be a man when you find out that I was correct. You be sure an PM me to tell me and make sure you post here to tell everyone that the OP was correct.

You prepare to eat your words.

Can you be a man?

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So come on BAF, tell us, what's her name and how much did she take you for?

Such "arguments" and getting personal at such a level are a clear indication of one thing only: you have no other argument left and aren't able to reply to my posts and arguments but in this way.

And, GuestHouse, if you are used to relate passionate discussing of Thai things on a Thai message board to cheating women and lost/stolen money, seeing your post count as opposed to mine maybe I should ask you (oh, and torito too, since it seems you are "writing his ideas" as well) "what's her name and how much did she take you for".....?


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I am NOT trying to secure a visa to stay in Thailand, as a married man I have no desire to live in Thailand, I lost the reasons for which to live in Thailand the moment I got married.

Good luck in your new country and thanks for the nice and friendly discussion....all the best...cheers

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16M baht income per year, 70 rai in Prachuab, 4 condos, high net worth, 2 airplanes, 2 cars - I don't see why people think I'll be going anytime soon. I said I don't have a job, I do generate a lot of income. That said I'm ready to go if they'd prefer it and take my family with me. My soul is very happy here. Out of 200 or so countries I choose to live in Thailand - I love the people and love the culture and think it's an ideal place to raise a child. There are 199 or so other countries to choose from if circumstances warrant it.

I find when people are so easily slid into bragging that they turn out to be liars. Prepared to prove this?

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16M baht income per year, 70 rai in Prachuab, 4 condos, high net worth, 2 airplanes, 2 cars - I don't see why people think I'll be going anytime soon. I said I don't have a job, I do generate a lot of income. That said I'm ready to go if they'd prefer it and take my family with me. My soul is very happy here. Out of 200 or so countries I choose to live in Thailand - I love the people and love the culture and think it's an ideal place to raise a child. There are 199 or so other countries to choose from if circumstances warrant it.

I find when people are so easily slid into bragging that they turn out to be liars. Prepared to prove this?

Yeah yeah...I love planes!

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P.S. since you guys seem to get off tracked rather easily, here is the gist of the reply: I am NOT trying to secure a visa to stay in Thailand, as a married man I have no desire to live in Thailand, I lost the reasons for which to live in Thailand the moment I got married.

Which is fair enough.

What though is not, is your generalizing rants that are so wrong and simplistically contrived that it is not worth answering them.

The sad part though is, that with the amount of money you have available, you could without much difficulty, have a great life here, give your family a secure future, and without distractions, such as having to work in a job you don't enjoy, like the vast majority of humanity, could travel, learn and communicate a lot of the realities you encounter. Because you are privileged enough not having to depend on working for an income.

Now you life in Italy, a place many people would dream to live, and from the rental income you have you can still afford a not too bad life there without having to work. But no, you have to go into nursing so you can one day secure citizenship in the states. Well, but there are many things going wrong too, such as a very insufficient social service net, that, maybe not as bad as in Thailand, does still leave many people without adequate health service.

So what then, if the states don't turn out "the best country available"?

I fear that as long as you carry your attitude, no place will be sufficient, and you are going to miss out on a lot of good things in life while wasting a major portion on being bitter.

Anyhow, what do i care, even though the difficulties that come with living here, i do enjoy my married life here (yes, i know what "love" is). I don't close my eyes to the injustices here (if you read some of my many posts - you can see that many of my posts deal with these subjects). I hope though i am a bit more mature and fair in describing these injustices here.

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Their rants are directed at generalized grievances that don't actually impact the individual and are invariably a smoke screen for other problems the person doing the ranting is having, or has had in the past.

So come on BAF, tell us, what's her name and how much did she take you for?

'GuestHouse', whay you always insist in writing my ideas in such a nice way?, . :o

yeah, we want her name and the amount (rounded up/down to a million €UR will suffice). :D

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BUT rental and investments incomes AREN'T acceptable income for the NON IMM "O" requirements...

what rubbish! this is a case were moderators should step in and point out misinformation. next thing will be a new thread by a newbie "PLEASE help! WHY is investment income not acceptable?"

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I have had no input, influence or say of any kind in the Thai regulations regarding income required to obtain a visa. While I fully support the regulations and their enforcement, the laws, rules and regulations are wholly Thai. Don't go blaming me.

I am not blaming you for the regulations, I am giving my opinion on and comparing you to the makers of those laws since you share and "fully support" their views...

Under this "logic" all it takes to make you a worthless and unwanted "low quality" farang wannabe scum resident is a richer (than you) farang with your same mindset who sets the standards to suit his wealth.

Firstly, not my logic, your logic.

MY logic?!? :o

I've asked you at which level the bar is set too high?

You have replied when it's above your very own...

May I refresh your short memory?


So at which level does it become outrageous for you?

At the level which you personally are no longer able to afford?

Yes, that would be one definition of 'outrageous' and I suspect outrageous to a lot more people than just myself.


Also your own personal use of the abusive terms above.
Well I have more or less borrowed those terms from Thai officials publicly going on record commenting on their farang guests, turists and the desiderable and undesiderable ones.

And since you "fully support" the spirit of those laws...

Sorry to have assumed too much, it seems you support the spirit but not the... form(!). OK...

What do you think Thailand is, GuestHouse, a 1st world caring and undiscriminating social welfare state?!?

When have I ever suggested Thailand is an undiscriminating social welfare state. Quite the contrary, the absence of undiscriminating social welfare is one of Thailand's most commendable aspects.

May I (again) refresh your short memory?


"The bottom line is if you can’t meet the minimum requirements you may well become a burden on the Thai government, so hats off to the Thai government for taking measure to ensure that you do not"


Now, how can you possibly become a burden on the Thai govt if not in a welfare state scenario?!?

Are Cambodian beggars or illegal Burmese workers without a pot to piss in a burden on Thai taxpayers' (if such thing even exist...) money?

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BUT rental and investments incomes AREN'T acceptable income for the NON IMM "O" requirements...

what rubbish! this is a case were moderators should step in and point out misinformation. next thing will be a new thread by a newbie "PLEASE help! WHY is investment income not acceptable?"

Yeah, waiting for the mods or whoever else more informed than you and me to point out the rubbish...

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Please stop this bun fight forthwith and get to the point. As far as I can deduce, the OP was levered out of LOS. It had something to do with getting married? Was it money? Was it discrimination? Or was it all a dream? BAF, I can't get a handle on your complaint, are you still there, just left or going back? If yes or no to any of these questions, please explain.

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Please stop this bun fight forthwith and get to the point. As far as I can deduce, the OP was levered out of LOS. It had something to do with getting married? Was it money? Was it discrimination? Or was it all a dream? BAF, I can't get a handle on your complaint, are you still there, just left or going back? If yes or no to any of these questions, please explain.

'qwertz' your righ again.....I cannot get where the bitterness of this guy come from....for what he says he has, I am sure that there are millions and millions of man in this planet who would love to overtake his wealth and all his problems..and they will be quite happy

I simply don't get it....perhaps he should have a talk to Rambo..

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You either meet the visa requirements or you do not. If you do not, and anyone is to blame then it is you, not the Thai government.

It is unbelievable the way some members think (if you can call such awful output "thinking").

So if tomorrow Immigration decides to kick out all farangs married to a Thai and fathering a child who cannot show 10 million baht in a bank account, the kicked out farangs would be to blame ?

I think instead Thai government is to blame for the visa changes, expecially the change to the income requirement for married farangs is a veiled form of extortion (as the consequences are you must set up a fictitious company therefore paying lawyers and taxes), extortion done versus people that to attend their fathering duties must bow and accept it , instead of just jumping on the first plane along with all their money like this country government would deserve.

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Which is fair enough.

What though is not, is your generalizing rants that are so wrong and simplistically contrived that it is not worth answering them.

Obviously, that must be why we have been exchanging posts after all...

The sad part though is, that with the amount of money you have available, you could without much difficulty, have a great life here, give your family a secure future,
That's where we disagree. Based on my knowledge of Thailand, I am not rich enough (nor "Thai enough"...) to effectively protect and isolate my family from all the perils, risks and nasty things going on in Thailand like real upper class richer Thais manage to do.

You obviously think you "know better than me" and I think I know "better than you"... We both have made our choices with our families. You are living with them in a 3rd world country, I am not.

and without distractions, such as having to work in a job you don't enjoy, like the vast majority of humanity, could travel, learn and communicate a lot of the realities you encounter. Because you are privileged enough not having to depend on working for an income.

That's one of my points actually, despite the alleged goal of those "new and improved" laws and maigo6's and mdeland's dreams of them actually making our life in LOS "easier and better", there is no legal way for a wealthy young foreigner to legally stay long term in Thailand unless:

1. working a job he doesn't want and deosn't need

2. opening a stupid business he doesn't want and doesn't need and recognizes as the stupid business proposition without economic sense that it is

3. getting married AND most probably having to fake a "fixed" monthly income

4. I am probably forgetting other legal and less legal ways and loopholes (BTW, wasn't this new and improved law supposed to also cure loopholes and exploitation of the "spirit" of the law......?)

Now you life in Italy, a place many people would dream to live, and from the rental income you have you can still afford a not too bad life there without having to work. But no, you have to go into nursing so you can one day secure citizenship in the states. Well, but there are many things going wrong too, such as a very insufficient social service net, that, maybe not as bad as in Thailand, does still leave many people without adequate health service.

So what then, if the states don't turn out "the best country available"?

ColPyat, I'm still 30, I'm still adventurous and I'm still "rich" enough to try it out in pretty much any country I wish to...

Italy is indeed a very good place, overall, and I can say that I also live in a very good and enjoyable location but... Italy isn't "exotic" and exciting to me and the US are the sensible, responsible and "safe" alternative to get my fix of "adventure" and excitement as an half responsible and mature married man.

"insufficient social service net" and "health care" you say? That's the only real risk I see and a very easily solvable one = pay the insurance like millions of Americans are paying. Same "solution" as in LOS actually, with the "small" difference that for that you get top class health care, better than in Italy and probably the absolute best money can buy (and I am talking as a professional here)...

What if it still doesn't turn out OK? We are an 11 hours plane ride away from home sweet home, funnily enough it's practically the same distance as Rome-Bangkok... :o

I fear that as long as you carry your attitude, no place will be sufficient, and you are going to miss out on a lot of good things in life while wasting a major portion on being bitter.

You seem convinced, or you are simply trying to make it sound as if I am a restless, never satisfied, sad chap at the forever lasting search for the "Holy Gral" :D

I may disappoint you saying that almost every place I have visited/lived in has been "sufficient" and has given me many good and different things which I have enjoyed to the fullest at different stages of my life.

I am also acutely aware (and after my travel all the more so) that I have been VERY lucky so far and I assure you that whatever I seem to you I am anything but bitter and certainly NOT loosing out on the pleasurable things in life... :D

Anyhow, what do i care, even though the difficulties that come with living here, i do enjoy my married life here (yes, i know what "love" is). I don't close my eyes to the injustices here (if you read some of my many posts - you can see that many of my posts deal with these subjects). I hope though i am a bit more mature and fair in describing these injustices here.

After all it may simply be that I am still at that stage in your life when you want to scream for all to hear that you are not buying it and that BS still stinks even when served with tea biscuits in exclusive lounges...

Edited by BAF
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click2delete, you're in a foul mood. You might read the forum rules about postingThailand so much. But don't expect your wife to enjoy tortillas.

Tortillas, Que es malo con los tortillas?

My lovely patient sweet hearted wife loves tortillas, tacos, enchiladas, its the people who are from there she doesn't like. Dirty is how she describes them.

I plan to take her to Peru in a couple of years to show her Machu Picchu ( I think it's a place most should see before they leave the living) And we'll visit my inlaws ( 1st marriage) in Colombia. She'll see how the very rich live and when we go to my farm, she'll see how the campesinos live. But alas no tortillas in Colombia, rice potatoes and a meat are the standard fare for lunch and dinner with a soup. They do have arapas made of corn meal, a thick pancake that I guess could be a version of a tortilla. Colombia is a most beautiful land, populated with the some of the best people , but also with the absolute worst people in the world. sometimes its hard to tell who is who without a scorecard, but at that point it'll be too late.

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It is unbelievable the way some members think (if you can call such awful output "thinking").

So if tomorrow Immigration decides to kick out all farangs married to a Thai and fathering a child who cannot show 10 million baht in a bank account, the kicked out farangs would be to blame ?

I think instead Thai government is to blame for the visa changes, expecially the change to the income requirement for married farangs is a veiled form of extortion (as the consequences are you must set up a fictitious company therefore paying lawyers and taxes), extortion done versus people that to attend their fathering duties must bow and accept it , instead of just jumping on the first plane along with all their money like this country government would deserve.

Overcome by a touch of hysteria are we? :D

The 10 million figure is a ridiculous postulation.

If someone can't cut the current system then byebye.

The 30 day stampers are hardly a great loss.

The Thai economy is hardly captive to these low life bottom feeders. :o:D

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