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Paul M. Johnson was a close friend of me and my wife. We live in Riyadh Saudi Arabia where this whole tradegy took place and have been in contact with Pee Noom (its Nam actually). The situation here is such that we have decided to get out of here as fast as possible and will in fact be leaving for Thailand on Wednesday.

Paul was a great guy. Always ready for a party and willing to entertain. Pee Nam, his wife, is the typical Thai wife who loved her husband very much. We feel her pain and wish her strength for the future.


There isn't anything much that anyone can say at a time like this other than that every thinking person around the world, whilst not fully undersdanding how Thanom is feeling and coping at the moment, is feeling for her at this difficult time.

I hope that she has already left for the states, and later back to Udon Thani, ASAP

I saw her on BBC several times before Paul was killed and my heart went out to her.

I really can't say a lot more other than if you see her (when you see her) please tell her that many many good people are thinking of her.

AND just get out yourself and back to Thailand.

I worked in Saudi around ten years back and I think that is now time to leave them all to it.

Paul M. Johnson was a close friend of me and my wife. We live in Riyadh Saudi Arabia where this whole tradegy took place and have been in contact with Pee Noom (its Nam actually). The situation here is such that we have decided to get out of here as fast as possible and will in fact be leaving for Thailand on Wednesday.

Paul was a great guy. Always ready for a party and willing to entertain. Pee Nam, his wife, is the typical Thai wife who loved her husband very much. We feel her pain and wish her strength for the future.

you or paul johnsons family don't know me but i would like to offer my deepest respects to all. :o


I am not going to let them run me off till the work ends or the cash is enough.

I do not deal much with the locals and staying at work 24/7 helps the savings.

This is not a place for a family and friends. May Bhuda be with her.

Paul M. Johnson was a close friend of me and my wife. We live in Riyadh Saudi Arabia where this whole tradegy took place and have been in contact with Pee Noom (its Nam actually). The situation here is such that we have decided to get out of here as fast as possible and will in fact be leaving for Thailand on Wednesday.

Paul was a great guy. Always ready for a party and willing to entertain. Pee Nam, his wife, is the typical Thai wife who loved her husband very much. We feel her pain and wish her strength for the future.

Thank you for sharing with us here. Good luck and best wishes to you, yours, and his family.

Paul was a great guy. Always ready for a party and willing to entertain.

I am very happy to read normal human texts here. To often I have red stories in this forum where the contributing members want to kill, torture and send people to jail for life.

I think in the US-American you call it 'hanging juries': people who don't want to think, just want to see blood. Solve 'problems' by killing and take the next beer.

These stories make many readers pessimistic about the level of civilisation.

To talk about sex seems to be more offending to many than to talk about the wish or even intention to kill.

Suspected of the trade in drugs, kill kill kill. Suspected of being a paedophile, kill kill kill, a long overstay kill kill kill, travelling with a back-pack kill kill kill, certain races kill kill kill, people with certain religious backgrounds kill kill kill...

And then, always by surprise, the spiral of violence touches one-self. Hey, that's not in order. We are supposed to kill, not to be killed.

Mr. Johnson reminds us that every human life counts. Every life is a little brick in this endless wall to which we all contribute our part.

He is probably killed by somebody, who reacted on other killings.

He is the victim of these 'kill kil kill people'.

May from now on, to honour and memorize this gentleman, the 'Paul H. Johnson-code' be valid in the Expat Forum of Thaivisa.com:

Let never anybody of this forum want to kill.

Let never anybody of this forum want to kill

I wish your desire could come true. At least it would be a beginning.

As the Romans said: finis pendet origine.

We must realise that things for some people can get too complicated sometimes.

Especially concerning problems which don't have instant-solutions.

Anger and alcohol might at these occasions lame any rest-capacity of thinking.

In the thread about the widow of Mr. Johnson one of the members of this forum is already bombing middle-east cities with atomic bombs.

The moderator of the thread actually knows for sure that the killers are killed and wishes that the intestines of pigs are put on their graves (I hope that no Muslim is member of this Forum. If any I apologize on behalf of this moderator for his blasphemic remark).

In the other thread the tragical death of Mr. Johnson is used by some contribuants to ventilate their own frustrations. And the moderator reacts helplessly by putting more oil on the fire. I hope he sees his mistake as soon as possible and corrects it.

Let never anybody of this forum want to kill

I wish your desire could come true. At least it would be a beginning.

As the Romans said: finis pendet origine.

We must realise that things for some people can get too complicated sometimes.

Especially concerning problems which don't have instant-solutions.

Anger and alcohol might at these occasions lame any rest-capacity of thinking.

In the thread about the widow of Mr. Johnson one of the members of this forum is already bombing middle-east cities with atomic bombs.

The moderator of the thread actually knows for sure that the killers are killed and wishes that the intestines of pigs are put on their graves (I hope that no Muslim is member of this Forum. If any I apologize on behalf of this moderator for his blasphemic remark).

In the other thread the tragical death of Mr. Johnson is used by some contribuants to ventilate their own frustrations. And the moderator reacts helplessly by putting more oil on the fire. I hope he sees his mistake as soon as possible and corrects it.

You missed something. If you would of said Allah somewhere in your post it would of excused you of all absence of sound mind.


Just a simple thought. Imagine a forum like this operating in Palestine.

How many innocent Paul Jonson's would have been discussed in it by now? Think ?

Who are the killers of them? and Agents of those Killers?

Sympathies to Paual Jonson family. For me, he was just another innocent victim.

Does anyone know how many chopings (cold blood) Saudi regime has carried out during the past and how many of them were innocent victims?

Now what will happen to the Korean guy, kidnapped yesterday? Why no one discuss that? Is it because he is just an Asian?

Do you know how many other nationalities got killed in the terror attack in Saudi last month? Why no one is talking about the Indian's who got killed? BBC, CNN were just talking about the slain American Citizens who got killed. You know what? Your Governments are very good at talking in media..but when they really work..I can not differentiate who is the terrorist and who is the good guy. Can you? :o

Let never anybody of this forum want to kill

I wish your desire could come true. At least it would be a beginning.

As the Romans said: finis pendet origine.

We must realise that things for some people can get too complicated sometimes.

Especially concerning problems which don't have instant-solutions.

Anger and alcohol might at these occasions lame any rest-capacity of thinking.

In the thread about the widow of Mr. Johnson one of the members of this forum is already bombing middle-east cities with atomic bombs.

The moderator of the thread actually knows for sure that the killers are killed and wishes that the intestines of pigs are put on their graves (I hope that no Muslim is member of this Forum. If any I apologize on behalf of this moderator for his blasphemic remark).

In the other thread the tragical death of Mr. Johnson is used by some contribuants to ventilate their own frustrations. And the moderator reacts helplessly by putting more oil on the fire. I hope he sees his mistake as soon as possible and corrects it.

its nice to see the respectful comments but i would give the killers no respect and no mercy. :o

the killing of Mr Johnson was nothing more than a cowardly act,

I can not differentiate who is the terrorist and who is the good guy. 

Seems a shame that even this thread can't exist without people posting this type of rhetoric trying to justify or minimize what happened...


I can not differentiate who is the terrorist and who is the good guy.  

Seems a shame that even this thread can't exist without people posting this type of rhetoric trying to justify or minimize what happened...


I think Kwiz117 was putting things in perspective, post your stuff and we will post ours - ok your honour? :o


Tell India to burn down the Saudi embassy like Sri Lanka did.

Kwiz you just do not get it. Most of the world does not accept murder as being a religious act regardless of what the reason is. Only extremist such as you condone

such as having something to do with religion. Until they seperate the two they will never be accepted as anything but criminals. To bad many of them do not follow the fate of Jim Jones cult thing and leave the rest of the world to do humane acts.

Palestine who puts children in front of men firing weapons who received blood money from Sadam for killing children on school busses. Condolences such as yours is not for the normal world. Freedom does not start or end with religion

and has little to do with it and until these lunatics realize such they will never get what they want RESPECT. Killing your way out of poverty will not be the accepted

way to deal with the rest of the world. The world will never be held hostage to the belief's of the religious insane.


Well- my deepest sympathies go out to the family of Paul. Obviously he loved Middle East or he wouldnt have been there for so long. The cowards and that is what they are only piss off the rest of the world, so its having the direct opposite effect in my opinion.

Most of the world does not accept murder as being a religious act regardless of what the reason is. Only extremist such as you condone

such as having something to do with religion. Until they seperate the two they will never be accepted as anything but criminals.

edited by me as who wants a slinging match with one eyed debators?

I can not differentiate who is the terrorist and who is the good guy.  

Seems a shame that even this thread can't exist without people posting this type of rhetoric trying to justify or minimize what happened...


Hey..very funny..

Why you selected only one part of my reply and quoted on it? This is the problem..you'll only pick the lines of a paragraph and then jump on it.

Quote the full message that I have posted and then put down your points.

For American's even the prisoner abuse was isolated incidents..

Just a simple thought. Imagine a forum like this operating in Palestine.

How many innocent Paul Jonson's would have been discussed in it by now? Think ?

Who are the killers of them? and Agents of those Killers?

Sympathies to Paual Jonson family. For me, he was just another innocent victim.

Does anyone know how many chopings (cold blood) Saudi regime has carried out during the past and how many of them were innocent victims?

Now what will happen to the Korean guy, kidnapped yesterday? Why no one discuss that? Is it because he is just an Asian?

Do you know how many other nationalities got killed in the terror attack in Saudi last month? Why no one is talking about the Indian's who got killed? BBC, CNN were just talking about the slain American Citizens who got killed. You know what? Your Governments are very good at talking in media..but when they really work..I can not differentiate who is the terrorist and who is the good guy. Can you? :o

Here it is..I am quoting my own reply again..

What I say is, when you express your sympathies, do it to all Innocent Victims and not only to White skinned people. Show me a single thread in this forum talking about killings of other nationalities except for white's. We are also human and owns some self respect.

The whole episode and the latest Korean victim is very sad and your governments are to be blamed. Also do not say these are covered acts. We all saw who are covered when American's used extensive fire power against innocent Iraqi's. I know what the discrimination is as an Asian than non of you people here. I am sure Muslims and African (Black skinned people) must be knowing it more than me.

For god sake, look around what is going on around you'll.. and then talk..

What I say is, when you express your sympathies, do it to all Innocent Victims and not only to White skinned people. Show me a single thread in this forum talking about killings of other nationalities except for white's. We are also human and owns some self respect.

The whole episode and the latest Korean victim is very sad and your governments are to be blamed. Also do not say these are covered acts. We all saw who are covered when American's used extensive fire power against innocent Iraqi's. I know what the discrimination is as an Asian than non of you people here.  I am sure Muslims and African (Black skinned people) must be knowing it more than me.

For god sake, look around what is going on around you'll.. and then talk..

I do sympathies with all the victims, but this happens to be a Thai forum, and Paul Johnson had a Thai connection and was known by some members. I’m sure that there are plenty of Korean forums that are busily discussing that victim to which they feel a connection.

I just don’t think this an appropriate place for an anti-American rant. Of course, you are probably the type of person that would crash his funeral to make your political point.


I just don’t think this an appropriate place for an anti-American rant. Of course, you are probably the type of person that would crash his funeral to make your political point.


Thaihome, your thoughts are yours and that is fine - point taken!

But................... that last sentence is really low :o

I do sympathies with all the victims, but this happens to be a Thai forum, and Paul Johnson had a Thai connection and was known by some members. I’m sure that there are plenty of Korean forums that are busily discussing that victim to which they feel a connection.

I just don’t think this an appropriate place for an anti-American rant. Of course, you are probably the type of person that would crash his funeral to make your political point.


Thank you TH. I started this topic to pay my respects to a friend and his Thai wife. It was deffinitely not intended to provoke rants and raves. I would prefer this topic be closed now by our esteemed moderator.


I just barely knew Paul - insofar as I had drank on his "bell" at Hog's Breath Inn a few times (and thanked him - and I sure hope he was still around when I later rang my turn). Pleasant, jovial guy, with "good heart."

My deepest sympathies and respects to both his American and Thai families.

And may the Apache Advanced Attack Helicopters he worked on do their missions effectively, and to the utmost credit of their fallen technican - my simple wish, as I would honor any craftsman's life work.



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