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Making an Australian will in Thailand

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So l want to make a will for my money in Australia, l don't own assets in Australia only money in Australia.

l want my money to go to my wife and in the event of our deaths to our children who live in Australia.

l have been checking out different wills online and they all ask  where in Victoria  the will is being signed

obviously l can't do that because l'm here, l'm worried the will , will be invalid if l put where l live here.

Any other Australians been through this and can advise please.


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9 minutes ago, ellathai said:

So l want to make a will for my money in Australia, l don't own assets in Australia only money in Australia.

l want my money to go to my wife and in the event of our deaths to our children who live in Australia.

l have been checking out different wills online and they all ask  where in Victoria  the will is being signed

obviously l can't do that because l'm here, l'm worried the will , will be invalid if l put where l live here.

Any other Australians been through this and can advise please.


Hopefully this will help, as I do believe the Will situation is pretty much the same in Australia as it is in New Zealand, which is my country.


I contacted a lawyer in Auckland and gave him the details of what I wanted in my Will and when it was all set, he emailed it to me, and I printed it off and completed it by way of signatures and any other information. 


And I got it signed and witnessed by a local expat here, and the lawyer was quite happy with that, so I couriered the original back to him. In addition I also gave a copy of it to my Thai lawyer here, who is looking after my Thai Will, and asked that she would handle anything this end in the event of my demise (by that I mean informing my NZ lawyer).


I'm okay with those arrangements, and I realise I'm going to have to pay a fee at both ends, but that's the way of the world these days.

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I'm  Canadian. My Canadian lawyer prepared a will and sent it to me. I and 2 witnesses signed everything that needed to be signed at the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok, then sent it back.

Check if witnesses are required, if you decide to go this route.

I am not sure you even need a will. In Canada, in the absence of a will,everything goes automatically to the surviving spouse (if there is one), or to the minor children (if there is not.)

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12 hours ago, ellathai said:

So l want to make a will for my money in Australia, l don't own assets in Australia only money in Australia.


Money in the bank is an asset.


12 hours ago, ellathai said:

l want my money to go to my wife and in the event of our deaths to our children who live in Australia.


If you die first, and you leave your money to your wife, it's hers to do as she pleases.


If you want YOUR money to eventually go to the kids, you should consider setting up a trust.  

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