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Changing a Thai Name


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My wife (Thai) and I (Brit) live in the UK.  She's been a British citizen for over 6 years.  She's got both Thai and British passports, both in her Thai name.

She's changed her name by Deed Poll (Both forename and Surname) to share my surname and adopt her English first name..... and her Driving license is in this name, as are all other things EXCEPT her passport.

We tried a few years ago to change her name on her British passport but it was rejected as they would not issue a British Passport in a name that differed to the Thai one.

We just tried again because her Thai passport has now expired, but we were rejected once again and told we have to change the name on the Thai passport first.  We decided to go for it as it seemed an expired Thai passport would be appropriate to satisfy them, but apparently not.  We are concerned about having 2 names in circulation, as for example her COVID vaccination card and doctors notes are all in her British Name.

We're now snookered as they've retained her UK passport and her Thai passport has expired - so not sure she can Travel back home!  I'm not sure whether to cancel the application and request the passport back, re-apply in Thai name, or other!

I'm writing here for some advice ....

1. Has anyone changed a name on a Thai Passport (and probably ID card at the same time?) - is it easy?

2.  Does anyone know if we can renew a passport in the UK (Thai Embassy is apparently closed - no idea when it might reopen).

Thanks in Advance.

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