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Baby Jackson Is Here.......finally!

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Last monday night (7th May) I went into hospital to have my labour induced. After several attempts with prostin gel I was ready to have my waters broken on Thursday evening. I finally gave birth to my son Jackson Pan-ya on Friday 11th May at 10.01am. He weighed in at 7lb 10oz.

He was delivered naturally with gas & air after my epidural failed :o and the hospital had 2 emergency c sections so it couldn't be re-sighted in time, so a long (16hr) painful labour but like they all say, worth it in the end.

Sadly due to my diabietes he had dangerously low blood sugar so was placed in special care for 48hrs on a glucose drip to raise his bm's & was finally returned to me on Sunday Morning but we did manage to have a couple of hours before he was taken as it took that long to see if his bm would raise naturally.

We were finally allowed home on Monday night & so far he is proving to be a very easy baby (hope I haven't jinxed myself there).



Many congratulations. You'll wonder where your mind, money and the time has gone. they really are life changing things. Only advice I would ever give a new mum is don't wish their life away. When our eldest was born I wished she would smile, sit up, crawl, walk etc etc. Once she started talking I wished she would stop. I love the baby bit - not taht I am planning any more.

Once again, congratulations

Leisurely :o


WHAT???!!! 9 months have gone by????!!!! cant be; no way...

congrats.... within a few days u will forget the labour u went thru and start planning the next one and if u do it right, u will plan twins to get two for one....

mazel tov!!!!!!!! (what do thai people say ?)

bina and anon


Congrats! Nothing teaches me selfless love like a new life.

My ex had a LOOOOONG delivery that went on and off for 32 hours. Our boy was a blue baby and the ex had very rare blood type. So all turned out well for us.

And I'm sure your wee on will be okay. Nahlok mak mak!


Also a little late, I didn't see this announcement first time around.

Your new little one looks lovely and healthy and I bet that Mr Boo is still floating somewhere near the ceiling, my very best wishes for all three of you.

Now stop mucking about and get back to that keyboard :o ......... (joke..... well done darlin')


Big YES...Congrats and very best wishes to both of you...... and....baby Boo.....Jackson.... :D:o


Congratulations Boo!

He looks beautiful!

Sorry about the lateness of congrats! Typing with one hand with fussing baby at boob! :D:o

  • 2 weeks later...

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