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Does this get the impotent post of the month award?

A thinly veiled attack that does nothing but demonstrate how out of touch with the modern world the OP has become.

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Whe I was a lad I was brought up to understand that standing around gossiping during working hours was not only non-productive for your employer it was also in effect stealing time for which you are being paid to undertake a specific task. Indeed in more recent times it was not unheard of for some employers to consider that smoking breaks were not part of the working day.

Lately the internet has become so widespread with many employees having access to it. Many employers provide this facililty on the proviso that it is used in the course of company business.

As we know this priviledge is often abused. Take a look at TV even and see what time of day it is where some of the contributors are purported to be and you can see the abuse that is occuring, unless that is everybody has retired or not employed. So often many of these folks take the moral high ground in so many areas yet appear to forget that they themselves could be seen as thieves by virtue of the fact that they themselves are stealing their employers time by communicating with TV during working hours.

Hypocrites or thieves or neither ?

What do others think ?

I'm my own boss and no-one elses :D:D:D:D:o .

Hypocrites or thieves or neither ?


Workers who use computers is becuase their job demands it. It is too easy to concluse that this may impact productivity, bir there is not facts on it...I think that Internet helps to fill dead times..I would prefer to see a worker surfing the net than pretending than he is working when in fact is not.

Resources management techniques have changed also. Work on production objectives is very much in use nowadays.


As Jd says, as long as my students are acing tests and getting into the right kinds of colleges, it doesn't matter for me as a teacher...

Furthermore, one could argue I learn a bit about teaching & Thai culture and so forth by participation here....

And as a final note, I'm a salaried employee, not an hourly worker. That means that I work until the job is done. Ask a teacher (one who has to write, proctor, & mark exams while doing final evaluation reports, and also writing college recommendations) about exam week sometime... there's plenty of overtime then and many other occasions in working life. So we work until the job is done. If we manage ourselves properly (which mostly we do), there's no payoff for the manager in trying to manage us hour-by-hour.


I often work 7 days a week, well over 12 hours a day.... it is a family bussiness. I hope I suffer from a mild stroke sometime soon.

No paid vacation, no sick days. Just work.... period. Part of the deal is in my field, you have to be current. So yes, I spend a lot of time on the net while at the main office. But even then, I am attending on line courses, or surfing the largest library in the world trying to gain the upper hand through more knowledge in order to be better prepared to fend off competition at all times.

The net has allowed me to gain tons more knowledge, far beyond that I ever could with out it. Truth is, when I do not have the net available, I feel horribly isolated. I know financially I could not have achieved what I have if it were not for the net.

BTW, when I achieve the boss achieves.... He knows I am on the net, because I am constantly bombarding him with links to knew factoids that he should be aware of.

I use the internet at work for personal and business use. It would most likely be labelled as skiving. However, it is the only perk I get, so I do take advantage of it. At the end of the day, I still complete my work.

I'm a Sales Manager for a hotel and this is my package:

* 45 hour week

* 1/2 hour lunch

* No paid overtime

* No Bank Holidays (they are not a legal entitlement as yet!)

* 20 days holiday

* No sick pay, other than SSP ... if I take a day off sick, it is minused off my wages!

* If I take 1-2 hours off to go to the doctor, it gets minused off my wages!

* No perks, i.e. discount rates, food, dry cleaning, clothing account ... It is a hotel afterall!

* And a bottom-end-of-the-pay-scale salary

Yes, I know it is my choice to work here, but just thought I'd highlight what some companies are like. So, I don't feel bad for using work time to write this!

Hey boxing beauty, let's compare

I am a Secretary for the US Air Force and here is my package:

40 hour work week

1 hour for lunch

No overtime here, but comptime is occasionally allowed

All Federal Holidays (Xmas, New Years, Martin Luther King's birthday, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Columbus' birthday, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving)

6 hours of earned leave per pay period (pay period is 2 weeks long), sick leave 4 hours per pay period is also accrued!

Lots of perks, military discounts (I am also retired from the US Navy)

A decent salary

Don't mean to rub it in buddy, just a comparison!



Having managed and also been on the worker side, I don't mind surfing as long as it doesnt interfere with whatever work needs to be done that day. I think most firms take that approach as long as you keep it within reason.

-unfortunately/fortunately forums are banned at my particular client site, so skiving has been down least when accessing TV. Only visit after work now. :o


my salary is 984€ a month...my boss is 3 times as much...and both of us are very important for the company...no, I don´t think i am stealing from anyone...

BTW I don´t use internet at work and I never smoke during working times... :o


If your finished with your work and you have nothing to do I don't see what the big deal is and none of my employers ever viewed it as a problem either. I was sitting in my office doing nothing one day because I had nothing to do and I logged on to Thai Visa to read the posts (as I do a lot from work) my Thai boss walked in and asked what I was doing and I showed him he said "that's great you have a way to exchange ideas with other English speaking people that live here and get information" he was rather excited for me.

Indeed in more recent times it was not unheard of for some employers to consider that smoking breaks were not part of the working day.

More work gets done in the smoking area than your average 1hr meeting at my company... fact

No,more work gets done over a couple of beers and a smoke. :o

No more work gets done after a couple of beers and a smoke. :D


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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