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Thais Men More Vain Than Thais Ladies


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Are Thais men vainer than Thais ladies?

I think they are!

I base this upon empirical observation.

Every time I go grocery shopping, the cosmetic isle is always populated with mostly Thais guys and a few ladies I'll stand and watch till I get tired while the guys will look and discuss with their friends for hours the products available for sale.

When I go with my guy I purposly avoid THAT isle, because I know it'll be hours before he's finished looking. I'm not in the least bit vain and when I need to purchase something it's usually just soap, toothpaste, shaving stuff, mouth wash, deoderant the usual farang stuff.

My guy will try to load up on all sorts of stuff, I dont have a clue about. He insists its all neccessary, ie whitening creams, anti aging & wrinkle stuff, special facial soaps, skin smoothing lotions what have you.

I normally would not mind, but he makes a study of everything, even soap & shampoo, until I get tired and agree to his purchases.

I doubt the effectiveness of all these beauty aids plus they are quite expensive.

comments or similar observations on the part of others here on TV. Does this also apply to guys with Thais ladies?

PS My guy is not in least bit femme acting or swishy or ladyboy like.

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You are spot on with that observation with gay Thai guys. Most the straight Thai guys I have met stick to basic hygiene (showering regularly).

If you want to really annoy a gay Thai - hide all the mirrors - so they can't admire themselves all day!


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