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Has Living In Thailand Made You More Willing To Believe In Ghosts?


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As we all know many Thais are 100% convinced in the existence of ghosts. I learned the hard way the dangers of questioning these beliefs. One of the few arguments I had with my wife occured a few years ago and was due to my questioning of the existence of ghosts.

Have you found that you are now more willing to believe in ghosts than you were prior to coming to Thailand?

Better still, do you have any true ghost stories?

I am not 100% convinced of the existence of ghosts but if I had to choose would say they exist. I have no real proof though.

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As we all know many Thais are 100% convinced in the existence of ghosts. I learned the hard way the dangers of questioning these beliefs. One of the few arguments I had with my wife occured a few years ago and was due to my questioning of the existence of ghosts.

Have you found that you are now more willing to believe in ghosts than you were prior to coming to Thailand?

Better still, do you have any true ghost stories?

I am not 100% convinced of the existence of ghosts but if I had to choose would say they exist. I have no real proof though.

Hi Garro,

We have just watched a documentary dealing with spiritual Possesion on the Discovery channel. My wife was petrified although i found it quite amusing. She then reeled off the stories of ghosts that she has seen in the past and she spoke with a shaky voice. My wife is a strict Bhuddist and she believes big time in the paranormal and she can be very afraid at times.

No i dont believe but i sympathise with those who do.

Cheers Rick

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I am not 100% convinced of the existence of ghosts but if I had to choose would say they exist. I have no real proof though.

Define "ghost"

This is my definition.

Ghosts are the disembodied spirits or energy that manifests itself over a period of time, generally in one place.

Whats yours?

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Or maybe.

Apparitions are the super-normal manifestations of people, animals, objects, and spirits. Most apparitions are of living people or animals too distant to be perceived by normal senses. Apparitions of the dead are also called ghosts.

Sounds like maybe your a ghost Fred. Yawn!

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I believe in a 4th dimension. It can only be seen by those who are pure of thought and free from suffering (or have dropped acid and got lucky).. The spirits / ghosts / energy spheres / souls , exist in this realm.

I lived in an old wooden Thai house that no Thai would rent and all said was haunted.. I seen things in there that made me start to believe. Although i guess i kind of did before, now i am certain.. My wife and i fled the house hastily and left town with our tails between our legs. That house is still for rent...True story..

Edited by Austhaied
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There has not been incontrovertible evidence in first world countries of ghosts, spirits, pixies and fairies so why should there be any in this backwater? You think Thailand has cornered the market in ghosts? I remember that some time ago monks were called in to get rid of ghosts in a village. After a lot of hollering and chanting it was announced that they had moved on 89 ghosts, of which about 50 were malevolent. This merely confirmed my opinion that the priesthood is yet another arm of the Thai Mafia.

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I'm trying to think up a response or this thread. hold on here it comes


You obviously have a lot of time on your hands as you have not only found the time to read a thread you find boring but also responded to it :o

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I hear voices, are they ghosts?

They tell me to kill certain people.

I've killed three this week.

Up to now I haven't been visited by their ghosts. :o

gwertz, you think too mutt

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I hear voices, are they ghosts?

They tell me to kill certain people.

I've killed three this week.

Up to now I haven't been visited by their ghosts. :D

gwertz, you think too mutt

Are you a ghost? :o

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iv been on ghost walks in derby uk didnt see a thing also stayed in tutbury castle for the night ,,, nothing again , wife reckons theres a ghost in her village ,, ???

Probably some backpacker out of his head on ya ba :o

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Have you found that you are now more willing to believe in ghosts than you were prior to coming to Thailand?


But I do realize there's absolutely no milage in debating them, so I'll just accept their influence on people just the same as other imaginary riligious/superstitious bullshit, like, say, God for example.

I'm very open minded: people can believe whatever the $&(#$*@ they want as long as they don't bother me with it.

Edited by chanchao
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No, I am not more willing to believe in the existence of ghosts. As for mass brainwashing, yes. Yet another way to shackle the minds of these lovely people.

Sorry lannarbirth but I disagree. Ghosts, if you believe in them or not, provide meaning for many peoples around the world. It is easy to claim that people who think differently are brainwashed. It is another way of saying that others are obviously mad or bad because they don't think the same way as us. These are just words of comfort that we give ourselves to protect our own ideas which we are not willing to examine.

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No, I am not more willing to believe in the existence of ghosts. As for mass brainwashing, yes. Yet another way to shackle the minds of these lovely people.

Sorry lannarbirth but I disagree. Ghosts, if you believe in them or not, provide meaning for many peoples around the world. It is easy to claim that people who think differently are brainwashed. It is another way of saying that others are obviously mad or bad because they don't think the same way as us. These are just words of comfort that we give ourselves to protect our own ideas which we are not willing to examine.

My point is they don't independently believe in ghosts. They have been programmed to think in this way. It has done nothing to open their minds to a greater awreness. Instead it has addled their minds. They live according to an irrational bekief system that has no bearing on real life. How do these beliefs differ from the bogey man that you were told lived in your closet, or the Easter Bunny?

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No, I am not more willing to believe in the existence of ghosts. As for mass brainwashing, yes. Yet another way to shackle the minds of these lovely people.

Sorry lannarbirth but I disagree. Ghosts, if you believe in them or not, provide meaning for many peoples around the world. It is easy to claim that people who think differently are brainwashed. It is another way of saying that others are obviously mad or bad because they don't think the same way as us. These are just words of comfort that we give ourselves to protect our own ideas which we are not willing to examine.

My point is they don't independently believe in ghosts. They have been programmed to think in this way. It has done nothing to open their minds to a greater awreness. Instead it has addled their minds. They live according to an irrational bekief system that has no bearing on real life. How do these beliefs differ from the bogey man that you were told lived in your closet, or the Easter Bunny?

One of the main aims of buddhism is to open the mind to greater awareness. The Buddha believed in ghosts and they are often mentioned in the Pali cannon. I personally don't find Buddhism to be an irrational belief system but instead that has a great bearing on my life.

I believe that we have all been programmed to at least some degree unless we are an enlightened person. It is much easier to see this in other people then it is ourselves. Many people forget this and in my opinion this is why wars start.

Respectively, Paul

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No, I am not more willing to believe in the existence of ghosts. As for mass brainwashing, yes. Yet another way to shackle the minds of these lovely people.

Sorry lannarbirth but I disagree. Ghosts, if you believe in them or not, provide meaning for many peoples around the world. It is easy to claim that people who think differently are brainwashed. It is another way of saying that others are obviously mad or bad because they don't think the same way as us. These are just words of comfort that we give ourselves to protect our own ideas which we are not willing to examine.

My point is they don't independently believe in ghosts. They have been programmed to think in this way. It has done nothing to open their minds to a greater awreness. Instead it has addled their minds. They live according to an irrational bekief system that has no bearing on real life. How do these beliefs differ from the bogey man that you were told lived in your closet, or the Easter Bunny?

One of the main aims of buddhism is to open the mind to greater awareness. The Buddha believed in ghosts and they are often mentioned in the Pali cannon. I personally don't find Buddhism to be an irrational belief system but instead that has a great bearing on my life.

I believe that we have all been programmed to at least some degree unless we are an enlightened person. It is much easier to see this in other people then it is ourselves. Many people forget this and in my opinion this is why wars start.

Respectively, Paul

Your original question was ""has living in Thailand made you more willing to believe in ghosts". I answered no, but should have added it has not made me less willing either. I did go on to add that the way Thais have been programmed to believe in ghosts is crippling to the way they view the world IMO. Now we're talking about Buddhism, which to my way of thinking is another subject but I'll try to address your preachy post.

One of the Buddha's chief tenets was "Do not belive in what I say just because I said it. Test and see for your self." This I try to do in my life, as I hope you do. I don't subscribe to every word I have ever read with regard to Buddhist dogma, simply because I am Buddhist. I am Buddhist because, number one, it most closely mirrors how I had chosen to live my life anyway. It has also introduced me to teachings and practices that have allowed me to immeasurably improve the quality of my life.

With respect to the Buddha possibly being wrong, The Dalai Lama has said, that Buddhists are seekers of truth, therefore if future information or science proves something in Buddhism wrong, Buddhism will change.

Here's an interesting article wherein the Dalai Lama talks about science and Buddhism:




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No, I am not more willing to believe in the existence of ghosts. As for mass brainwashing, yes. Yet another way to shackle the minds of these lovely people.

Sorry lannarbirth but I disagree. Ghosts, if you believe in them or not, provide meaning for many peoples around the world. It is easy to claim that people who think differently are brainwashed. It is another way of saying that others are obviously mad or bad because they don't think the same way as us. These are just words of comfort that we give ourselves to protect our own ideas which we are not willing to examine.

My point is they don't independently believe in ghosts. They have been programmed to think in this way. It has done nothing to open their minds to a greater awreness. Instead it has addled their minds. They live according to an irrational bekief system that has no bearing on real life. How do these beliefs differ from the bogey man that you were told lived in your closet, or the Easter Bunny?

One of the main aims of buddhism is to open the mind to greater awareness. The Buddha believed in ghosts and they are often mentioned in the Pali cannon. I personally don't find Buddhism to be an irrational belief system but instead that has a great bearing on my life.

I believe that we have all been programmed to at least some degree unless we are an enlightened person. It is much easier to see this in other people then it is ourselves. Many people forget this and in my opinion this is why wars start.

Respectively, Paul

Your original question was ""has living in Thailand made you more willing to believe in ghosts". I answered no, but should have added it has not made me less willing either. I did go on to add that the way Thais have been programmed to believe in ghosts is crippling to the way they view the world IMO. Now we're talking about Buddhism, which to my way of thinking is another subject but I'll try to address your preachy post.

One of the Buddha's chief tenets was "Do not belive in what I say just because I said it. Test and see for your self." This I try to do in my life, as I hope you do. I don't subscribe to every word I have ever read with regard to Buddhist dogma, simply because I am Buddhist. I am Buddhist because, number one, it most closely mirrors how I had chosen to live my life anyway. It has also introduced me to teachings and practices that have allowed me to immeasurably improve the quality of my life.

With respect to the Buddha possibly being wrong, The Dalai Lama has said, that Buddhists are seekers of truth, therefore if future information or science proves something in Buddhism wrong, Buddhism will change.

Here's an interesting article wherein the Dalai Lama talks about science and Buddhism:




Sorry, if my post seemed 'preachy' to you. I was only pointing out that the previous posts were just your opinion and you have admitted as much yourself.

My point is that just because it seems to you that the Thais have been brainwashed to believe in ghosts in a 'crippling way' may not be how they view it. A crippling belief in comparrison to what? Is a belief that we live in an impersonal world where actions have no consequences less crippling? Right or wrong those around the world who can appease their ghosts are being active in response to the worlds occurences and this must give them a feeling of empowerment.

The fact that you have made reference to the kalama sutta points to the fact that you have misread my post, I was not telling you what to believe or not to believe. I was only suggesting that possibly it is better not to hastily condemn other's beliefs unless you are 100% sure they are wrong. I think if you reread the kalama sutta you would see that this is in the spirit of this teaching. Maybe I am wrong.

While it is not possible to question the Buddha himself. It is possible to question his disciples who usually believe in ghosts. More importantly my own personal practice points to this possibility.

Edited by garro
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With respect to the Buddha possibly being wrong, The Dalai Lama has said, that Buddhists are seekers of truth, therefore if future information or science proves something in Buddhism wrong, Buddhism will change.

Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but this hit the nail on the head.

Not being of religious affiliation, myself, I've always had respect and admiration for Buddhism and I'm pretty sure this is the reason =) Other religions tend to stick with their old, outdated theories of creation whereas Buddhism is more likely to use fact or things backed by real evidence (rather than something written in a book).

To the main subject, I've noticed many Thais believe in ghosts, though it really manifests itself during a time of sadness or uncertainty. Rather, it becomes assurance that others live on even after death--much like rebirth or heaven.

Just recently, an aunt of mine died due to Cholera and a generally weak constitution (had been frail for the 5 or so years prior, but used to be stron as an ox). In the weeks following, nearly every family member of mine had a story about her visiting.

So, while I don't, myself, believe in ghosts, afterlife, luck, etc... I generally keep it to myself and will not interrupt others (or mention it in any sense) if they do and are interested in sharing a story.

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I've believed in & seen ghosts since I was a child (no, not like The Sixth Sense!!). Some of them I didn't even realise were ghosts at the time. I've also had inexplicable experiences. The week of my BF's funeral was full of them, both to myself & my son & family. They stopped immediately he was cremated. I think he was saying "goodbye" to us all. I never actually saw him, though. Most of his "appearances" to me were through animals. My mum's BF did hear him talking to the dogs in their garden one of the nights, though. I know some people reading this will believe me, others will think I imagined it or I'm crazy & still others will believe I had experiences, but they can be explained away.

Thailand has made no difference to this though, it has happened to me elsewhere.

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I have had many experiences of ghosts but mostly in the UK. Too many to list here. But I think you will find the fear of seeing them is more present in people who have never seen them. Staying in a friend's very old house once in Berkshire, the ghost there was just downright annoying. I also saw the ghosts of some dogs once, that was interesting as I thought it was mainly just the manifestation of people who were gone.

So do I believe definitely, have had experiences since childhood.

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This is my definition.

Ghosts are the disembodied spirits or energy that manifests itself over a period of time, generally in one place.

Whats yours?

"Ghosts" are normally attributed to something that cannot be explained away from our experiences, particularly in Thailand, e.g. noises in the house of a recently deceased person. lights in the sky etc. In many western countries UFOs are taking over from ghosts as the explanation. Using the terms "disembodied spirits" etc. is just mumbo jumbo which means nothing.

People who see "ghosts" (and I am one of them) cannot explain what they are, they can only describe what they have seen or think that they have seen, experienced or dreamt of.

Thailand has not altered my belief in ghosts but there does appear to be a lot of hysteria and superstition here about them.

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