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Advice Re Eviction


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She is a minority shareholder in the company, I have the majority. The house is in Pattaya, her village is in Nong Khai somewhere.

Come on posters, read the above, he hasnt built a house in her village, near 700ks away, does this put a different light on things?

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61 posts later, with hardly any info, and you guys still discuss this matter.

Some of you like you knew exactly this particular situation.

The OP is very silent.

One seem to be sure she is an x- prostitute.

She might be, but how do you know?

Some of you even start degrading the women in the industry!!!

Classical example of a man that once went to a prostitute, couldnt get it up because he was too nervous, and after that hated all women of that trade.

Were we not tought to never judge people by their backgrounds.


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Im not atall suprised that the OP has only made 2 posts, you other posters have made her from a village girl from north issan into a bar girl and prostitute in Pattaya, 90% of the posts here are pure conjecture and should be ignored.

Chealseatops, try to talk with her amicably, come to a joint decesion where both of you are happy, talking to her through a laywer will be expensive, I know it will test your patience, as all matrimonial matters do, but the soft approach might benefit you in the long run.

Hope you sort things out between yourselves,

Good Luck, Lickey.

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You know the bottom line is being fair in an approach to life, no matter what yuo do. In this case a person thought enough another to begin a life with them. Didn't work out that happens. In the end it doesn't matter where they met. Maybe eviction mihgt have been a strong word in the beginning. I have to agree I hope both parties are able to seperate with the least amount of harm to one another.

There are lots of lessons to be learned in living here and one of the most important is do not move to quickly in anything.

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can some one go over the positives of getting "involved" with poor thai village girl.

seems man in power bldg houses and shit and then all hel_l breaks loose.

can some one go over the positives of getting "involved" with poor thai village girl.

the dowary is cheap :o:D .

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