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Divorce-husband Jailed


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Have any ladies (yourselves or friends) married a Thai who then by his own will and way lands in the slammer (drug related)?

I don't want to get into our background (i.e. the piece of garbage/ATM i am) save to say I told him (and his mother did too) that his friends were no good. i love his mom and family and we have a good relationship.

anyway, i was wondering about costs of divorce. if he is sentenced to more that a year, i understand that is a ground for divorce but as he would be incarcerated the case would have to go before the courts.

it's not that i don't love him (as a human being), i just don't care anymore in terms of a relationship.

so any thoughts or insight on divorce? not sure what direction i am headed in, in that regard, so that i why i inquire of anyone out there.

thanks and peace out.


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My friend just divorced her Thai husband (they'd grown apart) and all it took were them both to go in to the office and fill in some paperwork. Difficult if your husband is in jail, I guess, but as far as I am aware there was no need for a court appearance. If you need more details, I could ask her exactly what to do.

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Hey there, thanks for your reply.

Yes, it would be great if you could ask your friend about her divorce and about what the process was like for her and whatever other information she is willing to share.

I've looked things up on the Internet but hearing from someone who has gone through the experience would be greatly appreciated as I am not sure what I am in for.


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I am not in Thailand but would go every six months. Was in the process of building a rather large home but seeing as I would never get an accounting of the funds and where they went (i.e. to pay the men, buy cement etc.), simply met by "blank" stare and then a "walk away" well i began to wonder (his family started to fill me in on money costing things he was doing that had nothing to do with the house). His family had no idea of the amount that had been transferred and were shocked once they heard. i trust them with all my heart (that is another story).

so anyway, last time i went over the greeting from hubby was cold to say the least and i figured i must have spent about 2 hours of quality time with him (the rest with momma and sister). always phone calls and going out at all hours. his momma actually told me to go home and "make new man" with an "it is ok if you and new man come back to my home".

regardless, i was played (i equate money loss to losing in the stock market). i don't hate him and such for what has happened, i only look and recognize what my vulnerabilities were in the moment(s). i learned, sobeit, i'll move on. but the marriage lingers over me now, in terms of legalities not relationship wise.

hopefully all will go well and i'll be out at the end of the year to be with momma for a few weeks. she is the greatest. he can stay put in the "monkeyhouse". heck maybe i'll call her now as i have not talked to her for three weeks.

so anyway, i put this out here (being open about my situation) in hopes that anyone might have done the divorce thing with a spouse in the "monkeyhouse".

ciao for now. peace out.


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yikes, sorry... not the first case i have heard like this. nice that you have such a good relationship with his family though, that helps!

go to a lawyer ,get some advice and devorce the bum,and get on with your life :o

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I doubt a lawyer in her home country would have much information. Seems to me she will have to wait until her next trip to Thailand and visit a lawyer here to find out about divorce.

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Dear sassie- sorry to hear of your woes.

I was searching on Thai visa some time ago and I found a great resource. Its a Pdf file with the published rights of Husband and wife in Thailand. I hope it helps. its a must read for all who have a spouse here.


if that link dosent work google "Tilleke & Gibbins Husband and wife"

Lets us know how you make out. HH

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a little off topic but i read this in the PDF up there:

Grounds for divorce: 1. The husband has given maintenance to or honored or held out another as his wife, or the wife has committed adultery. (A one-time act of adultery on the part of the husband or other adultery on the part of the husband not amounting to honoring or holding another as his wife is not sufficient. One act of adultery on the part of the wife is sufficient grounds.)

bit of a double standard there eh?

Edited by girlx
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Yes, absolutely girlx, but I believe that one has been thrown out.

But, if you go to the last page there is something there covering a spouse in jail:

A person not involved in the crime committed by the spouse, whose spouse is in jail for more than one year, can file for divorce.

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Hey y'all, thanks for your words and thoughts. Thank goodness there are no kids!! it will be an interesting visit in December. if more interesting things arise for which i need outside thoughts, i'll it out and fill you in.

blessed be.


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