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Electric Mosquito Zapper


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  • 2 years later...
Wonderful things those zappers. Haven't seen them for sale for some time. Are they still available? Unable to import them into Australia - they still have signs at Australian airports warning people they are a prohibited import.

Well fear not Pete, because common sense has won over the airport police state here in Australia. You can actually now buy Mosquito Killing Tennis Racquets at Australian Geographic shops. They are about $20 and a bit on the small side, but they do have the torch in the handle, which is essential for all those night time mosquito killing commando ops.

Actually a quick google shows up this http://www.thegiftedman.com.au/product_inf...products_id=118 for $10, although I'm not sure if they have the torch in the handle.

So it looks like my fellow Australians no longer have to suffer the indignity of not being able to extract electrified revenve on irritating insects any more.

Victory is ours.

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Wonderful things those zappers. Haven't seen them for sale for some time. Are they still available? Unable to import them into Australia - they still have signs at Australian airports warning people they are a prohibited import.


Do you know why ? :)

YES !!!!! becuase the aussie gov. & laws are so f*kd up from the thousands of different boards. & if adaults leave them on in reach of children then it`s there fault & lack of common sense (which i think the aussie gov think we no have from the millions of policies they have) that the child would be zapped, & maybe end up smarter then them as not to do it again

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Wonderful things those zappers. Haven't seen them for sale for some time. Are they still available? Unable to import them into Australia - they still have signs at Australian airports warning people they are a prohibited import.


Do you know why ? :)

YES!!!!! the aussie gov. is so f*kd up with all their boards & policies that preach laws & regulations to us, because they think we have no common sense. & if the child does get zapped it might learn & be smarter than the parent for leaving it on within reach in the first place

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YES!!!!! the aussie gov. is so f*kd up with all their boards & policies that preach laws & regulations to us, because they think we have no common sense. & if the child does get zapped it might learn & be smarter than the parent for leaving it on within reach in the first place

Calm down champ. You can buy them in Australia !

I'm actually taking this as a sign of expanded individual freedoms here in Oz. With a bit of luck we will soon be able to drink and drive here as well. Sadly there may be an increase in balcony accidents, but you've got to take the good with the bad.

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A group of us got pissed at a party a few years aga and several idiots were displaying their manhood by zapping their fingers. One chap zapped his tongue before the final idiot dropped his pants to really displayed his manhood....in front of his mother and all. Shocking!

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A group of us got pissed at a party a few years aga and several idiots were displaying their manhood by zapping their fingers. One chap zapped his tongue before the final idiot dropped his pants to really displayed his manhood....in front of his mother and all. Shocking!


did the pecker die?

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Got pulled in 2008 bringing two through BNE.

Did some research in 2009 cos I really wanted to get some.

This is the email I got back from Aussie customs.

My original enquiry is lower down.

Brought two in, that I bought at Topps supermarket on Pattaya Klang.

Thank you for your enquiry to the Australian Customs and Border and

Protection Service (Customs and Border Protection) concerning the import

control on bug/mosquito zappers.

The application of the import control on hand-held electric devices

designed to administer an electric shock on contact changed in December

2008 as it relates to hand-held insect electrocutors (commonly known as

'mosquito zappers'). As advised in the Australian Customs Notice (ACN)

No 2008/56 (copy attached), Customs and Border Protection has determined

that mosquito zappers may now be imported without a permit if they are

powered by a storage battery capacity not exceeding 6 volts, and the

electrified grid is shielded in such a way as to prevent contact with

the live component. Further information is available from the Customs

and Border Protection website at www.customs.gov.au (follow the links

for Import Export > Importing goods > Prohibited and restricted imports

and then 'swatters/mosquito bats - electronic').

If you require any further clarification, then to assist in assessing

your request perhaps you could either provide Customs and Border

Protection with illustrative descriptive material of the particular

goods in question (eg images along with descriptive material on the

manufacturer's specifications) or identify a relevant website that shows

such information.

Best regards

Constantine Nikolakopoulos

Trade Policy and Regulation Branch I Australian Customs and Border

Protection Service

T: +612 6275 6949 I F: +612 6229 3840 I E:

[email protected]

Subject: "Tennis racket" bug zappers

Good afternoon.

Got this from your web site.

Hand-held electric insect zappers that have no protection against

accidental contact with the electrified grid.

My enquiry relates to the words "no protection"

The units I have seen have the electrified grid inbetween two outer

grids that protect the inner electrified grid.

Would this be allowed into Australia.

Regards and thank you for your time.

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ive had no luck with the rechargeables, after a few charges, theyve died

We picked up one about 4 years ago, still works like a champ. Has a light too that can be turned on and off. I'm not sure what the point is for having a light. Ours came in a plastic bag. I can't remember the cost, but it was cheap. I figured it'd be a piece of junk, but it's still going strong. The only problem was a part that holds the screw for the plug sort of broke, but I managed to rig it up again so we can still recharge it. Recharge time seems to be around 8-10 hours. It has two mesh wire screens (that's big enough for insects to get in) that sandwich a tight mesh wire screen (the zapper). Flys, spiders, and mozzies snap and pop like fireworks.

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I have 2 and they have cost me several thousand Baht.

The initial outlay was cheap enough 99 Baht each from the local market, the additional expense is 2 broken pairs of reading glasses numerous drinking glasses and the contents and one visit to the vet with one of the dogs.

Regardless they are both in good working order after 2 years and an owner with a rotten aim...

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