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Cambodian Rangers crack down on more than 4,000 forestry and wildlife crimes for first six months

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Park rangers have cracked down on 4,238 natural resource crimes in all protected areas across the country in this year’s first six months. Ministry of Environment spokesman Neth Pheaktra told Khmer Times the ministry is responsible for protecting and conserving natural resources based on the law.


From January to June, 1260 rangers have cooperated with relevant authorities to patrol the protected areas and biodiversity corridors which cover 7.3 million hectares, he said.


“Of those offenses, 511 cases were fined and 515 others were filed to the courts, most of which were involved in encroachment on state forested land in protected areas, logging, and hunting,” Pheaktra said, adding that the number of cases was similar to that of last year.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50894582/rangers-crack-down-on-more-than-4000-forestry-and-wildlife-crimes-for-first-six-months/



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