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Getting "it" For Free


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That last thread turned out to be fun. So the topic here is very general and broad(s), so as not to get turned off. I was commenting how I got jealous when my pals tell about getting the little blue wonders for free. But then we digressed to a dissusion of "it" and subsequently "it up".

And all this was really brought about from the horror of being 22 again

Good now that everyone is following, being twenty was more about getting "it" as often as possible. Being in my late 40's now I can see that getting "it up" will become a growing concern. :D . Now as far a getting anything for free. Well whats free anyway? :o

I think that perhaps the more you give the more you get and that seems like free. Everybody with me :D

thats all, gotta run thanks. :D be cool stay in school.

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:o Could you rephrase this? :D

:D So when one gives freely and subsquently receives freely in return, can that be considered free. For "it" that is. :D

I'm sorry if attempted to make it any clearer the thread would probably be closed. And there is more than one thought going on here at the same time. Actually I'm trying to draw out some existentialist thought, albeit somewhat disjointed and perhaps even murky!

Where can I get the little blue wonders for free? :D

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That last thread turned out to be fun. So the topic here is very general and broad(s), so as not to get turned off. I was commenting how I got jealous when my pals tell about getting the little blue wonders for free. But then we digressed to a dissusion of "it" and subsequently "it up".

And all this was really brought about from the horror of being 22 again

Good now that everyone is following, being twenty was more about getting "it" as often as possible. Being in my late 40's now I can see that getting "it up" will become a growing concern. :D . Now as far a getting anything for free. Well whats free anyway? :o

I think that perhaps the more you give the more you get and that seems like free. Everybody with me :D

thats all, gotta run thanks. :D be cool stay in school.

He's either a drinker or a dreamer, with both feet firmly planted in the air.

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Crack is bad I know but this is fun. nonsence but fun :D I just got done razing a bunch of Micheal Moore fans on a mac forum so I'm all lit up. :o

I love thailand( 12 days and counting) after that I'll be too busy to post silliness like this.

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Excellent deduction Watson. You are right on all four counts. Time for a martiny.

This one confused me, but as my dear old Dad said once, "There's only three kinds of mathematicians.... Those who can count; and those that can't."

Anyhow, forget about getting, the good book says it's better to give than to receive. So give "it " for free and see what happens. :o

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You can get things for free BC.

I met a girl in thailand B4 my current GF. My mates all were with TG's that were drinking blah blah.

I was alone (had no TG as i had a UK GF and was being a prat and staying faithful)

Never brought the TG a drink, food etc, never took her back to my hotel.

On the night i was going home to the uk there was a knock on the door this thai girl said she justed wanted to F me for free then she would go.

That would have been free would it not?

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<deleted> you for free, apart for taxi money and money for food. :D

Dave, are you still drunk from last night,...? :D

was'nt drunk enough, but i will make up for that tonight :D (rock pub was too bloody loud and there were not enough choices for late tastings as it were)

really enjoyed meeting everyone, as stated before LC looked like a million dollars!


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You've probably seen these before, still fun though. From a bkk link thats is a little too racy to post.

Beware of whores who say they don't want any money. It just means they want all your money.

                                                                                - William S. Burroughs

There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.


   -P.J. O'Rourke

Ah, yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.


    -Robin Williams

Sex is one of the most wholesome, beautiful and natural experiences that money can buy.


            -Steve Martin

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