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Bone of contention in Cambodia: C-19 in Indian frozen imported meat sparks controversy

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The Ministry of Health yesterday announced the discovery of Covid-19 traces on frozen buffalo meat, imported from India, from three out of five containers. However, the exporters have refuted this finding saying meat samples underwent testing in advanced labs in India and they were all found to be SARS-COV-2-negative.


They also questioned how Covid-19 can lay dormant and live for the almost three months it takes for the meat to be shipped from India, when there is no scientific evidence that the virus can survive for so long on surfaces. The Health Ministry said it conducted a virological analysis virus on five containers of frozen buffalo meat at the Tri-Khod dry port in Phnom Penh.


It said the frozen buffalo meat was imported by two companies Bovini Food Co Ltd and Ashary Investment & Construction. After the discovery of buffalo meat containing the virus, Kun Nhim, Director General of Customs and Excise of Cambodia, said that the two companies are cooperating with a joint working group to destroy the meat in accordance with the procedures in force.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50902756/bone-of-contention-c-19-find-on-frozen-imported-meat-sparks-controversy/

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