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Chiang Mai Pays Heed To Human Trafficking

Jai Dee

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Chiang Mai pays heed to human trafficking

Director-General of the Department of the Consular Affairs says Chiang Mai people pay heed to human trafficking and express readiness to cooperate with the authority in suppressing it.

Director-General of the Department of the Consular Affairs, Theerakun Niyom (ธีรกุล นิยม) reveals that the department has arranged community forums to educate people susceptible to human trafficking about how to protect themselves against illegal employment agencies which will deceive them into prostitution.

The community forums have been held at Tambon Na (นะ) in Chiang Dao District and Tambon Wiang Fang (เวียงฝาง) in Fang District, Chiang Mai Province. 230 teenagers and village leaders have attended the forums to share opinions.

The department has a plan to organize this kind of forums in other areas to raise awareness on human trafficking.

Thailand is categorized as a country which is fully involved in the process of human trafficking from the beginning to the end. Most human trafficking cases in the country occur in the Northern Region.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 May 2007

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