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Troll-calling And Personal Attacks


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TV is much like the bars.

It's great sometimes just having fun.

It's also satisfying sometimes to watch people really get into a subject, and it's also useful to get one's own thoughts put together and set out in some detail. Too often these days people can't get past sound bites, slogans, jingoism and cynical one-liners to penetrate into the depth of a subject and work it around. Everyone who wants to learns in a discussion like that.

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this is a forum on the internet and as such we are all granted a certain amount of anonymity. therefore we might be free to put forward hypothetical stories to debate, questions we might not normally ask, things we really believe or think.

Indeed, but sadly there is the other temptation that some are unable to resist.. To use their anonymity to take on a role they would not dare assume in any face to face converstation.

Spot on GH.

Wedged between the utter bullshit, which is occasionally good for a chuckle, I always find useful information from the thai-visa forum, and that's what keeps me coming back.

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Name-calling? On an internet site? I can't help thinking the world is getting soft. first noticed it when the world collectively went gaga after Princess Diana died and it's got progressively worse since then.

What is wrong with a bit of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm and malice being thrust in a thread to spice it up, particularly if it's designed to reveal a particular poster's muddled thinking or wrong facts?

If everyone was nicey nice, this forum would die a pleasant but ultimately boring death.

I personally like being attacked. It's not my fault everyone else is wrong and i'm always right about - well - EVERYTHING.


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I personally like to hear true words. What exactly is in their mind. Be they nasty or whatever. I don't mind anyone bashing me as long as they mean what they say.

Being overly polite is unreal. Not true human nature.

I'll let moderators decide what is appropriate.

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TV is much like the bars.

It's great sometimes just having fun.

It's also satisfying sometimes to watch people really get into a subject, and it's also useful to get one's own thoughts put together and set out in some detail. Too often these days people can't get past sound bites, slogans, jingoism and cynical one-liners to penetrate into the depth of a subject and work it around. Everyone who wants to learns in a discussion like that.

And its a lot of fun watching someone trying to argue an un-tenable position. :o

I do wish some posters wouldn't get so stressed out though.



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I personally like being attacked. It's not my fault everyone else is wrong and i'm always right about - well - EVERYTHING.

A self-confident man, probably good looking also and with an interesting character......you remind of somebody 'bendix'...........

me! :D

that's three of us :bah:

FOUR!!! :D:D

Actually, I agree with Bendix (must be a first :D ), a FEW trolls, flames etc brighten the board, just don't let it get like that 'other' place (something to do with a hole filler made from indigenous hardwood).

One wonders how much time you have spent there in order to have made such an idiotic judgement.


The fact that the mere mention of the name of the site will incurr a ban and your ridiculous resort to lame cryptic offerings says more than a little something about the relative merits of both... no??

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Having checked out a few English language forums, I find TV the best by far.

Two other well known "forums" seem to consist of clubs for cliques of long stays and expats who all know each other personally.

They ignore most posts from those not in the club and flame newbies at will with no censure from the mods.

One in particular is run and controlled by a bar owner so the clique seems to be mainly made up of his own regular customers.

At least TV has less fruitloops and more relevant input.

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Who rattled YOUR cage Garp? Long live the Frootloops! What makes the site great is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion within the parameters of THE RULES.I think the Mods do a good job but kids will be kids after all.The trolls and flamers well just ignore them I say,they do it out of boredom or just to stir people up it's up to the individual if you take the bait online,that's what PM are for.Happy posting all!

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My favourites are the ones that start deliberately controversial threads and then denounce their critics as trolls. I also like the ones that get banned and immediately register again under a new name and leap straight back into the argument - a great twist on this is when they forget what names they've been using and accidentally make derogatory comments about their earlier self.

That is a classic case of internet schizophrenia.

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What you have to remember is this! Nothing on Any internet forum Anywhere means Anything.

If someone gets called a monkey humping bishop beater, it means nothing.

If someone posts something about all Thai women being bar girls, so what.

Nobody has ever changed their opinion on anything just because they were contradicted on a forum.

As for my point here, its worthless. Not one person that has read this now feels any differently about this forum.

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Well Lego I beg to differ.I'm quite open minded so I like to read other peoples' opinions and make an informed decision about anything.Knowledge is power! If you go around with blinkers on and a narrow minded attitude what's the point of reading or contributing to a forum?The trolls and flame throwers are a sorry lot probably the kind of cowards who'd like to get into a pub brawl but haven't got the guts so they expectorate their spleen on some forum.

Let them have their fun and ignore them let the Mods deal with it.

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1) This is all temporary, illusory and not real period.

2) There are lots of things said here that posters only have the backbone to say in cyberspace. In the real world they'd get their "clock cleaned" for some of the insults,nonsense and other BS thats spewed at some of the TV members.

If that's how they get off, I guess it's mostly harmless though.

Again fortunately it's not real...:o

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Momo8, that was point and you proved it nicely. Nothing said here would change the path of a falling hair.

It's just for fun really and a llittle bit of hair pulling is fun to read. Right now there is a little man in a big castle defending his reasoning behind returning a 16 baht bowl of rice. It's fun to read.

I often think the mods jump on people to soon. As the two posters calm down and then make up by grudingly accepting part of the others idea. It's human nature under a microscope. It's like reality TV that one can contribute to. I also belive it's healthy as nobody can break anybody elses nose on a forum.

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I often think the mods jump on people to soon.

Please leave discussion of moderation out of this topic.

See the Forum Rules.

Thank you.

yes a classic example of awful over regulation that would make anybody walk on eggshells.

this place is ridiculously over moderated and you all know it.

except the mods that probably know it too.

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Free! I love this word.

Okay, Garp, it's not quite what you wanted but it's better than the alternatives, and I don't just mean the other forums.

Which, incidentally you should check out for quality if you haven't already - they're cr@p!

Most of us are used to speaking our minds, wherever we are.

There's still a bunch of countries who have never enjoyed that freedom.

For posting only the half of what the mods here allow through, we'd be marched off in the night, never to be seen again.

Edited by qwertz
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You are a gentleman qwertz, and I am not a caballero...

This Garp appears to be the kind of genious that know it all, and expects that averyone accept his insulting comments. He probably beleives that life began when he arrived to this world......lucky him that there are not mods against as**holes in this forum, otherwise he would be out already.... :o

Edited by torito
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You are a gentleman qwertz, and I am not a caballero...

This Garp appears to be the kind of genious that know it all, and expects that averyone accept his insulting comments. He probably beleives that life began when he arrived to this world......lucky him that there are not mods against as**holes in this forum, otherwise he would be out already.... :o

If anyone is interested the above is a classic example of a "Troll" post. Calculated to cause offense. Mods might want to check this poster out.

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It's a sorry fact, hombre, that for many people, if it costs nothing - that's what it's worth. :o

P.S. lamphun, just put the penultimate post down to free speech.

Torito means well - view his other posts.

We're not all native English speakers on this board and for some folks it may come across a little too direct.

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Yep 'The World According to Garp' calm down Mucho Amigo Torrito.The OP's thread is a genuine one as I also have these concerns.Throw in Garp the Troll and PRESTO point proven trolls do exist Dorothy.Best ignore and not stir up the dung pile who knows what else will emerge.

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This forum is good. Since using the forum I have made a note of bars that play Aussie rules, found out Vegemite is hard to get & overpriced in Thailand and theres a good boxing gym in Sukhumvit Soi 36. I have also have made a list of a few apartments to go and have a look at.

The sharing of information abut visas ect is useful and the jokes are good for a laugh.

So what are we whinging about?

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P.S. lamphun, just put the penultimate post down to free speech.

Torito means well - view his other posts.

We're not all native English speakers on this board and for some folks it may come across a little too direct.

He's not too keen on other's free speech though. Also his english is good enough for insulting others.

Garp made a reasnable comment on moderation. Forum rules not withstanding. Personal attacks as above derail any possibility of light discussion.

Edited by lamphun
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