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Thaivisa Barbeque Party In Chiang Mai !

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I wonder if Buonissimo has been considered as a venue. Superb location on the Ping River, massive areas in and outside. Plenty of car parking..

Sounds like a good reason to get a recon together and check it out!!!!

One of the recon leaders is coming over to my place tonight so i will run it by him.

Love to help, but work calls and i will be away until August.

This is our Chiang Mai Special forces Re-con Elite Taskforce for Pissheads Brigade. (Or Dads Army for short)

Before or after the recon?

its only possible for THEM to do it after the recon :D

Is that Star Six your reconning :o

Another member of the TVBP LRRP unit.........................

How did you get AussieThaied's photo? As you can see he has lost a lot of weight from being offshore and unable to avail himself of an amber ale or 20. However I can assure you he is well on the way to returning to his "robust" self now that he is back in CM




So is this the Bar-B-Q thread or the Bar-Girl thread? :o

Forum Rule No 1:

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys) ....

So is this the Bar-B-Q thread or the Bar-Girl thread? :o

Forum Rule No 1:

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys) ....


This is a party thread and keeping the banter light hearted is fine but as close to the topic (party) as possible. It's starting to "cross the line" so to speak and we dont want to have to start deleting posts.



I won't be here for the vote / poll, so can one of the moderators vote for me please ??

1/ The Pub

2/ Tuskers

3/ Thai Pauly's restaurant

Thanks in advance. :o



Thread tidied up.

C'mon guys... the suspense is killing me.


Where's it gonna be?

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Thread tidied up.


C'mon guys... the suspense is killing me.


Where's it gonna be?

Sorry Jai Dee and others - I have done all the reccies to the potential places. Out of those I have three recommendations. However I need a representative of TV admin/moderator team to negotiate the details with the individual owners of the venues. This is important to ensure that the owner and TV are on the same page when it comes to who does what and what is expected re costs etc.

When Buckwheat comes up I will take him to all the venues to show him the options but the outcome is for him to reach an agreement with the proprietor for the party. When that is done we will make the announcement and then take numbers of people intending to come. The other option of course is for the Moderators up here to do the negotiations ahead of Buckwheat's visit.



When Buckwheat comes up I will take him to all the venues to show him the options but the outcome is for him to reach an agreement with the proprietor for the party. When that is done we will make the announcement and then take numbers of people intending to come. The other option of course is for the Moderators up here to do the negotiations ahead of Buckwheat's visit.


Thanks a hel_l of a lot for taking the bit in your teeth the way you did and reconnoitring those places as you did. I can only imagine how much of an imposition it must have been to be tasked with that resounsibility, not to mention the sheer torture of having to taste test so very many beverages. Thank you.

Buckwheat needs to do the negotiations himself as a representative of TV. Only he or another selected by George has the authority, knowledge or ability to do so. When is his visit expected?

Well I wish somebody would get it done soon.I'm with jaidee on this one.It's not rocket science guys....or is it? :o:D

It's not rocket science but there are a lot of details that must be carefully planned and negotiated. For examples:

1) Food - TV wants to bring their own smokers to the party and do spare ribs - sounds great but this means the owner will lose a large amount of food orders as the TV members chew their way through the TV supplied food.

2) Food 2 - the venue must have some factilities to supply additional food for people who don't want or like spare ribs. If there are 80 members turning up how much food do they need to have on hand in case someone's wife/girlfriend wants a Pad Ka Pao?

3) Food 3 - the venue will be asked to supply things like bread/salad/condiments/plates/knives/forks/spoons/tables/chairs/napkins/garbage disposal etc plus do the clean up. There are costs involved in all of these which must be negotiated between TV and the vendor. If TV wants the vendor to supply them free or at cost, the amount per head must be negotiated. If we expect 80 people to turn up and only 15 actually front - there is a lot of wasted food so there must be an agreement on base cost. ie the venue will provide for a minimum of 40 people and share cost for the remaining. If only 4 people front they still charge the minimum. This is normal catering process but it must be understood and agreed.

4) Band - if the venue fronts a band? If they get paid who hands over the money?

5) Staff - The venue will have to put on extra staff to handle the numbers of members who turn up and will be demanding on mass to get a drink right now not in 20 minutes when the staff can work their way through the crowd. The staff must be paid for so is their a split share of their wages between TV and the vendor or will the proprietor have to pay and take the money out of his alcohol sales?

6) Alcohol - the vendor will need to put on sufficient alcohol and softdrink to cover the crowd. I will be sending out a post after the vendor is selected with the types of beer on tap and in bottles. The standard varieties of Chang/Singha/Tiger will be on offer but if there is sufficient requirements for say Leo or Beer Lao we will ask the vendor to put them on as well. The extra beer etc will have to be chilled, most likely in ice so the vendor will need ice and tubs sufficient to handle the amount. Ice water removes labels and many punters don't like taking a beer after the event with the label off or damaged.

7) Alcohol 2 - if TV asks the vendor to discount the cost of the beer, what is an acceptable price to pay for a small beer singha? In Bangkok and Pattaya the standard cost is considerably higher than here in CNX so the vendor has more lattitude to discount. Here the prices are lower with correspondingly smaller profit margins. If you are used to paying 45B for a Beer Chang at a bamboo hole in the wall bar will you pay 60B to have it at the venue and not feel like you are being ripped off, even if the vendor's standard price is 65B.

There are many other areas that have to be covered and while I would really like to put up the three contenders, I would hate to have one or more pull out when they sit down at the table and they work out the cost/benefit analysis of the party.

It is important to understand that there are three opposing needs in action with the party.

1) TV is prepared to front up money and time to do this but they are not willing nor should they be expected to fully fund the party

2) No vendor will be willing to make a loss on the party, we must support them and allow their business to make a reasonable profit out of what will be a lot of work for them

3) The party is for the members and so George is trying to make it the most enjoyable that he can. The best thing for the members would be a fully catered party for free but that is not even remotely feasable so be prepared to pay a fair amount.



Crow Boy is probably all for it. :D

Yeah no problem - the address is Chang Moi Kao Road which is just of Th. Thaphae. Come on in and bring your own beer :o



Here's a solution. Heat and eat the ribs at my house (central location with parking), then hire a bus and do Chiang Mai's biggest ever pub crawl. Then all the venues get a look in and all the owner / managers can relax and enjoy the evening. :o

Here's a solution. Heat and eat the ribs at my house (central location with parking), then hire a bus and do Chiang Mai's biggest ever pub crawl. Then all the venues get a look in and all the owner / managers can relax and enjoy the evening. :o

Austhaied, you da man, and we could all end up at CrowBoys afterwards...(Assuming my Mrs lets me come) think of the money saved on a night's accommodation. (And breakfast!!!)

In a more serious vein, sceadugenga says you guys have taken on a thankless task. After years of social club organisation I can assure you that regardless of the success on the night, a vocal minority... and what other kind is there on TV, will say it could have been better organised by a gang of gibbering lunatics from the local (Thai) asylum.

Here's a solution. Heat and eat the ribs at my house (central location with parking), then hire a bus and do Chiang Mai's biggest ever pub crawl. Then all the venues get a look in and all the owner / managers can relax and enjoy the evening. :o

Austhaied, you da man, and we could all end up at CrowBoys afterwards...(Assuming my Mrs lets me come) think of the money saved on a night's accommodation. (And breakfast!!!)

In a more serious vein, sceadugenga says you guys have taken on a thankless task. After years of social club organisation I can assure you that regardless of the success on the night, a vocal minority... and what other kind is there on TV, will say it could have been better organised by a gang of gibbering lunatics from the local (Thai) asylum.

Don't worry sceadadoodledo, i have a spare room you are more than welcome to on the night of the TV BBQ.

Detached guesthouse for sceadadoodledo---->


Actually I'm lucky you guys weren't smart enough to think of calling me Scooby Doo or I'd have had to resign in shame, change my alias and come back incognito.

Austhaied, you da man, and we could all end up at CrowBoys afterwards...(Assuming my Mrs lets me come) think of the money saved on a night's accommodation. (And breakfast!!!)

I live a fair way out of town so will be getting a room at a hotel for the night. NO way I am riding back home after the party.

In a more serious vein, sceadugenga says you guys have taken on a thankless task. After years of social club organisation I can assure you that regardless of the success on the night, a vocal minority... and what other kind is there on TV, will say it could have been better organised by a gang of gibbering lunatics from the local (Thai) asylum.

Hey you have figured out where we come from just from our posting style :o

Being serious - yeah I have organised enough Motorbike racing events and various other activities so know the kicks you get from some people. However if the majority have a good night, a few have a great night, and only a couple bitch about it then it will be a success. I did something similar in Samuii a couple of years ago and two guys were still going on 6 months later that the beer was 5Baht more expensive than what they normally paid at their local bamboo hut bar. Still the other 100plus who turned up seemed to enjoy it so we were happy.


Here are a few buses i have in mind..

Here's mine. Or WAS mine :o I had to sell it before I came to Thailand. Had no where to store it.

Your quote...I react regardless of whether I'm "back home" or not.. We'll have none of that on our bus thanks..fear.gif



Last evening the P.I.S.S committee went on the search to check out prospective bands for the Thai Visa bbq. We went to the Guitarman bar which is on the bottom end of Loi Kroh near to Th. Charoen Prathet. It is my favourite live music venue in CM because the bands change around and play different styles. As much as I love Blues and Classic Rock it is also great to go to the same venue on a different night and have a really good Reggae or Ska band play.

The reason for our visit was to see Joe Cummings, who most TV members will realise is the author of the Lonely Planet guide to Thailand and in fact most of the books in this region. He knows this part of the world very well and has lived in the CM area for a long time.

Ok we turned up at 8:30pm and I briefly spoke to Nick who runs the bar now - he has done an excellent job on fixing it up from what was, well to be blunt a pretty crappy decore and stage settup. The area is now covered and has A/C which is a huge improvement. The stage has been shifted and expanded and now has a nice PA and amp set up for the players. We spotted RealThaiDeal in the audience and he was too slow getting away so had to sit with us for the rest of the night.

First up was a Thai guy doing a nice acoustic set while we sat around and chatted about the normal stuff farung talk about in bars ie crap :o At 9:30pm a trio of local Thai lads plugged in and they are very good. For the life of me I can't think of their band name but when I do I will post it - keep an eye out for them if you like your music in the Classic Rock (Cream/Clapton/Led Zep) genre.

Joe turned up with his band The Tonic Rays, and I had a very brief chat with him, he appears interested in playing at the party, depending on the venue. He did his set which had a very different vibe to the previous. The band has an female English vocalist/rhythm guitar, a Thai guy on bass who is just so cool for words, an Aussie guy on Drums and Joe doing the lead guitar. The band started of on a couple of soft numbers but then played an interesting mix of styles and songs plus a couple of original number. Good set and good playing guys.

We stayed to the end (how unusual is that?) and unliike the other committee members I had to work this morning so was decidedly modest in my alcohol intake unlike certain other people who will remain anonymous :D

The Tonic Rays are a good band and depending on a couple of things they would be available to play at the party. Irrespective of that do yourself a favour and check them out - they are playing around town and do a regular gig up in Pai. Also get along to Guitarman and get into some good, live music.



Loi Kroh Boy

btw McGriff your name has been passed by the nickname committee and you are now officially to be referred to as McSpicy


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