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Back in the day I was on a popular Thai TV debate program with the Farangs saying it was better to live in Thailand and the Thais saying it was better to live overseas. The purpose then was to be fun and entertaining but in truth it is a serious question.

Personally I think a lot depends on who you marry. If on the one hand you marry into a prosperous well educated Thai family you might be better off here as you would have access to influence and connections. Also if you come here with a full ex-pat package or are retired on a fixed income you might find your standard of living a bit higher.

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions. Even if you get a decent job here, the staff and the people you will need to associate with, at the compulsory social events, will not treat her kindly. I know you think its not fair but what they see through their cultural filters is the equivalent of the skankiest, down and out, skid-row streetwalker. (No social graces, bad language, bad accent, bad hair, bad clothes, bad makeup, bad hygiene, bad attitude.)

My wife and I have met many couples overseas who have done quite well after the initial adjustment. Husbands usually could never make as much money in Thailand as they can in their home country. Girls with lowly(in Thai terms) cooking, sewing, beautician or massage skills, can with a little hard work, get a license in their field and end up making a good deal of money. Sometimes the guys dream of retiring in Thailand but by the time they are ready their wives are not. Having broken the bonds of social class in Thailand and making their own money it is hard to come back home.

If you are single and trying to rack up the numbers of conquests that is another thread entirely. If you have a Thai wife, or plan to have one you, need to ask yourself where should we live and what are the positives and negatives of each place.

So, where and why?

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It depends on the options that are actually open to you. There are advantages of settling in a third country that is not your or your wife's home. My wife has recently expressed a real interest in buying a place here in Italy, not my country and certainly not hers.

Certainly the recent uncertainties and the future uncertainty that will come whith the inevitable change that is coming to the top of Thai society it is a good idea to keep your options open.

Where ever you settle, don't burn your bridges.


After 20 years in Farangland it is time to live back in Thailand and help with the thai side of the family, Farangland has become to much of a pain, need the slow and easy ways of thailand, away from any big city. (works for me) :o

Personally I think a lot depends on who you marry. If on the one hand you marry into a prosperous well educated Thai family you might be better off here as you would have access to influence and connections. Also if you come here with a full ex-pat package or are retired on a fixed income you might find your standard of living a bit higher.

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions.

So, where and why?

Jesus Christ, ,take those blinkers off, so you have highly educated families and Bargirls. Is that it? A rather insulting outlook, maybe you need to get out more.


Definately Thailand, mutual decision.

I can work from anywhere and I'd rather be based in Asia, the Missus has had 10 years overseas and wants to come home. We both intend growing old together (only 5 years age difference) in our riverside home.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

It depends on the options that are actually open to you. There are advantages of settling in a third country that is not your or your wife's home. My wife has recently expressed a real interest in buying a place here in Italy, not my country and certainly not hers.

Certainly the recent uncertainties and the future uncertainty that will come whith the inevitable change that is coming to the top of Thai society it is a good idea to keep your options open.

Where ever you settle, don't burn your bridges.

I keep seeing people post about how things are going to hel_l in a hand basket. After living here through 6 coups (I missed this last one being out of the country) and mid-night curfews and countless other changes, all with the ex-pat community proclaiming the "the sky is falling" I just don't have the same sense of dread.

You do make a good point though about not burning bridges.

Personally I think a lot depends on who you marry. If on the one hand you marry into a prosperous well educated Thai family you might be better off here as you would have access to influence and connections. Also if you come here with a full ex-pat package or are retired on a fixed income you might find your standard of living a bit higher.

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions.

So, where and why?

Jesus Christ, ,take those blinkers off, so you have highly educated families and Bargirls. Is that it? A rather insulting outlook, maybe you need to get out more.

Was just referring to the ends of the spectrum. Of course there is much in-between and it was very kind of you to point that out to those who might not be as enlightened as you.

Definately Thailand, mutual decision.

I can work from anywhere and I'd rather be based in Asia, the Missus has had 10 years overseas and wants to come home. We both intend growing old together (only 5 years age difference) in our riverside home.

Sounds like a plan to me!!!

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions.

Won't work, the Farangs will carry on shaggin' drinking and gambling in their home countries.


I was reading so much negative stuff lately that I thought people would be more conflicted over this issue but I guess I was wrong. You seem to have it all figured out so there may be no need for this thread after all.

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions.

Won't work, the Farangs will carry on shaggin' drinking and gambling in their home countries.

That is cute. I like that.



Everyones situation and circumstance(s) is/are different - some giys are retiired on tight pensions which are easier to live off here in Thailnd.

Some guys are runnign businesses here.

Some guys are even here because they have domestic/personal problems back home ... and some are here because they are running from the law (yup - quite a few of them!!).

I think whats important is what the reason one takes oneself with where they settle in life - no getting away from ones self - so it's what one makes of it that wil ultimately determine which is better.

Speaking for myself, I've lived here most of my life - my family was brought up here, my business is here, my home is here. I have nothing anywhere else (except a house in Los Angeles) - I have nothing anywhere else quite frankly - it is really my only realistic option.

I am happy here? You bet - it is in my opinion a far healthier lifestyle than the mad rush of Western countries - and a far healthier enviroment to bring your kids up in (and safer) - at least in the rural parts of Thailand (I certainly wouldn't want to bring my kids up in an enviroment like Bangkok, Phuket or Pattaya - like hel_l I would).

... it really is down to one's motives (very important), situation and circumstances - whats ideal for me may not be ideal for someone else.


Personally I think a lot depends on who you marry. If on the one hand you marry into a prosperous well educated Thai family you might be better off here as you would have access to influence and connections. Also if you come here with a full ex-pat package or are retired on a fixed income you might find your standard of living a bit higher.

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions.

So, where and why?

Jesus Christ, ,take those blinkers off, so you have highly educated families and Bargirls. Is that it? A rather insulting outlook, maybe you need to get out more.

Was just referring to the ends of the spectrum. Of course there is much in-between and it was very kind of you to point that out to those who might not be as enlightened as you.


Everyones situation and circumstance(s) is/are different - some giys are retiired on tight pensions which are easier to live off here in Thailnd.

Some guys are runnign businesses here.

Some guys are even here because they have domestic/personal problems back home ... and some are here because they are running from the law (yup - quite a few of them!!).

I think whats important is what the reason one takes oneself with where they settle in life - no getting away from ones self - so it's what one makes of it that wil ultimately determine which is better.

Speaking for myself, I've lived here most of my life - my family was brought up here, my business is here, my home is here. I have nothing anywhere else (except a house in Los Angeles) - I have nothing anywhere else quite frankly - it is really my only realistic option.

I am happy here? You bet - it is in my opinion a far healthier lifestyle than the mad rush of Western countries - and a far healthier enviroment to bring your kids up in (and safer) - at least in the rural parts of Thailand (I certainly wouldn't want to bring my kids up in an enviroment like Bangkok, Phuket or Pattaya - like hel_l I would).

... it really is down to one's motives (very important), situation and circumstances - whats ideal for me may not be ideal for someone else.


Thanks MF for a very thoughtful response. I too have lived here for most of my life and do so threw choice and not necessity. The wife and I could in theory live anywhere but after seriously looking around ended up right back where we started "HOME".


This is my favorite time of day to hit the trails and watch the sunset from the site where we are building our own little piece of heaven. Too nice to be indoors on the computer, so play nice while I'm gone. Hope I'll have something interesting to read when I get back.


well posters this one is circulating clockwise, in other words if it gets into a BG thread, then the plug is pulled.

Lets see some positive stuff, my Wife was recently Naturalised as an Ozzie citizen and loves it here, but we have our plans to retire in OZ.

If that doesnt happen then we can still live here and holiday in LOS


We stay here because I don't have to pay tax and when you add that to the cheap standard of living it adds up to a big chunk of change. We would like to do 50/50 but it never works out that simply so the future plan is that Bangkok is home and the UK will be for extended holidays with the folks.

In an ideal world though, 6 months here and 6 months in the UK would be nice.


The current view is to stay in Thailand. I can work fro anywhere and my wife wants to stay here.

The one thing at the back of my mind is if we have a kid. I know a couple of europeans who have gone back home with family for a couple of years just so that the children become bilingual and get a better education. I could actually teach my child more than any school around here - rather depends if they get infected with the 'lazy bug'.



I choose to live here because it is up to me. We could live nearly anywhere but this suits me just fine. My wife is quite happy here so why take a chance that she would hate the USA.


I think it is an extremely good idea to take your new Thai wife back to the west for 5-10 years. With this background you will be better able to function together here in the long run.

The current view is to stay in Thailand. I can work fro anywhere and my wife wants to stay here.

The one thing at the back of my mind is if we have a kid. I know a couple of europeans who have gone back home with family for a couple of years just so that the children become bilingual and get a better education. I could actually teach my child more than any school around here - rather depends if they get infected with the 'lazy bug'.


Good point, a kid would change our plans too. There is no way I would want my kid growing up the thai way. However, if there is no kid there is no problem.

I never looked at it from the viewpoint of being a parent. My wife never had any kids and mine are adults in the US with their own families. I have a friend who agonizes about his daughter and her education. He is seriously considering pulling the plug and heading for the US. I view Thailand as a great place to retire, nothing more.


You laid out the pro & con points very well in your post. In my case, I am retired and for starters my money goes much further in LOS, as well as I like the food, weather, and many other aspects of life here. I was married to a Malaysian Chinese for 7 years in USA and we eventually split up, because she found an American boyfriend (now her husband), who is 10 years younger than she. Such an option (of a younger man) would not have been possible, if we had stayed in Malaysia. So, in the western world at least in my country, women enjoy "freedom of choice" on an equal basis, that has not arrived in this part of the world. I am not saying that this is good or bad, it is just a fact of the different cultural environments.

In shopping for ladies here, I stick to those who want to stay in Thailand and who have some probable reasons to want a stable relationship with me.

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions.

Won't work, the Farangs will carry on shaggin' drinking and gambling in their home countries.

Most can't afford to do it at home ,that's why they're here.



Your quite correct. I do indeed have one of those things and find it quite useful.


I like the 6 months here and 6 months there idea. That is pretty much what we did the last 6 years. A big reason for that was to spend time with my aging parents while we still have a chance. At least my wife had a chance to get to know them before thinks started to get difficult. My mother has Alzheimer's and we just got my parents moved to a retirement home where they can get the help they need. We talk daily and sent pictures but she doesn't remember all that much. Once they are gone I'm not sure why I would want to go back.

If you marry a BG it might be best to take her somewhere else to help break the sex, booze and gambling addictions.

Won't work, the Farangs will carry on shaggin' drinking and gambling in their home countries.

Most can't afford to do it at home ,that's why they're here.

Good point.


Your quite correct. I do indeed have one of those things and find it quite useful.


I like the 6 months here and 6 months there idea. That is pretty much what we did the last 6 years. A big reason for that was to spend time with my aging parents while we still have a chance. At least my wife had a chance to get to know them before thinks started to get difficult. My mother has Alzheimer's and we just got my parents moved to a retirement home where they can get the help they need. We talk daily and sent pictures but she doesn't remember all that much. Once they are gone I'm not sure why I would want to go back.

My parent's and a handfull of friends are the only reason I have to go back. But like everything else, I miss UK when I am over here and miss Thailand when I am in the UK. Sadly there is no paradise. I travel all over the world constantly and have yet to find somewhere that 'has it all'.

If anyone finds it, clue us in.

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