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Are The Children Safe?


How Safe are your children?  

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His "Papa" as you call him died over a year ago, so, much as my son & I would like his input on things, I guess we're (son & I) both stuck with my "say", aren't we? And he is "my" son. Do you really think you can't feel parental love for a child you didn't biologically give birth to? If so, I truly pity you.

Kool Aid; isn't that some disgusting American invention, full of chemicals? No, thanks.

As for education, my son is doing very well with his school & me for extra tuition. He's a very clever little boy.

From your previous posts and these, I really think some other members may be right. It may really be the right time for you to move away from Thailand. Maybe then you can relax, to the benefit of you & your family. Good luck.

Look up Jim Jones and Kool Aid.

Does Thai law recognize "your" son as yours? Who makes decisions for him? I'm sorry to say it, but no Thai will accept you as his mother if you didn't actual birth him.

What's your legal status?

You should lay off the TV forum and go back to watching the O'Rielly Factor seems more akin to your way of thinking. You really are an objectionable human being if your posts are anything to go by.

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NR - I am sure you are a great mum to your child. I wouldn't take too much notice of the OP as he has set out to upset people. The only person who can decide if you are his mum is your child - nobody else

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I think your son would probably be safer if he wasn't sleeping on a desk, what with all those hard edges and about a meters drop to the floor.

Making assumptions now eh?

For your edification, I duct tape his head to the desk. He's perfectly safe and I thank you for your concern.

Have I been called a racist .. hmmm as a black man I have rarely been called a racist. Yet posters here like to call me clickieBOY. Come to America and start calling the black man boy ..

You could always lick his lips and stick him to the window then.

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My son is 2 feet from me as I sit at my computer. He is sleeping on my desk. I have no idea which pollutants made it 2 blocks to my house off Sukhumvhit. I can control the water he drinks, but have no idea what will be in the food he will eat.

I brought a 300 dollar car seat here from America for him. We could still be killed by a motorcycle - just ask the poor bastaards who just died because a bus overturned trying to avoid a motorcycle that crossed its path - he should have run over the motorcycle.

Where will he go to school? I don't want him growing up Thai. Well, he can grow up a little Thai but I do not want some automaton for a son who learns to be blindly obedient, never question authority, and memorize instead of think.

If I see his mother turning him into a little prince I'll put the Kaibash on that pronto. How could I put him on one of those private school buses? You know the kind, the big box like vans with 12 kids all loose inside. They have seat belts but don't use them. Do you think I'll hand him over to the beer breathed driver to take a jaunt down Sukhumvhit on the way to school? Hardly.

There are too many morons running around in states of drunkeness ready to cause mayhem. How do you protect him?

How do you tell a young boy that while every other Nudnik with gonads and testosterone is having fun on motorbikes weaving in and out of traffic - that he cannot? How do you tell him that he will never be allowed to ride a motorbike?

How do you walk with a toddler when this place has exposed wires everywhere? Forget about baby-proofing the house, how do you baby-proof the country?

I am sure you love your son very much:

But do you want him to grow up to be a yes sir no sir lad and not have his say:

You obviously have a Thai wife, but did you not think about this before you took part in the sexual act that brought this life into the world, if you had these thoughts surely you would have taken your Thai wife to your home Country then started the family process.

I think its wrong to want your offspring to be a fraction Thai and a large percentage your home Nationality, if this is the case it will backfire on you when your Son grows up and can make his own decisions.

In any other country theres hot plates, hot mugs, fast cars. drunken people , drugs .

Common Sense and Mother and Father working together to bring up there son and al will be fine.

Well its only my view , as they say in 'Thailand its up to you' .

I have a 4 month old daughter andI know she will be okay:

If you spend to much time worrying about these everyday things you will miss those moments of him growing : COMMON SENSE and all will be okay

Edited by macb
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i agree with maizefarmer's points.i also think location is everything.i visited petchaburi recently,not a bar in sight,a real thai town.in fact very few restaurants.everything there must revolve around the home.they didnt seem jaded by foreigners either.i think a place like that would be good to raise kids,as long as you dont go stir crazy :o .

it also seems to me that more thais are swallowing the western materialistic values.most of the really nice thais ive met are the poor,humble sort.

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My wife says she is ashamed of Khun Thai.

Khun Thai? Among other things, your posts reveal you know very little about Thailand or Thais. Do us all a favor and leave soon for your own sake as well as your child's.

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My son is 2 feet from me as I sit at my computer. He is sleeping on my desk. I have no idea which pollutants made it 2 blocks to my house off Sukhumvhit. I can control the water he drinks, but have no idea what will be in the food he will eat.

I brought a 300 dollar car seat here from America for him. We could still be killed by a motorcycle - just ask the poor bastaards who just died because a bus overturned trying to avoid a motorcycle that crossed its path - he should have run over the motorcycle.

Where will he go to school? I don't want him growing up Thai. Well, he can grow up a little Thai but I do not want some automaton for a son who learns to be blindly obedient, never question authority, and memorize instead of think.

If I see his mother turning him into a little prince I'll put the Kaibash on that pronto. How could I put him on one of those private school buses? You know the kind, the big box like vans with 12 kids all loose inside. They have seat belts but don't use them. Do you think I'll hand him over to the beer breathed driver to take a jaunt down Sukhumvhit on the way to school? Hardly.

There are too many morons running around in states of drunkeness ready to cause mayhem. How do you protect him?

How do you tell a young boy that while every other Nudnik with gonads and testosterone is having fun on motorbikes weaving in and out of traffic - that he cannot? How do you tell him that he will never be allowed to ride a motorbike?

How do you walk with a toddler when this place has exposed wires everywhere? Forget about baby-proofing the house, how do you baby-proof the country?

I carefully wrap my two sons in cotton wool and place them in the bottom drawer !!!!!! Er life is hazardous anywhere my friend!!!

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