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I was first allerted to the existance of Thaivisa.com by a friend who noted that the company I work for was being slagged off on this forum. I responded by coming on and answering specific issues directed at me.

Imagine my horror to discover that I've now progressed from this, to coming on for the purpose of entertainment.

I've degenerated to one of those people who has fun laughing at the posts of others, and making silly comments of my own in response to them... I may have even become a nerd or a geek or something.

My question then are,

Is there any cure for this?

Is any help available or am I doomed to continue this addiction?

Has anyone in the past ever been cured?

What am I to do?



I'd like to suggest a refferal to our local, in-house Doctor...

I'm sure he can prescribe you some form of medication to help you overcome this very painful, distressing ailment you have acquired.

I suffer from the same syndroms. Group therapy perhaps?

I went to a bar in pattaya Soi 5 but they only offered grope therapy! :o


No worries mate. There is a special farm/resort/retirment village with 24 hour psychiatric nursing care from nurses trained at Nana, where you will be taken once you are beyone help. It is owned by Thai Visa. com. It is a place where all your worries will dissapear forever. Just remember to take the pink pills each morning.


Become a member of ThaiVisa (im)posters

About TVIP

tvip® is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from ‘TVIPPING”. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop the TIPS. There are no dues or fees for TVIP membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. TVIP is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, (sometimes though, we do accept foul play) neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay unTVIP’ed and help other TVIP’s to achieve un-tvippity.

Posted on Fri 2004-06-25, 13:38:12

  Become a member of ThaiVisa (im)posters

About TVIP

tvip® is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from ‘TVIPPING”. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop the TIPS. There are no dues or fees for TVIP membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. TVIP is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, (sometimes though, we do accept foul play) neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay unTVIP’ed and help other TVIP’s to achieve un-tvippity. 

A lot of information from someone with 1 post to their credit!

Methinks thee be an impostor of impostors. Admit that you have fallen off the wagon and all may/may not be forgiven!

Surely there is an immoderator out there who can unmask this villain. :o


I'd help but unfortunately the extent of my addiction is such that I am in custodial care at the pleasure of the Court. It is something like being in the army, but there is no leave whatsoever.


if you fear the worst and find your ailment overbearing, stop by the Buddist forum where you will be instructed in the ways of enlightenment and how to free yourself of desire and craving...

Failing that, pop by the jokes forum where entertainment therapy can be found (my jokes are always the best by the way!)

Last, but not least, if you find its all too much to cope with, we can schedule a one-on-one therapy session with one of our highly trained, over qualified members, such as Blue cat, LovelyCutie or Fatter than harry.

Oh and me, of course

My question then are,

Is there any cure for this?

Is any help available or am I doomed to continue this addiction?

Has anyone in the past ever been cured?

What am I to do?

1/ No

2a/ No

2b/ Yes


4/ Dunno


I fear my gf and daughter will have me committed to a mental hospital soon.

Neglecting work, disregarding any attempt of communication from their part and laughing all by myself in front of the flickering screen for hours are just some of the more obvious symptoms. I got away with it for a while, but the excuse of searching visa information is wearing thin rapidly, and is pushing me further over the edge. They don't understand what's so funny about multiple entry visas.

Does anybody know of a lunibin with internet access?


Good idea to have a psycho doctor employed by Thai Visa to handle our whittle of many problems. As to a cure, not possible in this world, we all are insane one way or another.

So welcome to the club :D:D

Daveyo :o


I don't think, it is a permanent damage. Once in a while the computer is broken,

switch it off, wipe your eyes, look at your son or daughter and say "Incredible how you grew up over the last few years."

That's when you call the repair wizzard, and back to cyber world. :o


Actually stroll

Does anybody know of a lunibin with internet access?

You may have just defined Thaivisa.com


Thaivisa is addicting. I just hope it does not cost me my job. I find myself constantly reading the forum at work and my boss is going to have a sh1t fit when he see how much time I spend on here.

Thaivisa is addicting. I just hope it does not cost me my job. I find myself constantly reading the forum at work and my boss is going to have a sh1t fit when he see how much time I spend on here.

Connecting to the internet is not allowed in many companies.

Now, we know the reason,... :o:D


My friends have always thought of me as fairly normal with perhaps a few slight neuroses, until I got addicted to the Bear-Pit and Thaivisa.com. Now even my Thai office staff are giving me pittying looks, and I still can't stop, and I'm the boss!

Work zips by every day on-line and goes so slowly off-line.

Please save me! :o

My friends have always thought of me as fairly normal with perhaps a few slight neuroses,

Fairly normal?

Well, another proof that friends are friends but they never really know you,... :o:D



"Please save me!"

I am sure admin will be glad to oblige...since the policy of giving explanations is in effect now, it will be 'you asked for it'.


Exactly that is because we are in cyber world. Not in the real deal.

Pity us indeed. Hey Doooooooooocccccccccctoooooooooooorrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

Daveyo :o:D



You could try bookmarking my homepage:


Then page down the left hand subheadings to JOKES and Poems and click on ALL the URL's within that topic subheading.

That should supply you with about 2 years of "entertainment", and then you can start checking out the other topic subheadings for additional info in areas of interest to you.

Ken/Lat Bower

San Antonio Texas

Visiting Thailand since 1971

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