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Funeral Of Thai Family Member


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To all that showed sympathy my gratitude.

To the guy who lost his mailbox, don't worry I'm sure it will have a better life away from you.

To Maigo6 : I'm from Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium (in that order of importance to me) and yes it happens in my country too.

As I tried to make clear I love Thailand, and I know that we the rest of the family will do everything to make sure that my sister in law will not suffer financially from this, it's enough that she lost her loving husband, who was a genuinely nice fellow.

It's just that I had the impression every time I visited that this place was a small, tight, friendly community where everyone knows all the others and stuck together in times of hardships, as long ago small communities did in my country to.

My idyllic view has been shattered and that hurts.

Also to the guy that hates people like me that defend Thailand when we feel that it's being attacked, I'm sure that you hate the rest of the world also, and that's fine with me, but please go away.

Once again my sincere gratitude to everybody that showed sympathy.



Well said!!!!

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I'm under the impression that it happens legally in the UK. Die & death taxes pretty much clean out your estate don't they? :o



PS. Sorry to hear that Onzestan.

Make sure to make a will .At least the taxes will be less .Good point though .And that Gordon Brown man looks so nice . :D

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here is the core of my view ... 50 years ago, due to the constilation of the stars the world suffered severely under extreme right, now it's extreme left ######ing it up for everybody else, so I to me the extreme lefts are the real enemy to the world and should be fought with all means.

I know it's rather of topic, but then again, the fact that you're surprised about something like this happening make me wonder if you're one of those extreme lefties ...

Very off topic for sure but more people were killed by the left in the period of 50 - 80 years ago than were killed by the right.

Think Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung.

I don't know if it's sad or funny that you see communism as being left ... sure it was in theory, but not in practice.

are you trying to tell me that Stalin was a communist as ment in the manifest (by the way writing in my county) ?

to me Stalin was just an other extreme right nazi !

I'll make this brief as this is obviously not the place for such political discussion.

Try laying a cd on your pc desk and put your 2 index fingers side by side at the front of it and then move 1 to the left and 1 to the right all the way round the edge.

What happens ? They meet up at some point.

Same with politics, the problem with Nazism and Bolshevism was not that they were right or left wing but they were both extremism be that extreme left or extreme right.

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