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Tv Friday Nights Out


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I second Screws suggestion of Don Joes for next Friday.

As for tonight, we hope to catch up with folks at the beer garden near 8:30 to 9 ish.

We won't make the earlier Bert's whaleathon.

As for tequilla reef, don't know where it is, but would like to try it sometime.

Looking forward to seeing the gang.


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+++++++++++++BREAKING NEWS+++++++++++++++++

raro will perform LIVE at Shooters around 9-ish, 10-ish, whenever the Maestro is walking the thin line between alcohol induced inspiration and passing out...

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+++++++++++++BREAKING NEWS+++++++++++++++++

raro will perform LIVE at Shooters around 9-ish, 10-ish, whenever the Maestro is walking the thin line between alcohol induced inspiration and passing out...

Cool - where's Shooters?

Just South of Hooters

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Anyone mind if I come along and join you guys? I arrived last night and have just slept until 4pm, so am ready to head out for a beer or 3. Where are the venues folks are talking about?


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How dare anyone cast aspersions on my ability to stay upright. Why just the other night I BF'ld 6.....

Oh, sorry there, I got confused, that is what you meant!

Well that is why God invented chairs.


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Anyone mind if I come along and join you guys? I arrived last night and have just slept until 4pm, so am ready to head out for a beer or 3. Where are the venues folks are talking about?


yes anyone is welcome to come along

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Anyone mind if I come along and join you guys? I arrived last night and have just slept until 4pm, so am ready to head out for a beer or 3. Where are the venues folks are talking about?



All are welcome, but be warned that some like sweet chariot have been known to drink to excess.

I mean there are LIMITS.

google tropical Berts for a map there.

google Pattaya beer garden for some info, I've been there several times, but cannot seem to remember exactly how to get there. It is just past the water works on your way into walking street, past a passle of beer bars, on the water.

hope you make it


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+++++++++++++BREAKING NEWS+++++++++++++++++

raro will perform LIVE at Shooters around 9-ish, 10-ish, whenever the Maestro is walking the thin line between alcohol induced inspiration and passing out...


We wanted to know what you would be performing?

Have they issued you your numbered disc yet?

she who run with scissors and kdf

Edited by kdf
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What are you doing on the board? It is almost 7pm.

turn off your computer and pick up your glass


Working on a special mission related to a event next weekend, mmmm scraps are yummy

will be down PBG about 9pm

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I do deliberately not answer on KDF's post as I did in person yesterday. Hope your eye will heal off soon.

Anyways, did not perform, found some brown M&Ms again...

Great night and welcome to Sorcer or whatever his name was, a self-declared pervert and on par with KDF what clearing out alcohol stocks is concerned...not sure why, but you fit in well...

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A great evening as usual, KDF didn't fall over, although he was a bit 'whipped' :o

Apologies to SWRWS for eating her plant - I will buy her a new one.

Nice to meet saucer, I hope you found a cup last night :D

Edited by sweetchariot
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What a croud last night at the PBG. Welcome to Saorso, who is a good fit to our group. Good to see Buckwheat again who I have not seen in a long time.

All the regulars showed up last night, with the table dull it was an enjoyable night. We all had a good time.


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Was good for me to catch up again with everyone. Things went a bit strange for me for a while but my g/f relocated to Pattaya and is enjoying it here. After we left the beer garden we went to walking street because she said she wanted to see a go go bar. I think I will be able to persuade her off the CM bus and back to the house but only if I promise never to take her back there again.


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Well last night was great, mostly.

Good crowd, old faces, new faces, and a wee bit of alcohol.

Special thanks to Begs and Mama noodles for their transportation help.

Here I should thank Sweets and his lovely lady, why can I not remember her name, for their transport help. However, Sweets true self came out last night and it was not too sweet. The most understandable thing he did was eat part of one of the palms on our deck.

I am a fairly open minded guy, but a go go bar where the girls whip the customers? What is that about Sweets?

We have all seen the usual rubber insulation used in some go go bars as a loud sounding, but soft hitting whip substitute, haven't we all?

That is NOT what I am talking about here. This was true Spanish inquisition stuff. The horrible device of torture is what I think is referred to as a cat of nine tails, often used to flog pirates to death.

From my usual up close and personal position one of the scantily clad demons decided that I might enjoy a little pain. WRONG!!!! After screaming and cursing and repeatedly saying NO in a loud and what I assumed a threatening voice, I sat back down. 2-3 minutes later I get another whack. I repeat the verbal performance and go to the bar to hide behind Sweets lady. After just enough time for me to determine that I wasn't yet bleeding from the welts, around the corner sneaks another vicious venomous vixen of vileness and whacks me from her hiding place.

Ok that is enough for the kid. I leave quickly happy to find that I have been followed only by Sweets and his lady. It is now 3AM and I suggest yet another, but less painfull watering hole, but wait. We are missing one of our number and a new guy at that. Summoning all the courage that my belly full of Jack Daniels could lend me, I stormed back into the denizen of degradation to save one of our own. No one left behind, right. Is he dead, hurt and unable to run for freedom, no he is at ease with a smile and a drink, and no thanks to going on I'm just fine here he says.

I am not sure we can do this, but I would vote that he lose his new guy status immediately and be granted the dubious honor of regular.


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Just wanted to say how much fun I had with the gang last night!

Sorry that B.O.T. and his adorable + 1 are moving away. We may just have to invade Korat sometime.

It was also nice to see so many people show up. Buckwheat, I hope your sweetie is all right (you know better than to have her sit next to me for very long). I tried to warn her that Jack Daniels straight takes years of practice.

This “new guy” Sore-something, I think he will fit in well with us “Pattucians”.

As for Sweets … I truly believe you are a demented chain smoking nocturnal Gardener from hel_l. Need more FIBER in yer diet, do ya?? Anyway, thanks for the fun all of you.

I just wished I coulda seen ol’ kdf get whipped by some creature of the night.

Sweet dreams… She Who Runs With Scissors

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Well I met Saorsa yesterday, and he had welts on his back as well :o I did give the girl in the bar a slight whipping, which seemed to instigate this painfest, however I got away whip free.

As for the palm - it was a fire hazard and I thought I was doing SWRWS a favour (yes that's how you spell favour in English. We also have taps, not faucets).

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Well I met Saorsa yesterday, and he had welts on his back as well :o I did give the girl in the bar a slight whipping, which seemed to instigate this painfest, however I got away whip free.

hehe...i went back to same gogo tonight (last night??). was going to stay in and not touch any booze due to too much red bull on friday, but chariots persuaded me to head out (it took a lot of persuading, honest). another afternoon and evening of drunken debauchery ensued which finished with a BG throwing up in my bahroom...nice!

anyways, was great to meet up with you all and ta for making me feel so welcome. off to BKK on monday to catch up with friends there, but should be back and healthy ready for next friday.


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First off, congratulations to SWRWS for her first successful post, was easier than you thought, eh?

Looks like I missed the best part of the evening...whips and chains....and I (we) always believed that KDF was into it...come on, they just wanted to do you something good, bad boy you are! :o

which finished with a BG throwing up in my bahroom...nice!

I understood already that you are into weird things such as the aforementioned whips....but with this one I am really loosing you.... :D

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Mama Nououdles,


You mean you know ouf such places and have nout warned your inebriant louving friend, whou might be mislead by soumeoune, even soumeoune trying tou dou them a favouror or a taps?

(joust trying oute the nouw spelling souggestiouns froum Sweets)

Interesting aside oun our group, they has issued several PM's tou me asking the wherabouts of said place.


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