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Letter To Pattayatoday


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I have just read a letter in the latest Pattayatoday from a ferang who complains about geting soaked, abused and painted on, although he waited untill what he thought was a safe time to venture out. wh

t amaizes me is that the editor has rplied with a footnote suggestin he is a spo

l sport. what planet is the editor from?  Nb. the ferangs shirt was ruined. :o

Edited by carnival1200
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Anyone who has spent significant time in Thailand (and it sound like the writer has) should know that the official time for cessation of festivities means little in Thailand. I mean, it's not a place known to run by strict clockwork.

I'm with the editor on this one.

Link to the letter:


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I'm guessing that the letter was concerning "Songkran", in which case I would agree with the editor, it was his choice to venture out, surely he understood the festival?

suppose your right as even a poor innocent new tourist should be prepaired to be soaked, abused and painted on - goes to help improve the image of the place when tourism is taking a hit (surely everyone understands the featival :o )

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I'm guessing that the letter was concerning "Songkran", in which case I would agree with the editor, it was his choice to venture out, surely he understood the festival?

suppose your right as even a poor innocent new tourist should be prepaired to be soaked, abused and painted on - goes to help improve the image of the place when tourism is taking a hit (surely everyone understands the featival :D )

So you want the whole country to change the way they celebrate their holidays so that some poor innocent tourist doesn't get his shirt wet?

Gotta let you in on a secret... when it's 38c and a newbie tourist arrives who hasn't yet acclimatized, there's no way the shirt is staying dry anyway. :o

Was that your letter by chance?

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I'm guessing that the letter was concerning "Songkran", in which case I would agree with the editor, it was his choice to venture out, surely he understood the festival?

suppose your right as even a poor innocent new tourist should be prepaired to be soaked, abused and painted on - goes to help improve the image of the place when tourism is taking a hit (surely everyone understands the featival :o )

No disrespect, but most of us take the time to learn about Thailand and Thai culture.

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I'm guessing that the letter was concerning "Songkran", in which case I would agree with the editor, it was his choice to venture out, surely he understood the festival?

suppose your right as even a poor innocent new tourist should be prepaired to be soaked, abused and painted on - goes to help improve the image of the place when tourism is taking a hit (surely everyone understands the featival :D )

So you want the whole country to change the way they celebrate their holidays so that some poor innocent tourist doesn't get his shirt wet?

Gotta let you in on a secret... when it's 38c and a newbie tourist arrives who hasn't yet acclimatized, there's no way the shirt is staying dry anyway. :o

Was that your letter by chance?

Not at all - certanily aware of songkran and how it has changed from  a respectfull festival to a time of chaos.  Most ferangs with half a brain leave during this period.

PS you dont seem to read abused and painted on - only wet shirt!!!!!!

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Not at all - certanily aware of songkran and how it has changed from a respectfull festival to a time of chaos. Most ferangs with half a brain leave during this period.

I think that you are a little over excited 'carnival1200'. Water and paint is nothing compared with what you said in there! You are wetting with ignorance and painting with offence :o

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Not at all - certanily aware of songkran and how it has changed from a respectfull festival to a time of chaos. Most ferangs with half a brain leave during this period.

I think that you are a little over excited 'carnival1200'. Water and paint is nothing compared with what you said in there! You are wetting with ignorance and painting with offence :o

Sorry i dont understand your attempt to wax lyrical - stck to your water pistol

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Not at all - certanily aware of songkran and how it has changed from a respectfull festival to a time of chaos. Most ferangs with half a brain leave during this period.

I think that you are a little over excited 'carnival1200'. Water and paint is nothing compared with what you said in there! You are wetting with ignorance and painting with offence :D

Sorry i dont understand your attempt to wax lyrical - stck to your water pistol

Ok I will...just do not get too pizzoff if you do not get too much support... :o

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I have just read a letter in the latest Pattayatoday from a ferang who complains about geting soaked, abused and painted on, although he waited untill what he thought was a safe time to venture out. what amaizes me is that the editor has rplied with a footnote suggestin he is a spoil sport. what planet is the editor from? Nb. the ferangs shirt was ruined. :o

For someone with the name 'carnival' you sound like a bit of a party pooper to me !!! Lighten up dude who cares :D

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C'mon Carnival, lighten up a bit. If the letter writer cared so much, he should have left town for the period (he ain't no tourist - he knew when the festivities were due to end, & virtually all tourists love Songkran!)

I'm sure it wasn't paint, but rather that goopy stuff the Thais love at Songkran and as for abuse, I would hazard a guess that he had a few choice words to say as well.

There are many things to get upset about & write stern letters to the editor, this isn't one of them, IMO.

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I once got out of a tuktuk at the bottom of Bangla the day before Sokhran was due to start , bought my Bangkok Post and strolled up to my watering hole. By the time I got there my newspaper was sopping wet , as was I. I threw the paper in the bin and ordered a beer. Mai pen rai.

PS. I do think people who put ice cubes in their pails of water deserve life imprisonment at the very least.


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Songkran finished months ago - is this even relevant anymore? :o


PS you dont seem to read abused and painted on - only wet shirt!!!!!!

By "Painted On" i am assuming someone put some of the baby powder on him.

I'd be interested to know what the author considered "being abused"?

PS. I do think people who put ice cubes in their pails of water deserve life imprisonment at the very least.

I guess i'd be starting in on my sentence now then :D

Edited by dave111223
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On a serious note, a well aimed pail of water in the face can temporarily blind a motor cyclist.

It happened to me once and knocked me in the path of taxi which didn't manage to brake fast enough.

The bike was hurt more than me until I got the repair bill.

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On a serious note, a well aimed pail of water in the face can temporarily blind a motor cyclist.

It happened to me once and knocked me in the path of taxi which didn't manage to brake fast enough.

The bike was hurt more than me until I got the repair bill.

Lucky you that stay out of the accident statistics.....during this time is when most accidents occur. But as you said "a well aimed pail of water"....this is the point.

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So you want the whole country to change the way they celebrate their holidays so that some poor innocent tourist doesn't get his shirt wet?

Not the whole country.

Where i live in Bangkok, outside the tourist and entertainment zones, i can during Songkran still go anywhere and be completely dry if i choose to. People still make a polite wai before sprinkling me with a bit of water or carefully applying some facial powder, and nobody does simply splash me with water. When i politely decline there will be no verbal abuse or insults. Doing this would not be a good idea where i live - it's a bit rough here, so people will think twice before insulting somebody from the neighborhood. Which makes it a very safe and friendly place to live. :o

But when i move in the tourist and entertainment areas and get splashed, i can't complain. If i can't take it, i will stay away. One or two days of it is fun.

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