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How many victims of road traffic accidents are indeed suicide.


Probably less than the number of official suicides that aren't..

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If someone's had enough(for what ever reason)and they are of fairly sound mind ,what right has anyone got to step in and stop them.

The attention seekers will still be alive tomorrow.

If someone's had enough(for what ever reason)and they are of fairly sound mind ,what right has anyone got to step in and stop them.

The attention seekers will still be alive tomorrow.

Killing myself slowly everyday with LM kheows, no one stepping in to stop me but please do if you see me smoking on the parapet. :o

Usually a healthy mind can not understand why people take their lives

What about the attempted suicides you know the ones that don't actually do it?

I understand it's a cry for help, if that's the case why don't they just shout, help?

I think you might be confusing "Staged" suicide for attention, with "Attempted" suicide, where they really "Attempted" to end their life.

They say that it is mostly women that stage suicide,and even if they are serious then they do it with pills as a gun or jumping is to messy and will screw up the face.

I knew this broad that took a bunch of pills,and when she woke up and wasn't dead,she broke the glass that she used for water to swallow the pills,cut her wrists and also ###### near cut her own head off,but someone happened in about that time and got her an ambulance and she was some kinda pissed about it. :D

My great uncle had cancer in his stomach and had been operated on and was dying a painful death,so he went out in the yard,sat in a lawn chair,stuck the barrel of a mod.99 savage .300 cal. in his mouth and blew his red hat up on the roof of the house. I never did like him anyway,he only used to pay me $2 a day for work in the hay fields when everyone else payed me $3. :o

If someone's had enough(for what ever reason)and they are of fairly sound mind ,what right has anyone got to step in and stop them.

It is a basic right of every human being to pull another out of despair, save another life.

If someone's had enough(for what ever reason)and they are of fairly sound mind ,what right has anyone got to step in and stop them.

It is a basic right of every human being to pull another out of despair, save another life.

I agree, suicide is a selfish act, especially if others are dependant (emotionally,

financially) on that person. The person should be stopped and at least asked to

reconsider the decision.

You're very right.

This is not a funny matter.

And I am also guilty of posting some "jokes" on the subject.

I guess our way of exorcising it.

Only happen to others.

Does it,...?

Bluecat, I do agree with you, I have had a fw friends go that way for their reasons. The shock and dislocation the the family and friends left behind can be terrible.

I would like to comment though, many have been chased by the Demons or the "Black Cloud" etc etc, and often the only way it can dealt with is by laughing at it. After all, laughter is considered to be a manifestation of fear.

Soldiers going into combat often have a laugh at whats going to happen.

So making ligkt of this terrible subject may be more a defence mechignism rather than bad taste.


Tip of the day.

All of you who want to say bye bye and are serious, when it comes to slitting your wrists do it from the hand up to the elbow as a lateral incision is easily fixed up, providing they find you in time.

The way I have suggested is an absolute way of departing this life.

Good luck and goodbye


There are entire websites dedicated to this stuff. A worthwhile read is the American 'Journal of Pathology', which has a monthly feature on the most bizzare suicides.

I'll leave it to those interested to search for details.

=mbkudu,Sat 2004-07-03, 13:09:49 It is a basic right of every human being to pull another out of despair, save another life. I agree, suicide is a selfish act, especially if others are dependant (emotionally, financially) on that person. The person should be stopped and at least asked to reconsider the decision.

You might here start to argue, if euthanasia is equally a basic human right.

To help another out of despair, to help him to die....

Suicide is not always a selfish act, especially if it is impossible to continue the own life due to incurable illness and severe pain....

Another totally different question is of course suicide out of emotional reasons. Such suicide is done out of anger, disappointment, out of a sudden confusion.....I am sure, most of such people, who committed suicide, would talk rather different one week later and regret and reconsider such a decision. Yes, such a person, if possible should be stopped.... I agree...


Do all the Farangs propping up bars all day long drinking themselves to death count as suicide statistics?

Or is it a case of accidental death?

The shock and dislocation the the family and friends left behind can be terrible.

Can not be.

It is.

Especially if the one commiting suicide is young.

As more and more of them are,...


My father tried to commit suicide when I was about 10. I found him on the bathroom floor with his wrists cut with a razor. He spent the rest of his life in mental hospitals or other institutions.

What drives a person to suicide? I think it is when you have lost control of your life. When you are in a hole and there is no way to get out. When you have lost hope.

Thailand is a great place for rich farangs - a kind of paradise, but if your finances take a dive then it can turn into a nightmare. Having burnt bridges to come to live in Thailand, many people despair at the idea of going back to the old country. Living in Thailand can be a brutal experience for the poor. So many poor people take what they think is the only way out.


Very true, but, and this is easier to say than live, it is often the delusionary clinging to an identity which causes suffering and despair.

Sorry, I just spent some time in the Buddhist forum, but also speaking from personal experience, having had a few 'earthquakes' during my time.


One can't stop people from joking about suicides,but I do endorse Buddaboy's statement that it is no joking matter.

My 22 year old son committed suicide by ingesting cyanide.When I spoke to him on the phone 24hrs before the tragic event,he said he was going to do something illegal.Never did it enter my mind that he was going to take his own life.

His untimely death has had an enormous impact on family members,especially his mother ,even now 20 years after his death.She still has not come to terms with her grief.Nor has she read his final letter.

For more than 10 yrs,his sister and I[father] never uttered his name,and it took me a futher 2 years before I could discuss the event without being overwhelmed with emotion.


I'm afraid nobody can post after you, Naja.

I mean nothing we can say is relevant to you.

And I'm not talking about jokes only.

What is relevant compared to your loss?


We all hope it will not happen to us.

And we will sure never be able to fully understand your loss.

My sincere condolences.

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