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Been a randy Sod all my life. But now, quite suddenly, I have gone off sex!

When I first came to LOS I was like a kid in a Chocolate Factory.

The Fems really turned me on. But now I look at them and .......NOTHING!

Has this happened to anyone else?

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Happened to me me, mostly as a result of bad lifestyle, bad diet and mega-stress in my work life.

I'm from the UK so it's not difficult be non-randy here!!!! Even when I'm in Thailand, I don't really have an interest in sex. I'm 43 and should still be as rampant as hel_l. I too have experience looking at someone who should set my pulse racing and my blood pressure rising - but, like you, NOTHING.

It's probably psychological if you're in OK shape. Wouldn't hurt to go and have a quick check up.

I've improved slightly and quite happy to not be like a 'permanently erect' eighteen-year-old. But I'm sure it's mental. Maybe a bit more experimentation in your private life.

Good luck anyway. Good health to you....


Being a diabetic blood pressure medication and certain other drugs will really put a halt to sex drive, After I arrived in Thailand my B/P returned to normal and I stopped medication, Sex drive improved quickly. Now I too find it decreassing but in my case I believe it to be releated to age for I am 66.

If I was younger I would seriously consider getting checked out in a Bangkok Hospital I have been very happy with Bangkok Nursing Hospital amd the price is very reasonable


I went off sex and stopped having sex with my girlfriend.... but then I started having sex with other people and I realised I was fine, it was her! :o

Give it time and I'm sure you'll be back as right as rain!

Perhaps you are gay??? :D We do have a gay forum, perhaps they may help????? :o

go to panthip ,buy some smut watch it with your girl freind ,if that doesnt work try viagra,if that doesnt work then theres no hope ,more girls for us :D

Perhaps you are gay??? :D We do have a gay forum, perhaps they may help????? :o

go to panthip ,buy some smut watch it with your girl freind ,if that doesnt work try viagra,if that doesnt work then theres no hope ,more girls for us :D

If diet, weight, blood pressure, alcohol, caffeine intake, stress, gone off your girfriend, no exercise, are not the issues go and have a check up with full blood count, liver function and PSA. If that doesn't work, consider male menopause - which does exist, or becoming a monk. Alternatively, if its not really worrying you consider the freedom you've now found in not having a sexual fantasy every 6 minutes. Also the disappearance of your wife/ girlfriends jealousy everytime you pay any attention to another woman.

My libido has been deliberately killed off as part of my prostate treatment. At first it was a concern, but now its amazing how much else there is to think about besides sex, - I think

Perhaps you are gay??? :D We do have a gay forum, perhaps they may help????? :o

go to panthip ,buy some smut watch it with your girl freind ,if that doesnt work try viagra,if that doesnt work then theres no hope ,more girls for us :D

If diet, weight, blood pressure, alcohol, caffeine intake, stress, gone off your girfriend, no exercise, are not the issues go and have a check up with full blood count, liver function and PSA. If that doesn't work, consider male menopause - which does exist, or becoming a monk. Alternatively, if its not really worrying you consider the freedom you've now found in not having a sexual fantasy every 6 minutes. Also the disappearance of your wife/ girlfriends jealousy everytime you pay any attention to another woman.

My libido has been deliberately killed off as part of my prostate treatment. At first it was a concern, but now its amazing how much else there is to think about besides sex, - I think

I have an enlarged inflamed prostate so maybe it is that.......Taking antibiotics for it.

Otherwise I am baffled...... dont smoke, not overweight, one beer a day, take vitamins etc.

I am rather old. But that shouldn't be the cause. Men can have good sex into their 80s.

Feel like a diabetic in a sweet shop! UGH.

Been a randy Sod all my life. But now, quite suddenly, I have gone off sex!

When I first came to LOS I was like a kid in a Chocolate Factory.

The Fems really turned me on. But now I look at them and .......NOTHING!

Has this happened to anyone else?

i think its complaceny,( is that how you spell it ? ) ,take the opportuniy away, and youll want it ! funny old life ,.

My wife went off of sex years ago. Yep, once a Thai hits 30 they really think life is over. She has given me permission to have sex with her for the second baby..... i just have to agree to have another baby.

did i tell you i didn't pay a dime for sinsod.... I'd ask for a refund if I could


My wife went off of sex years ago. Yep, once a Thai hits 30 they really think life is over.

Hm, that's not my experience .... perhaps the problem is not your wife ...



I think it is normal if you overdo something. ...anything.

try eating pizza for a whole week. breakfast, lunch, and dinner. and then, see what happens.

still, sometimes I wonder. there are people here who I know who eat somdam all day for all their life, and they never get tired of it.



Let me make sure what you are saying here. Libido as in desire and not the ability to get an erection. They are two entirely different things and viagra will do nothing for desire. When you can verify that I can make some recommendations.


Let me make sure what you are saying here. Libido as in desire and not the ability to get an erection. They are two entirely different things and viagra will do nothing for desire. When you can verify that I can make some recommendations.

Thanks John.

I seem to have lost the desire that I used to have in abundance......thats given rise to Impotence.

Cant understand it?

My wife went off of sex years ago. Yep, once a Thai hits 30 they really think life is over.

Hm, that's not my experience .... perhaps the problem is not your wife ...


Yea, sometimes I wonder if it because its too big...

Seriously folks, it aint me, she has told me so, she just mentally not interested. She told me I could be Brad Pit, Johny Dep etc bare neke'd and she wouldn't care..... yep.... got a long life ahead of me. Sexless marriage, it aint something to envy.


Let me make sure what you are saying here. Libido as in desire and not the ability to get an erection. They are two entirely different things and viagra will do nothing for desire. When you can verify that I can make some recommendations.

Thanks John.

I seem to have lost the desire that I used to have in abundance......thats given rise to Impotence.

Cant understand it?

Ok to start off with you need to understand a few things that can be hidden unless you look for them. Like women, men also have a regular cycle. The older a man is the more he becomes aware of it. That cycle is tied to desire. For myself my cycle seems to be about 50 days. For about one week my sexual desire is near zero. Then about 10 days later I can’t seem to get enough. To best describe it for me it would look like a heart beat on a EKG with a significant period between each pulse. The length of the cycle is not the same for everyone. To find your cycle all you need is a calendar and a pencil. You should mark days with desire without sexual activity. The same for days with sexual activity along with anything else like your ambient stress level. That should be enough information to find the length of your cycle.

For the short term you can indulge in aphrodisiacs. One of the most potent I have found in Thailand is Ginseng tea. The strongest Ginseng root is from Korea and you can find that at Tokyu at MBK. That works fast in about 10 minutes but does not last long perhaps an hour, but by that time most people are done with sexual activities.

Also a sudden change in your diet can lead to this. Certain vitamins and minerals are directly related to sexual activity and desire. Zinc and vitamins E and B come to mind without getting out my books.

Prolonged exposure to heat can also reduce your sex drive. A teacher who is teaching in un-air-conditioned class rooms as an example. Wearing boxers would be better than briefs in that case.

That would be the first things I would do. If the problem persists then I would look deeper at other possible problems. If you have not had a physical in a while then get one with full blood work and get your testosterone level checked.

Other possibilities include a virus, stress, or even an insect bite.

I am a bit concerned in that I have had an unusual high number of men in the past 3 months contact me on this. I am beginning to wonder if there is some unknown in the environment, a virus, or just a generally higher stress level.


These days I prefer a good beer or whisk(e)y to sex. Not so sure the missus is overjoyed knowing she is No2 in my mind, but lives with it OK. Besides, a drink is a lot less trouble.

These days I prefer a good beer or whisk(e)y to sex. Not so sure the missus is overjoyed knowing she is No2 in my mind, but lives with it OK. Besides, a drink is a lot less trouble.

:o So, who or what is No. 1 ? The beer/whisky or your Mia Noi ?


Been a randy Sod all my life. But now, quite suddenly, I have gone off sex!

When I first came to LOS I was like a kid in a Chocolate Factory.

The Fems really turned me on. But now I look at them and .......NOTHING!

Has this happened to anyone else?

THis could be due to the novelty of LOS wearing thin. The thai men, if you notice, are very chilled out around good looking thai women, so maybe its getting used to the whole scene as well take, as you say, a kid in the chocolate factory being the guy just back in LOS and then getting used to it all (again!) and you see where I'm coming from.

I've had a reduced desire before, and decided to go bike touring, after a few days of roving adventure my desire returned. I think being in one place for too long (for me anyway) starts to erode not just my sex drive but my zest for doing new things and creativity. Take a break from any excess habits like boozing, smoking and sex. Jerking off should be relented as well as too much of this will leave you drained (mentally and physically). Exercise is a good tool for being proactive and keeping fit, undoubtably this will also get your love needle back in the groove :o


Let me make sure what you are saying here. Libido as in desire and not the ability to get an erection. They are two entirely different things and viagra will do nothing for desire. When you can verify that I can make some recommendations.

Thanks John.

I seem to have lost the desire that I used to have in abundance......thats given rise to Impotence.

Cant understand it?

Ok to start off with you need to understand a few things that can be hidden unless you look for them. Like women, men also have a regular cycle. The older a man is the more he becomes aware of it. That cycle is tied to desire. For myself my cycle seems to be about 50 days. For about one week my sexual desire is near zero. Then about 10 days later I can’t seem to get enough. To best describe it for me it would look like a heart beat on a EKG with a significant period between each pulse. The length of the cycle is not the same for everyone. To find your cycle all you need is a calendar and a pencil. You should mark days with desire without sexual activity. The same for days with sexual activity along with anything else like your ambient stress level. That should be enough information to find the length of your cycle.

For the short term you can indulge in aphrodisiacs. One of the most potent I have found in Thailand is Ginseng tea. The strongest Ginseng root is from Korea and you can find that at Tokyu at MBK. That works fast in about 10 minutes but does not last long perhaps an hour, but by that time most people are done with sexual activities.

Also a sudden change in your diet can lead to this. Certain vitamins and minerals are directly related to sexual activity and desire. Zinc and vitamins E and B come to mind without getting out my books.

Prolonged exposure to heat can also reduce your sex drive. A teacher who is teaching in un-air-conditioned class rooms as an example. Wearing boxers would be better than briefs in that case.

That would be the first things I would do. If the problem persists then I would look deeper at other possible problems. If you have not had a physical in a while then get one with full blood work and get your testosterone level checked.

Other possibilities include a virus, stress, or even an insect bite.

I am a bit concerned in that I have had an unusual high number of men in the past 3 months contact me on this. I am beginning to wonder if there is some unknown in the environment, a virus, or just a generally higher stress level.


I agree with all the above, but since you mentioned an enlarged, inflamed prostate, go and get it checked. John, maybe the high number of men you have seen has more to do with their age and declining sexual function than a virus ? Tim

I have an enlarged inflamed prostate so maybe it is that.......Taking antibiotics for it.

Saw Palmetto is something you can take to help address an inflamed prostate, and it's safer than antibiotics. You can get supplements easily enough through the Internet. Some nutritional or vitamins stores in LOS might carry it too.


Tim so far the youngest has been 37 and the oldest 63 so a virus is still a contender. Desire is tied to hormones and the natural decline as one ages is normal. Staying sexually active naturally keeps the hormone level up. A person who is not sexually active in their late 30's may have less hormones than a sexually active 60 year old.

I did however completely miss what he said about his prostate being inflamed. That however is more tied to ejaculation and not desire. To know about a inflamed prostate requires an examination so I am curious as to how that was diagnosed unless it is difficult to urinate. The exam requires a rubber glove ,a tube of KY and about 10 seconds of holding on to the end of the exam table.

Testosterone is primary produced in the testes. Your testes are slightly cooler than the rest of you body and move up and down like a thermostat to keep the temperature constant. Men with low sperm counts are told not to wear briefs for that reason. It stands to reason it can effect the level of testosterone produced too.

Once all the reasons above in my posts have been ruled out and perhaps a few more then the next logical step is move on to the primary sex organ known as the human brain. Only then is hypnotherapy introduced. Psychotherapy is much less effective as desire comes directly from the subconscious mind. It is simply one of the therapies that hypnotherapy is the first best and probably the only logical choice.

These days I prefer a good beer or whisk(e)y to sex. Not so sure the missus is overjoyed knowing she is No2 in my mind, but lives with it OK. Besides, a drink is a lot less trouble.

:o So, who or what is No. 1 ? The beer/whisky or your Mia Noi ?


Give me the booze first. Have enough & the other has less importance. Not an alcy, just enough to sleep.

...Like women, men also have a regular cycle. The older a man is the more he becomes aware of it. That cycle is tied to desire. For myself my cycle seems to be about 50 days. For about one week my sexual desire is near zero. Then about 10 days later I can’t seem to get enough. .......Prolonged exposure to heat can also reduce your sex drive. A teacher who is teaching in un-air-conditioned class rooms as an example. Wearing boxers would be better than briefs in that case.......

I am a bit concerned in that I have had an unusual high number of men in the past 3 months contact me on this. I am beginning to wonder if there is some unknown in the environment, a virus, or just a generally higher stress level.

John, I never heard of this "regular cycle" for men. Mine is still as high as it was when I was 14, if not higher, so my cycle must be about 59 years long, or longer. I'll agree that many men (not I) lose their libido with age, that many men have very low libido, etc. I never heard of aphrodisiacs that work, but maybe they exist. I taught in hot classrooms which did nothing to decrease my drive. Anyway, I'll go for the inflamed prostate in Luckydog's case, or smoking, medications, booze, etc.

You never know, though. Your next climax might be your last. :o

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