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Yes that would be good mate.

Whats your email?

What i will do is email you exactly how im going to make the application.

Then if possible and you dont mind you could point out if there is anything i need to add.

Ill send it to you in a couple of hours mate, might take me a while to write it up and send it to you.

When you recieve it, tell me what you think mate.

Obviously you have been through this process before so your thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.

Just let me know your mail address conner.

Thanks bruv..


Just a tip guys, dont put your email addresses on here for the world to see. PM them to each other or continue to correspond by PM.

Put the cursor over the ID name and click the downward arrow, then click 'send message'


Well i have just about got my wifes application ready.

Was wondering if anyone would kindly let me pm them with how (more or less exactly) i have set it out?

Then maybe you could pm me or post your thoughts/mistakes if any to let me know what you think about the application.

Thanks all.



With my application ready and just waiting for a few ok`s, i was just wondering if i could supply photos which i have on my laptop.

I have around 30 photos on my laptop which i have taken on my phone, i then put them on my laptop.

Is it possible the embassy will accept these as they will be printed off????

Also i have photos ( originals ) of me at her home but not with my wife.

Me with her ma, me with her pap, me with the cousins, on the beach with her family etc etc.

Does the embassy only want to see photos of my wife and I ?

I have around 200 photos all together through out our relationship and also around 30 on my laptop.

Showing photos of just me with her mam and me wth her pap help our application ?

Or like i say, is it just photos of my wife and I they want to see ?

Thanks all.



Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone could offer me info in what my mother should state in her welcome letter, welcoming my wife.

Also what should my brother state in his welcoming letter for the wife?




Your brother doesn't need to write a letter. Instead, your mother should write one addressed to the visa officer in which she states how many bedrooms the property has, how many people currently live there, that your wife is welcome to live there with you, and whether it is owned/mortgaged/rented. She should also supply evidence of her ownership/mortgage/rental.



Thats correct you dont need a letter from your brother, however as he is living under the same roof i would stick a letter in. Not going to do any harm is it.



Just reading your thread and I think you have everything covered. Me and my girlfriend got a visit visa afterknowing each other a short time and we then got a student visa and it was all done from following advice on thsi website

All the best

Gino and Eis

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