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Another Aussie Child Sex Abuser To Be Extradited


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Child sex accused to be extradited

SOUTH Australian police have issued a warrant for the arrest of an accused Anglican pedophile and are understood to be preparing for his extradition from Thailand.

The arrest warrant, lodged in court on Friday, outlines plans to charge the former staff member at an exclusive Adelaide boys school with eight counts of sex abuse against one victim in 1992.

The legal move follows the release this month of the Anglican independent inquiry report into mishandling by the diocese of claims of sex abuse.

The staff member's sacking in June 1992 for allegedly abusing a student; his flight from the country the following day; a visit from then archbishop Ian George as he prepared to leave; and the fact the police were informed 17 days later, moved the board of inquiry to suggest Anglican staff took part in a cover-up.

Premier Mike Rann immediately called for the extradition of the man and the investigation of staff at the school. Pressure from the state Government, and internal pressure from members of the church, prompted the resignation of Dr George on June 11.

The accused pedophile was tracked by The Australian two weeks ago to a house in Bangkok, next door to a senior Thai diplomat and down the road from a primary school. He spoke briefly, saying he "would rather let sleeping dogs lie" than talk about the abuse allegations.

The complaints that form the basis of the arrest warrant come from another former student whose abuse was not uncovered until after the man was out of the country.

At the time of the staff member's sacking, the school leader responsible for disciplining staff was the deputy headmaster.

The Australian has been told it was the deputy head who announced to shocked staff in the school's common room at morning tea in 1992 that the male staff member had been dismissed. He reportedly said the sacking was the end of the matter and asked everyone not to talk about it.

Approached last week, the now retired deputy headmaster said he did not wish to be quoted on his role in the matter.

"I have nothing to say that would be constructive or useful," he said.

"I don't want to say anything that will interfere with the process."

He confirmed he co-operated with the independent Anglican inquiry and that he would co-operate with the police investigation.

South Australian Police Commissioner Mal Hyde has instructed the state's pedophile taskforce, which is investigating about 50 other alleged pedophiles with links to the Anglican Church and other organisations, to also investigate individuals who might have covered up pedophile crimes or impeded police investigations.

Police will now seek an extradition warrant from Thai authorities, which have in the past year taken a strong stance against foreigners accused of child sex crimes.

--Agencies 2004-06-27

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Dr. Pat: It is getting better, it would seem, this being an example.

The Bangkok Post had an article the other day about a U.S. pedophile, extradicted from Cambodia to the U.S., pursuant to a relatively new "long arm" statute permitting the U.S. to convict pedophiles guilty of those crimes abroad.

Hopefully, the new law will meet consitutional tests, as the law is clearly extraterritorial. If there is a legal basis for requiring U.S. citizens to obey the law of the U.S. wherever in the world they are, then, as Martha Stewart would say, "it is a good thing".

On the other hand, since within the U.S., the age of consent varies from state to state, a violation of a federal statute would be required. The new law, upon which the conviction was based, was enacted to prevent international human trafficking, and may be federal, I just don't know.

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Dr. Pat: It is getting better, it would seem, this being an example.

The Bangkok Post had an article the other day about a U.S. pedophile, extradicted from Cambodia to the U.S., pursuant to a relatively new "long arm" statute permitting the U.S. to convict pedophiles guilty of those crimes abroad.

Hopefully, the new law will meet consitutional tests, as the law is clearly extraterritorial. If there is a legal basis for requiring U.S. citizens to obey the law of the U.S. wherever in the world they are, then, as Martha Stewart would say, "it is a good thing".

On the other hand, since within the U.S., the age of consent varies from state to state, a violation of a federal statute would be required. The new law, upon which the conviction was based, was enacted to prevent international human trafficking, and may be federal, I just don't know.

It is going to be a minefield to legally manoeuvre in another jurisdiction; varying age of consent laws are only one consideration. The prosecution is going to have to present compelling evidence to a Court at home to come even close to getting a conviction.

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The Aussie law has been in place for a few years already as far as I know. Good to see that even the US which is full of god botherers is following suit. Who knows how many of these kiddy fiddlers are from the US and who knows how many stories might come out of US religious institutions.

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Sex accused teacher leaves home

Has fled to London ...

AN accused pedophile teacher has left his Bangkok home, frustrating South Australian police plans to extradite the Anglican priest for alleged child sex abuse in Adelaide in 1992.

The 48-year-old teacher flew from Bangkok to London last Wednesday morning, The Australian has learned, two days before the anti-pedophile taskforce issued a warrant for his arrest on eight counts of sex abuse against a teenage boy.

His ticket included a return leg to Bangkok tentatively booked for May 2005 and his Thai partner remains in their Bangkok home.

The teacher has known for four weeks that South Australian police were preparing charges against him of sex abuse allegedly committed at an exclusive Adelaide boys school in 1992. When asked this month to respond to calls for his extradition, the teacher said they were "a bit of a bombshell".

The police pedophile taskforce 10 days ago rounded up nine other pedophile suspects with links to the Anglican Church in South Australia and other organisations and did not file an arrest warrant against the teacher until it gathered more evidence. Police did not confirm the man's Bangkok address until last week.

The taskforce may ask British police to extradite him to Australia.

The teacher, who is British, has not worked in England since before his Adelaide post from 1991 to 1992, according to his curriculum vitae.

He left the Adelaide school abruptly in June 1992 after a student complained about an alleged sexual incident, and according to an independent Anglican inquiry left Australia the next day, travelling to Indonesia and then to Malaysia.

His career has been marked by short stints in teaching positions around the world, largely at Anglican schools. He lost his job at an international school in Bangkok in April after the principal learned of the allegations against him.

--The Australian 2004-06-28

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:D Sorry, ducks gonna spit them out. Only pigs have the stomach. :D Poor pigs have to put up with food made of child groppers lower in status then the scum under the ream of my toilet bowl, less developed than amoeba and less brain in that head than a cockroach. Must be bad for the pigs, or the ducks if so decided. :o
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I guess what i will say will not be popular . But the article did say " accused " , this does not mean guilty. The fact he did a runner the day after he was sacked does not look good.

I always find it funny how a newspaper or tv program manages to track these guys down . Shows how good are federal boys in blue are. Call me cynical , but it sells newspapers for them, morality comes a distant second.

I will wait for the court verdict before stringing somone up on the nearest tree

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The Australian has learned, two days before the anti-pedophile taskforce issued a warrant for his arrest on eight counts of sex abuse against a teenage boy.

Strange... I remember another recent case where our "legless "friend :o " " had also learned about a warrant before his arrest. Is it so hard to just show up with awarrant on their doorstep without warning???

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Penzman, that is what I call attention to detail!

So why don't our friend go back and face the charges if he is innocent? An educated person made an educated guess about his chances of conviction based on his level of guilt.

Protect the innocent...... protect the children as well.

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If you were going to do a runner, why England, it would be too easy to get extradited from there. But on the funny side those filthy "Rock-Spiders" are equally reviled in england.

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