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Hoarders of gasoline and food in typhoon-hit areas warned


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NO HOARDING. Senator Christopher Lawrence Go on Monday (December 20, 2021) warns individuals against hoarding gasoline and food in Typhoon Odette-stricken areas. He also called on presidential aspirants to set aside politics and help typhoon victims. (PNA photos by Che Palicte)


DAVAO CITY – Senator Christopher Lawrence Go on Monday warned individuals against hoarding the supply of gasoline and food in Typhoon Odette-stricken areas.


“Do not take advantage of the situation. Our fellow Filipinos are badly needing our help. They took a long queue just to buy gasoline and food,” he said.


“This is the time that we need to help each other and help our 'kababayan' get back on their feet,” Go added.


The senator also added that he had already spoken to Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi for the restoration of the power in typhoon-hit areas.


He also said that President Rodrigo Duterte will continue to visit areas affected by the typhoon and assured them that help will be given to the affected residents.


Go added, "President Duterte is doing everything to address the problem aiming everything will return to normalcy."


“We went to Siargao, Dinagat Island, Surigao, Southern Leyte in Maasin. Yesterday we went to Cebu Province, Inabanga in Bohol, and today we will go to Cabangcalan in Negros Oriental,” he said.


PHP2 billion from the calamity fund


Go bared that the national government has allotted PHP2 billion from the calamity fund and another PHP2 billion to be downloaded to the local government units for them to respond to the basic needs like water and food.


He also appealed to the presidential aspirants to help the victims of the typhoon and set aside politics during these times.


“No politics for now. Let us all help our fellow Filipinos get back on their feet. We are still in crisis due to the pandemic and here comes the problem with the typhoon,” Go added. (PNA)


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On Cebu the filling stations that remain open have long lines and limit sales to P100 for motorcycle and P300 for cars from reports today on YouTube.  Extreme shortage as roads start to open for travel and people need to do so to find water and food.  Electric totally out from reports and may be weeks to restore and generator fuel needed for those that have.  Have not seen any reports from Bihol but expect they are in same shape.   

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